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  • Welcome to the mighty United States Capitol. The Capitol is the home to both the House

  • of Representative and the US Senate, making it one of the worlds most influential and

  • powerful places. The magnificent building ahead of you is meant to reflect this status,

  • which many people think it does from its commanding location on top of Capitol Hill.

  • The history if the US Capitol dates back to late 18th century, when George Washington

  • signed the Residence act of 1790, which made Washington DC the capitol of the United States.

  • Pierre Charles L'Enfant was made responsible for creating a city plan for the new capital.

  • L'Enfant chose to locate the Congress House on the crest of the hill today known as Capitol

  • Hill, a hill he described as "a pedestal waiting for a monument". Thomas Jefferson insisted

  • that the building would be called the "Capitol" instead of the "Congress House". This due

  • to the fact that the word Capitol is a Latin word which actually means "city on a hill".

  • Jefferson had his will done, which is why the building today is known as the United

  • States Capitol. The construction of the Capitol began in 1793,

  • when President George Washington laid the foundation stone. The senate wing stood completed

  • in 1800, while the House wing was completed eleven years later. By this time, the completed

  • Capitol was only a small part of today's building. The building was lacking its dome and it was

  • not flanked by the outer buildings you can see connected to it today. The completed building

  • didn't last long, as the Capitol was set on fire shortly after its completion during the

  • War of 1812 against the British. The reparation work however went smoothly which brought the

  • building back to its former glory. The reparation work was followed by several expansions of

  • the building in the mid 19th century. These expansions include the massive "wedding cake"-like

  • dome, which shapes the Capitol and has become the trademark of the building we know today.

  • The architectural planning was a joint effort of several architects. The initial design

  • was done by amateur architect William Thornton who designed it in typical neoclassical style.

  • Thornton was inspired by the Louvre in Paris and the ancient Pantheon. The inspiration

  • from the latter is obvious when looking at the eastern façade with its temple like entrance.

  • The main dome was inspired by several European churches, including the great dome of St.

  • Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and the St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

  • If you look at the top of the dome, you will see that it is crowned by a large bronze statue.

  • This state is known as the "Statue of Freedom". The statue depicts a female whose right hand

  • holds a sheathed sword and in the other a laurel wreath of victory and the shield of

  • the United States. She stands on an iron globe encircled with one of the national mottoes;

  • "E pluribus unum" which is Latin for "Out of many - one".

  • While the outside of the Capitol is magnificent, the same is very much true for its inside.

  • The inside holds several famous paintings depicting major events in the discovery of

  • America and the foundation of the United States. The inside also holds the National Statuary

  • Hall Collection, a collection consisting of statues donated by each state of the union.

  • Each state has donated two statues picturing notable persons in their history. Together

  • they form an impressive gathering of some of the most important people in the history

  • of the states. As of December 2008, the Capitol also has

  • a visitor center with an underground entrance on the east side of the Capitol. The main

  • function of the visitor center is to serve as a more orderly entrance for visitors to

  • the Capitol. The Capitol Visitor Center provides however much more than just an entrance. Inside

  • you can find a visitors theater, rooms for exhibits and dining and restroom facilities.

  • You can also find a plaster cast of the Statue of Freedom down in the underground center,

  • next to the stairs leading up to the Capital itself. The total cost for building the underground,

  • 3-level, 54.000 m2 Capitol Visitor Center was a stunning $621 million.

  • The Capitol, and the surrounding Capitol Hill, is often host for political demonstrations

  • and other major events, including presidential inaugurations held every four years. The building

  • was ranked as number six in a survey conducted in 2007, with the objective of ranking America's

  • Favorite Architecture. The list was dominated by the many monuments and memorials you can

  • find here on the National Mall area in Washington DC, an area truly dedicated to the United

  • States of America and its history. Many say that the Capitol, being the east-most part

  • of the mall, is the perfect crown jewel of this magnificent area.

Welcome to the mighty United States Capitol. The Capitol is the home to both the House


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    alex 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日