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  • This is a story about a German girl named Liesel who travels by train with her mother

  • and brother to her new foster family in the small city of Molching, Germany just before

  • World War II. However, on the train, her younger brother dies. They bury the boy, but one of

  • the gravediggers leaves behind a book. Liesel picks it up and continues on her journey.

  • Liesel eventually makes it to Molching and the foster family, the Hubermann's. The husband,

  • Hans, is a soft-hearted painter who loves to play the accordion, while the wife, Rosa,

  • is a feisty woman who enjoys cussing.

  • Liesel is very nervous when she first enters their house and she consistently has nightmares

  • of her deceased brother. However, Hans stays with Liesel through the night and they begin

  • to form a special bond. After discovering her book about gravediggers, he begins teaching

  • her to read.

  • Liesel begins helping her mother with their laundry business and she collects and delivers

  • the laundry to the rich houses in the area. She becomes particularly interested in the

  • mayor's house because of the large library of books. The mayor's wife even lets Liesel

  • read in the library whenever she likes.

  • In her spare time, Liesel enjoys playing soccer with the other kids. Rudy, an athletic boy

  • who has a crush on Liesel, befriends her and they participate in mischief, like stealing.

  • But times begin to get harder for the Hubermann's as the country's internal conflict with the

  • Jews escalates into World War II. Hans is getting less work as a painter and Rosa's

  • laundry business is losing customers. Liesel is particularly hurt that the mayor's wife

  • cannot continue to be her mother's customer. To spite the mayor's wife, Liesel begins breaking

  • into the mayor's house and stealing books.

  • One day, the Hubermann's are visited by a stranger named Max, a Jewish boxer who is

  • escaping persecution. He also happens to be the son of a man who saved Hans' life during

  • World War I. The Hubermann's take Max in, hiding him in the basement. At first, Liesel

  • is afraid of Max, but they talk and become friends.

  • Life becomes stressful for the family as they continue to hide Max. During his time in the

  • basement, Max begins to dream and starts writing and illustrating on blank pages from Mein

  • Kampf. He shares this with Liesel and she loves them.

  • Max eventually leaves, fearing that he has endangered the family enough.

  • Soon, a trail of Jews, nearly dead, walks through the town. Hans offers a piece of bread

  • to one of the passing Jews and both get punished for it. Hans' punishment is enrollment in

  • the army, much to the outcry of his wife and Liesel.

  • Hans' job in the army is to work with the clean up crew. He does a good job clearing

  • away debris, but gets injured in a truck accident. He is sent home with a broken leg.

  • Liesel is happy to see Hans. As the sight of the Jews walking through town becomes more

  • and more common, she also starts scanning the crowd to see if she can see Max. Although

  • her efforts are initially unsuccessful, she does see him and they hug. However, she is

  • pushed aside and Max is whipped before continuing his walk.

  • The mayor's wife meets Liesel and tells her that she knows about the stealing from her

  • library. Instead of punishment, she gives Liesel a book with blank pages and tells her

  • to write a story. Liesel spends each night writing in the basement.

  • One night, as Liesel is writing in the basement, the town gets bombed and all of the people,

  • including the Hubermann's and Rudy, are killed. Liesel is the only survivor.

  • After discovering that her family and friends are killed, Liesel is stricken with grief.

  • In the end, Liesel is raised by the mayor and his wife and grows up to have a family

  • of her own.

  • First, this is a story about death. Death occurs throughout the story and ultimately

  • defines many of the characters. The opening death of Liesel's brother fixates in her mind

  • and dreams, often haunting her for weeks and months. Even the death of Max's father, Hans'

  • old war friend, has a great influence on Hans, as he learns the accordion and takes in Max,

  • a Jew, during a highly volatile time.

  • This story also discusses the power of words and language. Readers see the rise of Liesel

  • through just the simple act of reading. Initially, written words separated Liesel from the world,

  • but after she learns to read, she becomes a part of a bigger world.

  • From her reading comes her writing. And it's when she begins authoring her own life that

  • she finds her true power.

  • More than that, death is literally telling this story. The tone and voice, though contemporary,

  • is personable. The narrator is the personification of death - whether it be a grim reaper, angel

  • of death, or demon.

  • Readers are learning the story of Liesel and her family through an omnipotent narrator

  • who is both supernatural and spiritual. Through this insight of death by death, readers learn

  • that death is inevitable and that we are all on its schedule.

This is a story about a German girl named Liesel who travels by train with her mother


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B1 中級

馬庫斯-祖薩克的《偷書賊》(書摘與評論)--一分鐘讀書報告。 (The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Book Summary and Review) - Minute Book Report)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日