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  • Look, Evie. Elmo's on the go letters. You want to open it? Open. Let's see. Looks like

  • letters. Got letters? Letters. Letters. What letter is that? A. Where does the A go? Good

  • job. What letter is that. B! What letter is that?C! Good job, where's the C go? Good job.

  • A. What letter is that? D. Good job. A D right there. What's next? E. What letter is that?

  • E. Good job. Where does the E go? Good job. What letter is next? What letter is that?

  • F. Good job where does the F go? What letter is that? G. Good job. Where does the G go?

  • Good job. What letter is that? H. Good job. Where does the H go? What letter is that?

  • I. Here you go. Where does the I go? Good job. J. What letter is that? J! Where does

  • the J go? What letter is that? K. Good job. What letter is that? Good job. Where does

  • the L go? L is... What letter is that? M. Good job. Where does the M go? What letter

  • is that? M. N. N. Good job. Where does the N go? N go. What letter is this? O. Good job.

  • Where does the O go? What letter is that? P. Good job. Where does it go? Alright! Need

  • help? Here's a tricky one. What letter is this? K. What letter is that? Q. Q good job.

  • Where does the Q go? Good job. Need help. What letter is that? R. Good job. Where does

  • the R go? Need help, daddy. Need help? There you go. What letter is that? S. Good job.

  • Where does the S go? Help with, daddy. What letter is that? T. T, good job! Where does

  • it go? Good job. What letter is that? U. Good job! Where does the U go? There you go. What

  • letter is that? What letter is that? V. V. Good job. Alright. What letter is that? W!

  • W! Good job. Where the W go? Yea, where does it go? What letter is that? X. Good job. Where

  • does the X go? Help with, daddy. What letter is that? Y. Good job. Where does the Y go?

  • Alright. Last one. Z. Good job. Where does the Z go? Where does it go? Daddy's turn.

  • Daddy's turn to do it? Okay. I think it goes right there. A. B. C. What letter is that?

  • D. E. What letter is that? F. Good job. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Good job. What is that?

  • N. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Good job. X. Y. And... Z. Good job.

Look, Evie. Elmo's on the go letters. You want to open it? Open. Let's see. Looks like


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A1 初級

Genevieve用Elmo's on the Go字母玩具字母表教孩子們學習ABC! (Genevieve Helps Teach Kids their ABC's with Elmo's on the Go Letters Toy Alphabet!)

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    335459737 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日