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  • We gonna talk about side slipping, it's a very useful exercise

  • basically you have to check your position at the start

  • make sure the body is centered & forward

  • with the weight distributed on both skis

  • slightly a bit more on the downhill ski

  • move forward to get a little bit of momentum on your edges

  • and then flatten your skis and let them slide sideways nicely

  • then slide again and grip again

  • make sure you're using knees and hips at the same time

  • you have to make sure that the body is well centered on the skis to be able to do a proper sid slipping

  • don't start with the knees close togheter, otherwise you'll be catching the uphill ski edge

  • and to stop you just go back onto the edges with this movement of knees and hips into the hill.

  • I hope this will help, see you next time!

We gonna talk about side slipping, it's a very useful exercise


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法寶滑雪課滑雪技巧側滑和如何做。法寶級滑雪 (Fabulous Ski Lesson Skiing Tips Side Slipping and how to do it. Fabulouski)

  • 67 7
    alex 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日