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  • In October 2016, the United States launched a volley of missiles at Houthi rebels in Yemen

  • after an attack on an American warship in international waters.

  • The U.S. claims that this incident is isolated, and that it does not have any direct military

  • involvement in the Yemen’s Civil War.

  • However, many say that not only is the US involved, but it has picked a side in what

  • is being called a proxy war.

  • So, what exactly is the U.S. doing in Yemen?

  • Well, in a nutshell, Yemen is split between two groups.

  • On one side are the Houthis[Hoo-Thees], an anti-government rebel group aligned with the

  • Shiabranch of Islam.

  • They oppose the active government which was established without opposition after the 2011

  • Arab Spring.

  • This ultra-conservative group is backed by Iran, which also aligns with the Shia faith,

  • and would see greater power in the Middle East if it was able to directly or indirectly

  • control Yemen.

  • On the other side is the Hadi government, which has struggled to maintain power since

  • the Houthis enacted a coup d’etat in 2015.

  • The Hadi government aligns with the Sunni faith, and for many of the same reasons, Saudi

  • Arabia, as well as several allied Gulf States, support them.

  • In short, Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting a proxy war on the basis of power in the region

  • and religious affiliation.

  • The United States is far from neutral in the conflict.

  • With Saudi Arabia as a major, although questionable, ally, the US has provided significant support

  • to the Hadi government and Saudi military, since early in the conflict, in the form of

  • weapons supplies, financial aid, and logistics.

  • The US has performed its own airstrikes against al-Qaeda operatives in the country, as well

  • as flown unmanned drones for surveillance and to stake out airstrike targets on behalf

  • of Saudi Arabia.

  • Saudi airstrikes have hit hospitals, markets, and residential neighborhoods, with more than

  • 10,000 casualties from the war just within the past two years.

  • Doctors Without Borders has even been forced to withdraw from some Yemeni hospitals.

  • Despite the fact that the US government claims to only be providing enabling support to Saudi

  • Arabia, many do not see a distinction between being a direct combatant, or providing military

  • support to direct combatants.

  • One of the most pressing issues is that this is far from the first time the U.S. has unilaterally

  • entered conflicts without actually declaring war.

  • In Libya, Syria, and in recent years, Iraq, a similar bolstering of friendly forces has

  • led to extended military operations by the US.

  • And these actions are taken without any input from either American citizens, or Congress,

  • which is solely vested with the responsibility to declare war, according to the constitution.

  • This sort of loophole participation, where war is not declared, but military action is

  • taken, has largely changed the way the US has become involved in conflict around the

  • world.

  • In Yemen, and other countries, America is increasing its engagement, but without many

  • of the responsibilities or any accountability necessary to wage war humanely.

  • Yemen’s Civil War has divided the Middle East with Saudi Arabia and Iran both holding

  • a stake in the outcome.

  • To find out more about how the conflict turned into a proxy war, check out our video here.

  • Thanks for watching Seeker Daily

In October 2016, the United States launched a volley of missiles at Houthi rebels in Yemen


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B1 中級

美國在葉門內戰中做了什麼? (What Is The U.S. Doing In Yemen’s Civil War?)

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    BH 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日