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  • Hello guys

  • and welcome to my channel.

  • Something amazing happened last week.

  • One of our students who took classes with Jonathan,

  • who is our teacher who prepares

  • people for TOEFL

  • and helps them learn English

  • This student scored

  • 119 out of 120 on TOEFL

  • I'm gonna call her now

  • she's based in Italy

  • and I'm gonna ask her

  • everything about her TOEFL experience

  • tips and tricks

  • and I'll ask her some advice to you guys.

  • If you're interested, please continue watching.

  • Could you tell a litle how you prepared

  • or what was your level of English

  • before you decided to take TOEFL.

  • I studied foreign languages and literature

  • at the university.

  • English was my first language of studying

  • I graduated in American literature.

  • I hope my level was fine

  • before preparing for the TOEFL

  • I was not sure however.

  • It's very specific,

  • I had to go through all parts

  • how to carry out the task.

  • It is an important thing.

  • It can be your mother tongue

  • It is not easy to understand

  • the phrases.

  • I know that a couple of teachers

  • like native speakers

  • took TOEFL

  • and ended it scoring 115

  • because there are a lot of tricks you should know.

  • How long overall

  • did it take to prepare for TOEFL?

  • 2 months

  • I was working in the main time

  • I could not prepare like

  • 24 hours per day

  • But I did every day.

  • Just to understand the tasks

  • and practice during the last three months

  • I just practiced.

  • Did you download practice tests?

  • I downloaded something

  • I found something online.

  • Cracking the TOEFL

  • after watching your video.

  • And I and Jonathan had

  • a session

  • What did you do during the session?

  • I wanted to focus on the speaking part

  • because at the university

  • we usually write a lot

  • I was quite sure about the writing part

  • especially for the essay.

  • Because that's what we do at the university

  • But I was not sure about the speaking part.

  • I wanted to prepare more for speaking

  • and he gave me some tips

  • and some hints.

  • especially not to panic

  • That's so important.

  • What about writing? Did you have anyone to check it?

  • Jonathan checked two essays

  • and a task

  • and he said I was on the right track.

  • I was doing just fine.

  • I was quite happy with that.

  • No problem with that.

  • I know how to use the connectors.

  • That's very important.

  • You just have to learn to insert them

  • in every sentence.

  • That's typical for TOEFL.

  • How much did you score in every section?

  • 30 in Reading

  • 29 in Listening

  • It's strange because I thought

  • it was the best section

  • It is always like that

  • I thought writing my best part, scored 27.

  • And then

  • 30 in Speaking.

  • That's amazing

  • It's amazing that you scored 30 on writing

  • I think it's really difficult.

  • You never know what TOEFL exam makers

  • want you to write.

  • and how they're going to access it.

  • Depends on who's checking your essay.

  • I guess so but

  • I was afraid because

  • I didn't have time

  • to check and to reread

  • the essay because

  • I wrote like 600 words.

  • I was like writing, writing

  • I didn't check.

  • That's one of the tricks.

  • Exceeding the word limits

  • Exactly

  • Jonathan and I

  • we had a competition

  • about typing

  • and the speed of typing

  • I was faster than he

  • And it wasn't my mother tongue.

  • That's amazing.

  • Congrats.

  • Great score.

  • Have you used the tip when you start speaking later?

  • So you could hear first questions

  • I guess I entered

  • in the middle of other part

  • When I was doing the listening,

  • there were some people

  • who were doing the speaking part.

  • That was a bit disturbing.

  • But then I heard something.

  • Also the testors

  • they told us

  • please have your break but

  • come into the room before the break stops.

  • I entered like

  • 20 minutes before

  • the end of my break

  • I could hear others speaking.

  • I could hear something about space

  • and okay, maybe it is somethig about the universe

  • Great

  • Everybody's using that tip.

  • It's really helpful.

  • Can you name like

  • 3 resources that you used

  • a session with Jonathan

  • to have feedback on your speaking

  • Cracking TOEFL

  • and what else did you use?

  • like where did you find practice tests?

  • Did you downloaded books?

  • I downloaded lots of books

  • then I found the book, maybe it's not in the top

  • 5 books for TOEFL

  • but it was useful because there are some resources

  • online

  • and it's the guide

  • Complete guide to the TOEFL test

  • by Bruce Rogers

  • You can find all the CDs online

  • and that's really useful.

