字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Is there a border we will never cross? 會不會某個疆界是我們永遠無法跨越的? Are there places we will never reach, no matter how hard we try? 會不會有個我們用盡全力都到不了的地方? Turns out there are. 沒錯....是有的 Even with science fiction technology, we are trapped in our pocket of the Universe. 就算借助科幻小說的科技,我們仍會困在這片宇宙的"口袋"中 How can that be? And, how far can we go? 為什麼會這樣? 那麼我們可以走多遠? We live in a quiet arm of the Milky Way; A spiral galaxy of average size, 我們位於銀河系,這普通大小的螺旋星系其中一條旋臂上 – about 100,000 light years across – 它的直徑大概是十萬光年 consisting of billions of stars, gas clouds, dark matter, black holes, neutron stars, 由數以億計的恆星、星雲、暗物質、黑洞、中子星 and planets, with a supermassive black hole in the galactic centre. 和各種行星,以及中心的超質量黑洞所組成 >From afar, our galaxy seems dense, but in reality, it consists, mostly, of empty space. 自遠處看銀河是緊密的,但實際上銀河系大部分是空無一物的 With our current technology, sending a human to the closest star, would take thousands of years. 以目前的科技,送人類到最近的恆星需要耗費幾十萬年 So, our galaxy is pretty big. 由此可知,銀河系非常大 (看看窗外) The Milky Way is not alone, though. 不過銀河系並非孤獨的 Along with the Andromeda galaxy, and more than fifty dwarf galaxies, 銀河系和旁邊的仙女座(Andromeda)星系以及五十幾個矮星系 it's a part of "The Local Group"; ...組成了"本星系群" a region of space about ten million light years in diameter. 橫跨大約一千萬光年寬 It is one of the hundreds of galaxy groups in the "Laniakea Supercluster", 她也是 "拉尼亞凱亞超星系團" 所屬的上百個星系群之一 which, itself is only one of millions of superclusters, 而 拉尼亞凱亞 也只是組成"可觀測宇宙"中數百萬個超星系團的其中之一 that make up the observable universe. 而 拉尼亞凱亞 也只是組成"可觀測宇宙"中數百萬個超星系團的其中之一 Now, let's assume, for a moment, that we have a glorious future; 現在,我們大膽的假設,人類的未來是輝煌的 humanity becomes a type three civilisation, 人類成功地進入III型文明期 does not get wiped out by aliens, 沒有被外星人滅絕,且發展出符合當今物理認知的星際旅行 and develops interstellar travel based on our current understanding of physics. 沒有被外星人滅絕,且發展出符合當今物理認知的星際旅行 In this best case scenario, how far could we possibly go? 憑著最先進的未來,我們能探索到多遠? Well; the local group. 嗯.....只有在"本星系群" It's the biggest structure that humanity will ever be a part of. 那是人類所能抵達的最遠疆界, While it's certainly huge, the local group accounts for only 0.00000000001 % of 本星系群雖然很大,但也只佔了可觀測宇宙中的 0.00000000001 % the observable universe. 本星系群雖然很大,但也只佔了可觀測宇宙中的 0.00000000001 % Let this number sink in for a moment. 讓這個數字"沉澱"在心中一會兒 We are limited to a hundred billionth of a percent of the observable universe. 我們被侷限於0.00000000001 %可觀測宇宙的大小 The simple fact that there is actually a limit for us, and that there is 這個簡單的數字解釋了人類探索範圍的極限 so much universe that we will never be able to touch, is kind of frightening. 而我們知道絕對無法接觸到剩下的99.99999999999%,讓人覺得有點驚恐 Why can't we go further? 那為什麼我們不能再繼續探索? Well, it all has to do with the nature of nothing. Well....這全都牽扯到"空無一物"的本質 Nothing, or empty space, isn't empty but has energy intrinsic to itself; 真空,並非真的真空,它有著本質的固有能量 so-called "quantum fluctuations". 我們稱為"量子漲落" On the smaller scale, there is constant action, particles and antiparticles 以微觀角度看,真空中有著不斷的碰撞。