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  • Sort me barnet out


  • Quite an 80's vibe going on today


  • Hello everybody today

    嗨! 大家好

  • I am going to be hey


  • I am gonna be doing- stop barking.

    我要介紹...... 不要叫了

  • I'm gonna be doing a stationary haul


  • I did one of these last year


  • and it went down very well because


  • I was reassured by the fact


  • that I was not the only one who enjoyed


  • a good stationary haul.


  • Lots of you really liked it so


  • naturally as I had gone out and purchased some more stationary


  • as I have just re-done my office


  • Side note; if you would like to see an office

    順帶一提, 如果你想參觀我的辦公室

  • tour, it's not quite done yet, and


  • I would really like to do one anyway


  • but, if you want that, then be sure to let me know.


  • Thumbs up the video


  • and once all that's all completely finished, I will do that for you.

    一旦我佈置完了, 我會為你們做那個影片

  • Because I have redone my office, and I have a new desk

    因為我重新佈置了我的辦公室, 我有了一個新的辦公桌

  • and lots of new bits and pieces


  • I want - there's lots of dust flying around


  • I don't know if you can see it


  • but I surely can.


  • I needed to get some more little bits and pieces


  • just to put in my office


  • Some of it, I think is quite exciting


  • Some of it is kind of mundane and boring, but

    有一些不太稀奇, 有點無聊

  • I'm gonna show ya anyway.


  • First place I visited was Paperchase


  • which is the stationary shop of dreams.


  • There's just everything you could ever need in Paperchase.


  • So, first boring item out of the way


  • A box file!


  • I'm just gonna say this though, I look like I'm carrying some kind of boombox

    我要說一下.... 我看起來像是扛了一台音響

  • This doesn't play music


  • But I find these really useful


  • So you can have a section for... bank,


  • a section for pets,


  • or like Nala, like pet insurance,

    像是Nala, 像是寵物的保險

  • A section for house bills


  • Or you could even be like, electricity, water

    或是你可以分門別類, 電費帳單, 自來水帳單

  • This is so boring!


  • But so adult, like, I wish I learnt in school how to organise adult life admin.

    但這也是成人要做的事 真希望我在學校可以學到如何管理大人的事務

  • Because it's the worst thing to do.


  • But if you can make it slightly more bearable by pretty stationary


  • then I feel like you should.


  • I have a lot of paperwork, so I find these the most useful

    我有一堆文件, 所以我覺得這很實用

  • because it just keeps everything all in one place.


  • I can't do it up.


  • It has a little handle, so if you need to take it places then you can.

    它有一個小把手, 所以如果你要帶到其他地方也可以

  • I also bought some of these which is the same kind of design. It's like this really cute spotty design

    我還買了這些, 它們的樣式差不多, 都是可愛的點點

  • Like little teardrops


  • And I bought two of these, which are zippy ones

    我還買了兩個這個, 上面有拉鍊

  • I find these really useful for certain projects I'm working on

    我覺得它們很實用, 對一些我正在做的計畫來說

  • I always have notes and bits of paper flying left, right and centre.


  • So I find these really really handy


  • So I got two of those


  • I also got a popper one


  • And this is kind of like a mini version


  • So it has a couple of little sections in it


  • but also good for certain projects


  • and I always have lots of different projects going on,


  • Most of which I'm not allowed to share with you until closer to the time


  • Which I'm really sorry, it's so annoying, but trust me it's annoying for me too.

    我很抱歉我不能說, 聽起來真令人討厭, 但相信我,這對我來說也很煩

  • And I also got another plain popper one.


  • This one is really good for receipts.


  • So that you can give all your receipts to your accountant.

    如此一來, 你可以把你的收據都交給你的會計師

  • This is basically like my adult admin stuff


  • but if you can make it prettier, it makes it a little more interesting.


  • The next thing I got from paperchase.


  • were these, these are clips and pins.


  • They're all copper


  • Now I have a really big memo board


  • But it's metal, so it's basically like a metal grid I suppose

    它是金屬的, 它基本上是金屬網格的我想

  • and it came with some clips, but


  • It didn't have- oh my god, no way

    但它沒有......OMG, 不可能吧!

  • That is the cutest thing I've ever seen


  • They're in tiny mini jars


  • I did wonder why it was so heavy


  • Oh my god you guys

    天啊! 你看看

  • Okay, I've just fallen in love with them even more


  • So the clips are really good for that because you can pin photos, and

    話說回來, 這些夾子很方便, 你可以夾照片

  • *do you mind*


  • So these clips are really useful for my memo board

    這些夾子很實用, 可以用在我的記事板上

  • Copper paper clips, everyone needs paperclips in their office

    銅的迴紋針, 每個人的辦公室裡都需要迴紋針

  • And I don't know if I have a corkboard that I could use these drawing pins for,


  • But I should probably get one, because I feel like every office needs a corkboard too.