  • You don't want to spend a lot of money

  • on books.

  • You just download the books

  • and everything is online

  • that's really useful.

  • You don't need to wait for somebody to ship the book

  • If you want just to practice

  • more you can download or buy the official guide

  • it's fine

  • but the more you have,

  • the better.

  • That's true

  • What are you going to use your TOEFL for?

  • Are you going into a foreign university?

  • I'd like to apply for phD

  • courses in Canada,

  • in the USA or in the UK.

  • I thought TOEFL was the best option

  • for all those three.

  • Fingers crossed with your PhD

  • When is your application round? November?

  • December or January

  • I'm writing a project now.

  • Now that I've done this one.

  • Maybe I have to take another exam.

  • GRE

  • for the US

  • That's a more complicated one.

  • I passed GMAT

  • pretty much the same

  • a little more complicated

  • They just want me to score well

  • in the rhetoric part

  • not in maths

  • That's a relief

  • Cool

  • Maybe you can give some advice to people

  • who're watching my channel

  • and praying to score the same score you have

  • First of all I was really nervous

  • at the beginning so

  • for the reading part

  • it is normal to be a bit anxious

  • I don't know how I scored 30 out of 30

  • in the reading part

  • because I was really anxious

  • at the beginning and

  • everyone was coming

  • Just keep focuced on

  • what you're reading

  • even though it could be really difficult

  • because I noticed that the first

  • article was

  • quite easy

  • a lot about art and cinema

  • but the second one was

  • a mess and the third was complicated.

  • Focus on what you're doing

  • and don't think about the reading passage

  • when you go to the listening

  • Keep focused on what you're doing.

  • This is the first tip that I can

  • give them

  • Prepare as much as possible

  • continue to write

  • and write down all the words

  • that you don't know

  • that you'd like to use in you

  • essay

  • For example, I studied

  • some idiomatic expressions

  • that I didn't know

  • or that I'd like to use in my essay.

  • And learn them by heart.

  • And also some

  • During the speaking part

  • In think in the second part

  • In the second task

  • I used some old sayings

  • or idiomatic expessions

  • I think it was useful

  • for example, I don't know

  • to kill two birds with one stone

  • something like that.

  • It could be impressive also

  • as an ending for an essay.

  • Very useful tip

  • I didn't use it

  • I have a blog

  • in English

  • So I usually write on my blog

  • just to keep practice in writing.

  • So maybe you can start

  • just by writing something

  • his own thoughts,

  • his own ideas.

  • Something like that.

  • We can actually leave a link to your blog

  • Maybe you could write about your TOEFL experience

  • on your blog

  • Oh yeah

  • People will also read it.

  • Cool, thank you so much

  • You have the best results so far

  • Congrats

  • That's amazing.

  • All the best for your GRE

  • I hope you get into phD program.

  • The United States, Canada, the UK

  • I hope so

  • The scholarship maybe

  • In the States

  • PhD is 99% funded.

  • That should be fine.

  • I'm not sure about Canada.

  • Probably

  • At least it's better than in Italy

  • I think the most important thing

  • about TOEFL is that

  • it gives you the possibility of

  • going abroad.

  • And doing whatever you want.

  • Now I'm more confident.

  • I'm not usually as confident

  • as I should

  • But now that I've passed

  • with great results

  • I'm more confident.

  • My advice is just give it

  • take the exam

  • and see what happens

  • because it's really for your future.

  • Now you have like an official proof

  • that you're a great English speaker

  • You can do that.

  • Thank you so much

  • because I found your youtube channel

  • by chance

  • like just typing TOEFL

  • like in suggestions

  • and it was really useful

  • especially for my own character.

  • I need some "you can do that".

  • And it's what Jonathan said.

  • Thank you so much

  • I'm glad we could help

  • Keep me posted.

  • if you have any updates

  • please feel free to write an email,

  • say "hey, I got into this program".

  • That would be great.

  • Thank you so much

Hello guys


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A2 初級 美國腔

託福:如何取得119分(120分)的成績? (TOEFL: how to score 119 out of 120)

  • 305 21
    秋梅 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日