虛擬粒子和自身的反粒子 appearing and annihilating themselves. ...不斷的瞬間產生並消滅彼此 You can imagine this quantum vacuum as a bubbling part: 你可以把量子真空想像成泡泡 with denser, and less dense regions. 有著較稠密的區塊,也有著較稀疏的區塊 Now, let's go back 13.8 billion years when the fabric of space 現在,回到138億年前,那時的宇宙由虛無所組成 consisted of nothing at all. 現在,回到138億年前,那時的空間由虛無所組成 Right after the big bang, in an event known as cosmic inflation, the observable universe 就在"大霹靂"後,藉由宇宙暴漲 expanded from the size of a marble to trillions of kilometres, in fractions of a second. 可觀測宇宙在極短的時間內從彈珠膨脹到數兆公里大 This sudden stretching of the universe was so fast and extreme, 這種"宇宙暴漲"既快又極端,極端到所有的量子漲落也一同擴大 that all those quantum fluctuations were stretched as well, 這種"宇宙暴漲"既快又極端,極端到所有的量子漲落也一同擴大 and subatomic distances became galactic distances, 從次原子的距離漲成宇宙等級的距離 with dense and less dense regions. 有著較稠密的區塊,也有著較稀疏的區塊 After inflation, gravity began to pull everything back together. 在宇宙暴漲後,重力開始互相作用 At the largest scale, the expansion was too quick and powerful 由巨觀角度,這種暴漲過於快速和強大,以至於重力無法抵抗 to overcome but in smaller scales, gravity emerged victorious. 但在微觀的角度,重力卻能夠有效率的作用 So, over time, the denser regions, or pockets, of the universe, 所以在經過很久之後,較稠密的區塊演變成一群群的星系, grew into groups of galaxies, like the one we live in today. 就像我們的本星系群一樣,由重力的牽引而形成 Only stuff inside our pocket – The Local Group – is bound to us gravitationally. 在這宇宙的口袋中,也就是本星系群,因為重力而聚集起來 But wait, what is the problem then? 但等等,那問題點是?(另外一個是馬菲星系群) Why can't we travel from our pocket, to the next one? 為什麼我們沒辦法從本星系群旅行到另外一個星系群? Here, dark energy makes everything complicated. 暗能量讓一切都變得複雜啦~ About six billion years ago, dark energy took over. 大約在六十億年前,暗能量自物質中接手(詳見2016/5科學人) It's basically an invisible force or effect, that causes, 暗能量,是一種難以察覺的能量或交互作用,而能造成宇宙加速膨脹 and speeds up the expansion of the universe. 暗能量,是一種難以察覺的能量或交互作用,而能造成宇宙加速膨脹 We don't know why, or what dark energy is, but we can observe its effect clearly. 我們不了解為什麼,或什麼是暗能量,但我們能夠清楚地觀測到它的影響 In the early universe, there were larger, cold spots around the local group, 在早期宇宙,有著較大的冷斑點在本星系群周圍 that grew into clusters with thousands of galaxies. 最後形成內含有數以千計的星系的星系團 We are surrounded by a lot of stuff, but none of those structures and galaxies 雖然我們周圍有許多星系團,但在本星系群外的結構或星系無法造成可觀的重力作用 outside of the local group are gravitationally bound to us. 雖然我們周圍有許多星系團,但在本星系群外的結構或星系無法造成可觀的重力作用 So the more the universe expands, the larger the distance between 所以只要宇宙膨脹,星系團間的距離會隨著時間變得越來越遠 us and other gravitational pockets becomes. 所以只要宇宙膨脹,星系團間的距離會隨著時間變得越來越遠 Over time, dark energy will push the rest of the universe away from us, 暗能量會把剩下的宇宙推離我們 causing all the other clusters, galaxies, and groups to eventually become unreachable. 使得其他的星團、星系和星系群最終變得太遠而無法抵達 The next galaxy group is already millions of light years away, 最近的星系群已經距離我們有數百萬光年遠 but all of them are moving away from us, at speeds we can't, ever, hope to match. 