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  • Bazinga! Jim Parsons gives us yet another reason to be excited for the Olympics to finally

  • be over! The Emmy-winning Big Bang Theory star has booked his very first Saturday Night

  • Live hosting gig, scheduled for the March 1st return of NBC's late-night staple. Parsons,

  • who plays the hilariously socially-inept Sheldon Cooper on the CBS comedy, will be joined by

  • musical guest Beck, marking his seventh SNL appearance. Don't miss Saturday Night Live's

  • return on March 1st, and stick with us at Celebified for more of the latest TV news.

Bazinga! Jim Parsons gives us yet another reason to be excited for the Olympics to finally


B2 中高級 美國腔

大爆炸理論》的吉姆-帕森斯與音樂劇嘉賓貝克將於3月1日主持《週六夜現場》。 (The Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons & Musical Guest Beck to Host Saturday Night Live on March 1st)

  • 145 8
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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