    但我應該要去買一個, 因為我覺得每個辦公室也都要放一個

  • So there we go, and they're in glass jars which just makes them even cuter and I didn't know that.

    差不多就是這樣 它們裝在玻璃瓶裡讓它們更可愛了, 我以前都不知道

  • So paperchase.


  • I picked these up and Alfie was like laughing at me saying you are never gonna use those

    我買了它們, 然後Alfie笑我說我一定不會用到它們

  • and he could be right, I don't want him to be right so

    他有可能是對的, 但我不希望他是

  • I might use them just to prove him wrong.


  • But they were so fricking cute, 36 colour pencils in technicolour.

    但它們真的是太.可.愛.了! 36色的彩色鉛筆

  • These are the tiniest pencils I have ever seen in my life


  • They look like they need to be used by fairies


  • and I think that's why I like them.


  • Look at these, they are tiny.

    看看它們! 它們好小

  • And I'm gonna make use of them, and their teenie tiny pencil sharpener.

    我會用它們的, 還有它們小小的削筆器

  • because they're just too cute.


  • I also picked up some thank you cards


  • I feel like thank you cards are really important, but I am one of these really annoying people who forgets to write thank you cards.

    我覺得感謝卡很重要, 但我是那種令人討厭, 忘記寫感謝卡的人

  • because in this day and age you can just post a comment

    因為這個時代, 你可以留個言

  • or do a tweet, or text them.

    或是推文 或傳簡訊給別人

  • But there's something really special about writing, and sending, and even receiving a thank you card

    但寫卡片和寄卡片 或甚至是收到感謝卡 都有一種很特別的魅力

  • so I bought a little pack of these for me and Alfie to keep, they are so cute

    所以我買了一小包給我自己和Alfie 它們好可愛

  • they're in the shape of a heart


  • but they're quite like geometric, and then on the envelope

    但它們有點幾何風格 還有在信封上

  • on the back there's also this really lovely pattern.


  • So thank you cards.


  • I also picked up these which are very thin, kind of sticky notes


  • to use on different projects, I feel like these would be super useful in school and uni.

    可以用在各種計劃上, 我覺得它們在學校和大學超級實用

  • So you don't lose your place in a book, and you can write certain notes

    如此一來, 你就不會忘記看到哪一頁, 還可以寫一些筆記在上面

  • and use different colours. I don't know.

    用各種不同顏色, 我不知道

  • I just think these are a great idea. It's kind of a way of keeping tabs on things you're doing too

    我只覺得它們很棒 這也是記錄你正在做的事情的一種方法

  • so yes, very useful.

    嗯! 很實用

  • Pretty colours.


  • Again Alfie was like, "you don't need these", and I was like "trust me I can't have an office without them"

    再一次的, Alfie覺得我不需要它們 而我告訴他"相信我, 我的辦公室裡必須要有它們"

  • I couldn't leave them, they were too cute

    我不能沒有它們, 它們太可愛了

  • I had to have them.


  • Tiny little rubbers, and I think in some other countries rubbers are known as something else

    小小的橡皮擦 我想在別的國家橡皮擦不叫rubbers

  • but over here we call rubbers, I guess they're erasers

    但在這裡我們叫它們rubbers 我猜別的地方叫它們erasers

  • but we call them rubbers.


  • So these are my three rubbers.


  • I have a portion of chips, a little biscuit, and a tiny little ice lolly.

    我有一個薯條的, 一個小的餅乾, 跟一個小小冰棒的 (它不好吃)

  • In paperchase they honestly have every single type of inanimate objects as a rubber.


  • So if you need some go and check them out.


  • I was trying to persuade Alfie to get a dinosaur one, I was like "you need one in your office."

    我試著說服Alfie買恐龍的橡皮擦, 我說"你的辦公室裡會需要一個"

  • He was like "no I don't", and I was like "you do, you should get this dinosaur one", because it was really cute.

    他說"不, 我不用" 我說"你需要, 你要買恐龍的橡皮擦因為它很可愛"

  • but it didn't fit in with my cute edible items vibe.


  • So I didn't go for the dinosaur


  • Post it notes, another thing I feel like you can never have too many of

    便利貼, 另一個我認為你永遠都不嫌多的東西

  • I have hair in my eyes


  • So I picked these up becasuse I really liked them


  • I thought they were really cute, this one says

    我覺得它們很可愛, 這個上面寫

  • Deal with this, and then it has the date and the time.

    "搞定他" 然後上面有日期和時間

  • And it also has tick boxes, so it says 'immediately, whenever, by the end of the day, for the last time,

    還有打勾的框框, 選項有"立刻" "無論何時" "今天之前" "最後一次"

  • within the week, or delegate'. And then in the little thing it says 'or you're fired'

    "這星期之前" 或 "委托給別人" 還有一小行字寫"不然你就被炒魷魚了"

  • Which I thought was mean and funny.


