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  • In this video, I’m going to give you an introduction to musical intervals.

  • A musical interval is just a unit of measurement between two pitches,

  • and we can use numbers to show the relative distance between these pitches.

  • If were talking about something like a perfect fifth, which sounds like this,

  • I’m just going to show you with my hands.

  • Say this was here, then I want to do a third, it would be narrower, like this.

  • Then if I wanted to do a bigger number,

  • the distance between the pitches would get bigger too.

  • It’s just a unit of measurement and of course the keyboard works great

  • to think about intervals because you can see how far apart the piano keys are.

  • let’s say that we wanted to write an E, and we want to do a perfect fifth up from E.

  • This is really easy, because all you have to do is count through the alphabet.

  • Here’s the perfect fifth up, and were just going to count like this:

  • start with E, so there’s E, F, G, A, B.

  • That’s five, so well want to write a five.

  • So I’m just going to go like this: one, two, three, four, and there it is.

  • That’s a fifth, and this P I have in front of it is a little more information that helps

  • describe the sound to me, and well talk about that a little bit later.

  • So let’s try another interval, and then well see what they sound like.

  • Let’s go to treble clef this time, and were going to do a third.

  • Let’s do a third down from this. I’m just going to do three down.

  • Again, all you have to do is count, and there are two ways you can count.

  • You can count down like this: one, two, three, and you know the other note has to be here.

  • Or, you can count down in the alphabet, so G, F, E, so you know it has to be an E.

  • So it’s really just counting. And were going to do one more.

  • Let’s see, this one is going to be a seventh.

  • Were going to go from here, and this is going to be a seventh up.

  • So from C – again, you always start counting with the one that youre on right here

  • so C, D, E, F, G, A, B. That must be a seventh. Or you can count like this.

  • That’s how you notate those intervals, and were going to see what those sound like on the keyboard.

  • The first one was a fifth, and it was up from this E down here.

  • That’s a fifth, and the next one I had a third, which sounds like this.

  • And then I had a seventh. Like that.

  • You might notice these all sound a little bit different.

  • I’m going to go back to that first one I played where I had that P in front of it

  • and I said it was a perfect fifth.

  • The general category of these types of intervals that I’m playing right now

  • that general category is called perfect.

  • they have kind of bell like sounds, kind of clear, you might hear that a lot of the

  • orchestral strings are tuned in fifths when they tune their instruments.

  • And so the general category for fifths and fourths and octaves is called perfect.

  • Were going to go to the next category.

  • This is a third, and you can see it easily on the keyboard because one, two, three.

  • This is a sixth. It turns out that thirds and sixths are both in the same category too.

  • I’ll play a few more of those. These are all thirds.

  • And then here are a few sixths. Like that.

  • The general name for all these kinds of intervals is called consonant.

  • And there’s one more category, and it’s called dissonant.

  • We were looking at fourths and fifths and octaves as being perfect,

  • but there’s something called a tritone that's in between a fourth and a fifth that's considered dissonant.

  • If you want to write one of these intervals, cause they sound kind of neat, you can do two things.

  • You can either make a fifth and shrink it, or you can make a fourth and make it bigger.

  • This is a fourth, and what I’m going to do is use an accidental to make it a bit bigger.

  • I’m going to make it a half step bigger.

  • So I could do it a couple different ways.

  • I could put a sharp here, and that would work really well.

  • Or, I could go back over here and I could put a flat there.

  • Either way I have this interval. I could raise the top or lower the bottom.

  • And then I can do the same type of thing with a fifth.

  • I can make a fourth bigger or a fifth smaller to make a tritone. So well just do that.

  • So here’s a fifth, and I’m going to raise the bottom up to make it a little smaller.

  • Of course I could also do that. I’m going to play with what these sound like on the keyboard.

  • So here’s that fourth that I played, and that I notated.

  • And you can see that it’s very clear sounding, it’s perfect,

  • category of perfect intervals, but now I’m going to lower that G.

  • It changes the sound and now it’s dissonant. Or I could do it the other way.

  • Raise the C. Very dissonant.

  • I’m going to do the same thing with that perfect fifth.

  • Here’s that fifth, very clear, very bell like.

  • But if I raise the bottom of it, all of a sudden, it’s dissonant.

  • Same thing by lowering the top.

  • And that’s all the lesson for now.

In this video, I’m going to give you an introduction to musical intervals.


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A2 初級

音樂101:音程介紹 (Music 101: Introduction to Intervals)

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    songwen8778 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日