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  • [Narrator]: Many witnessed these unforgettable events in real time thanks to the magic of broadcasting.

  • [Reporter]: How do you measure such an astonishing moment in history?

  • [Narrator]: Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 craziest events caught on live TV.

  • Number 10

  • The Manila Hostage Crisis

  • The ten-hour standoff between ex-police officer Rolando Mendoza and philipino officials

  • wasn't only witnessed by millions in real time on TV but also on the internet.

  • Angry at being fired from his job, Mendoza hijacked a tour bus in Manila.

  • After he watched his brother's arrest via the bus's TV set, Mendoza continued shooting hostages inside the bus.

  • He eventually exchanged gunfire with the police and was shot dead.

  • Number 9

  • The world Series Earthquake

  • [Announcer]: It's one of the most spectacular vistas on this continent, any continent!

  • [Narrator]: This tremor struck San Francisco bay for 10 to 15 seconds and was caught live on TV because of the ongoing World Series.

  • [Announcer]: So the Oakland A's take... take...

  • [Crew]: ...we have an earth...

  • [Narrator]: The MLB's Oakland Athletics and San Francisco Giants were warming up for their third game when the quake hit

  • and had announcers scrambling for an explanation.

  • [Announcer]: Well, folks, that's the greatest open in the history of television, bar none.

  • [Narrator]: Measuring 6.9 on the Richter Scale, the Loma Prieta earthquake caused over 60 deaths and thousands of injuries.

  • Number 8

  • Lee Harvey Oswald's Murder

  • The aftermath of JFK's assassination ushered in the age of TV news by giving people instant access to unfolding developments through moving pictures.

  • But the actual assassination wasn't captured or broadcast in real time.

  • However, the shooting of his alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was.

  • While covering Oswald's move to jail, a network TV camera shocked millions by giving them a view of the fatal shots,

  • delivered by Dallas nightclub owner, Jack Ruby.

  • [Reporter]: He's been shot. Lee Oswald has been shot.

  • Number 7

  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • [Narrator]: It took almost 30 years for the barrier dividing West Berlin from East Berlin to finally be torn down.

  • Following protests and growing crowds of East German refugees making their way to the West,

  • the authorities were forced to open the gates.

  • [Reporter]: The East German government said tonight they were going to make more openings in the wall,

  • at least a dozen more. Put bulldozers right through the wall.

  • [Narrator]: For the next few weeks, TV audiences worldwide watched as the Germans came together to demolish the wall,

  • and communism in Germany as well.

  • [Eyewitness]: If there is someone who sleeps for eight weeks, and you told him what happened here, he thinks you're crazy.

  • Number 6

  • The Waco Siege

  • [Reporter]: Well, as you can see, the parts of the building have collapsed, the fire has indeed engulfed the vast majority of this compound...

  • [Narrator]: After the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms unsuccessfully attempted to search

  • the Branch Davidian Christian sect's ranch for illegal weapons, the raid escalated into a fatal shootout.

  • What TV audiences saw next, was an intense and violent 51-day siege involving the FBI.

  • The real-time broadcast wasn't only notable for the coverage of the gunshots, tear gas, and the fire,

  • but also for partly inspiring the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings.

  • Number 5

  • Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

  • [Reporter]: And lift-off! Lift-off of the 25th Space Shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower.

  • [Narrator]: With teacher Christa McAuliffe on board and hundreds of school children watching in real time, the Challenger launch was to be the first of its kind.

  • Though CNN transmitted the sole live broadcast, news of the disaster spread like wildfire through other networks.

  • [Nesbitt]: Flight controllers here are looking very carefully at the situation. Obviously a major malfunction.

  • [Narrator]: Because the media focused on the story's human element and tragic moments for dramatic effect,

  • it became a hot topic for several weeks and changed future news reporting.

  • [Reporter]: What appears to be a major catastrophe in America's space program,

  • Challenger, only seconds after leaving the launch pad, according to NASA has exploded in mid-air.

  • Number 4

  • The Tohuku Earthquake and Tsunami

  • [Narrator]: After the most powerful earthquake the country had ever seen struck an area near Tohoku,

  • a potent tsunami washed over Japan and killed thousands.

  • Japanese TV networks and CNN were there to capture this horrifying act of nature.

  • Though the continuous footage of the destruction caused by the deadly waters shocked the world,

  • the coverage also encouraged a massive worldwide relief response.

  • Number 3

  • The Munich Massacre

  • [Reporter]: And we're moving in now on the windows, behind which at this moment eight or nine terrified living human beings are being held prisoner.

  • [Narrator]: Since the initial attack on the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics by Black September

  • took place in the wee hours of the morning, the cameras weren't yet rolling.

  • But once morning came along, the media covered the response so well

  • that the Palestinian terrorists already knew when and how the German Border Police were preparing to attack them.

  • [Reporter]: It is 5 o'clock. This is the deadline. The storming that is going to happen could happen at any moment.

  • [Narrator]: Unfortunately, the Munich massacre resulted in the deaths of the hostages and several others.

  • [McKay]: They now said that there were 11 hostages, two were killed in their rooms, yesterday morning.

  • Nine were killed at the airport tonight. They're all gone.

  • Number 2

  • The Los Angels Riots

  • [Narrator]: Also called the South Central riots, this race riot was one of America's biggest and most deadly civil disturbances.

  • The LA population was so angry that the primarily white jury had acquitted the LAPD cops

  • caught brutally beating Rodney King that they participated in arson, assault and raiding for six days.

  • Local TV cameras caught it all and probably instigated the other riots that broke out in multiple American cities.

  • Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

  • [Bush]: Five months ago, Saddam Hussein started this cruel war against Kuwait.

  • Tonight, the battle has been joined.

  • Number 1

  • The September 11th attacks

  • [Narrator]: Moments after the World Trade Center was hit the first time, media outlets picked up live feeds that glued worldwide audiences to their TV sets.

  • [Reporter]: It does not appear that there's any kind of an effort up there yet, now remember... oh my God!

  • [Woman]: My God... my God!

  • [Reporter]: It looks like a second plane.

  • [Narrator]: So when another plane crashed into the south tower less than 20 minutes later, it was truly a moment no one will ever forget.

  • Coverage of the tragedy and its aftermath changed the way Western news were reported globally

  • and became the lengthiest continuous news event to be covered in American television.

  • [Giuliani]: The effort now has to be to save as many people as possible.

  • [Narrator]: If you didn't see something you thought should be here, be sure to check out our list of the Top 10 Televised Events.

  • [Cronkite]: President Kennedy died at 1pm Central Standard Time.

  • [Narrator]: With informative top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to

[Narrator]: Many witnessed these unforgettable events in real time thanks to the magic of broadcasting.


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電視直播中抓到的十大瘋狂事件 (Top 10 Craziest Events Caught Live on TV)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日