  • This one says 'thank you'.


  • 'To, from, much appreciated, forever indebted, shouldn't have, so helpful, made my day, my hero

    (選項有) "給(誰)" "(誰)給的" "非常感謝" "永遠感激的" "太客氣了" "幫了大忙" "讓我很開心" "我的英雄"

  • regarding' and then a little 'thank you very much.'

    "關於" 然後下面有小小的"非常感謝你"

  • And the last one says, 'please call me, finish, shut up, like me, go away, email me, immediately, soon, by the days end

    最後一個寫著"拜託" (選項有) "打給我" "完成" "閉嘴" "喜歡我" "走開" "寄電郵給我" "馬上" "盡快" "在今天之前"

  • always', and then two little tick boxes

    "永遠" 還有兩個選項

  • 'I shouldn't have to ask' and 'thank you'.

    "我不該請求的" 和 "謝謝"

  • A nice alternative to the standard post it notes.

    一個很棒 可以代替普通便利貼的選擇

  • But also with a little sprinkle of humour.


  • Moving on to anthropology now, they have some really lovely stationary

    接著下來是"Anthropology" 他們有一些非常可愛的文具

  • and if you are a stationary lover you should check it out, because I guarantee there is something in there

    如果你是文具愛好者, 你應該去店裡看看, 因為我保證你一定可以找到

  • that you are gonna want to buy, or that you're gonna have to restrain yourself from buying.

    你想要買的東西, 或是你必須阻止你自己買的東西

  • First thing I picked up was this, which is a to-do list


  • which I think it so pretty, but also useful.


  • I normally make to-do lists on an app that I have, or I'll write them in my notes

    我通常在手機上的App紀錄待辦事項, 或是我寫在我的筆記上

  • or I'll write them on random scraps of paper. But this just feels more organized and it looks really pretty

    或是寫在任何一張空白的紙上, 但這個比較有條理, 而且看起來很美

  • and it says 'great things are done by a series of small things, brought together' -Vincent Van Gough.

    上面寫"美好的事物是由一連串的小事組成的 一 梵谷"

  • This I think it a great way of setting yourself realistic things to get done in the day


  • and then you can tick them off as you go.


  • I feel like I'm one of those people who's always buying things to help my productivity, and to like


  • help me get more organised.


  • But I'm not sure they work entirely


  • But I like to try, and at least I have a great collection of things I can always fall back on if my organisational skills go completely out the window,

    但我想試試, 而且如果我的組織能力消失了, 我至少有一系列的東西能讓我依賴

  • So another thing I picked up anthropology


  • was this which I feel like is kind of like a post it note, but also not really,

    我覺得它有點像是便利貼, 但它不是

  • they're called love notes, and you can write 'to, date' and your little note.

    它叫做"love notes" 你可以寫上要給誰, 時間和你要留下的話

  • And just leave them around the house.


  • So I was like, that's so cute, and maybe it will encourage me to leave Alfie some really lovely little

    我覺得它很可愛, 它或許會激勵我留下一些可愛 浪漫的字條

  • romantic notes.


  • Or things like 'please empty the dishwasher', 'please pick up your pants off the floor'.

    或是一些事情像是"請將碗盤從洗碗機裡拿出來" "請把地上的褲子收好"

  • 'Please', actually to be fair he doesn't really do that

    "請..." 其實他不會這麼做

  • I know he would watch this video and go "I don't do that"

    我知道他會看這個影片, 然後說"我才不會這樣"

  • Okay, 'please stop stealing my socks' that's something he definitely does.

    好吧, "請不要再偷我的襪子了" 這是他一定會做的事

  • I guess this is some slight encouragement to be a bit more romantic


  • P.S Alfie if you see this lying around, feel free to use this also.

    P.S Alfie 如果你在家裡看到這個, 你也可以留字條給我

  • Got some more pencils, I'm just obsessed with pencils right now

    我買了更多的鉛筆~ 我現在好愛鉛筆

  • the only thing that makes me kind of sad about these, it that I have to sharpen them all myself.


  • I'll let it slide


  • These ones are super cute, they have names of foods that you would often eat together

    它們超可愛的 它們上面有你常常一起吃的食物的名字

  • or drinks and things. Let me just try and spin this one round.

    或是飲料之類的 讓我轉一下這支到正面

  • 'Bacon and eggs, ham and cheese, gin and tonic, bubble and squeak,

    "培根和蛋" "火腿和起士" "琴酒和通寧水" "炸馬鈴薯和洋白菜"

  • fish and chips, bangers and mash'

    "炸魚和薯片" "肉腸和土豆泥"

  • How cute are they.


  • And then I picked up these pens, which were also from anthropology

    我還買了這些筆, 也是在Anthropology買的

  • These are iconic 2 way deco pens in five colours, they're quite like rainbowey.

    它們是" iconic 2 way deco pens" 有五種顏色, 它們有點彩虹的感覺

  • These just looked really interesting, there's a highlighter end, and a more pointed, fine nip up one end.

    它們看起來很有趣 有一頭是螢光筆, 另一頭比較尖

  • and I like my felt tips, and pens, so I figured I would add some more to my ever growing collection that I don't need.

    我喜歡我的筆 所以我決定增加一些到我持續增長的但不會用到的蒐藏

  • This I guess this is kind of stationary, kind of more random

    我想這有點算是文具, 有點隨機

  • but this was in anthropology, these are called calm - 'cards for serenity'.

    來自Anthropology, 它們叫"calm - 'cards for serenity'"

  • I feel like this would be a nice thing to have in the office


  • just incase I was having a super stressful day


  • like maybe keep these on my desk, or maybe put them beside my bed.

    或許會放在我桌上 或放在我床邊

  • And they're just little cards to keep you calm I suppose


  • It says 'we're all mad, a standard question on any initial dinner date should simply be what particular ways are you crazy'.

    上面寫"我們都是瘋子, 剛開始晚餐約會時我們應該問對方的一個標準問題: 你在哪些特定的方面瘋了?"

  • Thats cute.


  • 'It isn't that we ever forget the value of calm, it's just that losing our composure is a constant risk'

    "我們從來沒有忘記冷靜的價值, 而是失去沉著是一個經常的風險

  • 'Everyday brings with it new temptations to lose our tempers

    每一天都為我們帶來新的誘惑, 引誘我們發脾氣

  • the behaviour of partners, colleagues, children and computers

    像是伴侶, 同事, 孩子和電腦的行為

  • fresh distractions, worries and fears arise which leave us feeling anxious and unsettled

    使我們分散注意力的事物, 擔憂和恐懼出現 使我們感到焦慮和不安

  • this small pack of playing cards is made up of a succession of eloquent and beautiful reminders


  • of just how we should approach our frustrations


  • it powerfully summons up our best and calmest selves

    它精確地在我們最需要的時候, 以強大的力量

  • at precisely the moments when we need them most'.

    激勵出我們最好的 平靜的一面"

  • So if I was having a day where I was getting super


  • annoyed I could whip one out and just read it and hopefully it will kind of calm my mood.

    我可以快速拿出一張, 讀它, 然後希望它能使我冷靜下來

  • I guess also you could just slip these into-, maybe put them on someones desk


  • or leave it on someones pillow. I don't know. I jus-

    或是放在某人的枕頭上 我不知道

  • -st


  • You know me and my need and want for things, I don't actually need or want.


  • This last thing was also from anthropology

    但這是在藍水購物中心Anthropology店裡 兩位很棒的經理送給我的禮物

  • but this was a gift from two lovely managers in the bluewater anthropology store

    他們人很好, 我和他們聊天, 然後他們送我一個小袋子

  • they were so so sweet, and I got chatting to them, and they gave me a little bag


  • with lots of little goodies in

    在我的家飾拖拉影片中, 你們有些人可能已經看過了

  • in my homeware haul, which you may have already seen

    我敘述了當時的情況, 因為袋子裡的禮物有些是家飾用品

  • I talked a little bit more about that because there was some home bits in there as well.


  • But, how cute is this?

    上面寫"想法和理論", 而且旁邊有一圈拉鍊

  • It says 'thoughts and theories', it zips all the way around


  • which I find so interesting

    它事實上是一本空白的書, 沒有線, 什麼都沒有

  • and it's actually a book with no lines, or anything in it

    是全白的, 我想我應該沒有這類的東西

  • so it's a plain book, which actually I don't think I have any of


  • I always buy lined books

    我真的很喜歡它, 我愛它的顏色

  • So yeah, I really really like that, I love the colour of it


  • it's a gorgeous like mint green.

    謝謝你們, 他們人真好

  • But yeah, thank you so much, that was so sweet of them.

    它是一個很可愛的禮物, 我等不及要把它放在我的辦公室

  • What a lovely gift, and I'm super excited to put this in my office.

    love it~ 以上是全部放在我大袋子裡要和你們分享的東西

  • That is everything out of my huge bag that I wanted to share with you

    希望你喜歡這個影片 給它一個讚!

  • I really hope you enjoyed this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up if you did!

    順帶一提, 這件套頭衫真可愛, 上面有一隻貓

  • by the way, how cute is this jumper - it has a cat on it.

    謝謝你看我的影片, 希望你們有美好的一周

  • Thank you so much for watching, I hope you guys are having an amazing week

    我愛你們, 我們很快又會再見面

  • I love you very much, and I will see you again very soon.


  • Bye!

  • To have anywhere - blah - *make English*

Sort me barnet out



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