但其餘的星系群會以我們永遠無法達到的速度往外遠離 We could leave the local group, and then fly through intergalactic space, 雖然我們能飛出本星系群,再航進星系際空間的黑暗之中 into the darkness, but we would never arrive anywhere. 但我們永遠不能抵達任何地方 While we will become more and more stranded, the local group will become more tightly bound, 就在我們變得孤獨的時候,本星系群會越來越緊密 and merge together to form one giant elliptical galaxy, with the unoriginal name "Milkdromeda" 然後在接下來的數十億年裡合併成一個巨大的橢圓星系,有著一個衍生的名字"Milkdromeda" in a few billion years. 然後在接下來的數十億年裡合併成一個巨大的橢圓星系,有著一個衍生的名字"Milkdromeda" But it becomes even more depressing: 但接下來則更令人哀傷 at some point, the galaxies outside the local group, will be so far away, 在未來,本星系群外的所有宇宙發散的光線(或電磁波),變得太遠 that they will be too faint to detect, and the few photons that do make it to us, 而過於微弱到難以偵測。就算發散出來的光子能夠抵達,也會因為紅移到波長過長,以至於無法觀測 will be shifted to such long wavelengths, that they will be undetectable. 而過於微弱到難以偵測。就算發散出來的光子能夠抵達,也會因為紅移到波長過長,以至於無法觀測 Once this happens, no information outside of the local group will be able to reach us. 到了那個時間點,沒有任何資訊會從本星系群外被探知 The universe will recede from view. 宇宙會褪去她的光采 It will appear to be dark and empty in all directions, forever. 所有方向都會變得黑暗且虛無,直到永遠。 A being born in the far future in Milkdromeda, 將來Milkdromeda星系的智慧生物 will think there is nothing but its own galaxy in the entire universe. 會認為宇宙除了他們之外空無一物 When they look far into empty space, they will only see more emptiness and darkness; 如果他們看著虛無的宇宙,他們只會看到更多的虛無和黑暗 they won't be able to see the cosmic background radiation, 他們不會觀測到宇宙背景輻射 and they won't be able to learn about the Big Bang. 也沒辦法了解"大霹靂" They will have no way of knowing what we know today; 他們將永遠無法得知我們現在所了解的宇宙、 the nature of the expanding universe, where it began, and how it will end. 宇宙膨脹的本質、宇宙從哪開始?如何結束的?...他們都無從了解 They will think the universe is static and eternal. 他們會認為宇宙是靜止且永恆的 Milkdromeda will be an island in the darkness, slowly getting darker and darker. Milkdromeda會變成黑暗中的一座島嶼,慢慢的變得越來越黯淡 But still, with its trillions of stars, the local group is certainly 雖然如此,Milkdromeda還是有著上兆的恆星。本星系群對人類來說絕對是夠大的 large enough for humanity. 雖然如此,Milkdromeda還是有著上兆的恆星。本星系群對人類來說絕對是夠大的 After all, we still haven't figured out how to leave our solar system, 畢竟,我們尚未找到離開太陽系的方法 and we have billions of years to explore our galaxy. 而且我們還有數十億年的時間供人類探索這個星系 We have the incredible luck to exist at the perfect moment in time to see, 我們非常幸運,活在觀賞宇宙的完美時間點 not only our future but also our most distant past. 看到的不只有我們的未來,更能夠看到最遙遠的過去 As isolated and remote as the local group is, we can perceive the entire universe, 在這個孤立又偏遠的本星系群中,我們有幸 grand and spectacular as it is right now. 能看到整個宇宙的宏偉與磅礡,如同今夜璀璨的星空 This video was sponsored by SquareSpace.com/nutshell 這部影片由SquareSpace.com/nutshell所贊助(翻譯好累) Do you feel isolated in a humongous universe? 你~會覺得孤單~覺得冷嗎?(在這宇宙中) Why not set up a website or blog and share your thoughts with other 為什麼不設立個網站或部落格,分享你的想法和理念給其他人勒?~~ humanoids around you? 為什麼不設立個網站或部落格,分享你的想法和理念給其他人勒?~~ Squarespace lets you do that with easy-to-understand tools Squarespace能讓你不用任何設計的知識和簡單的工具設立你的網站 very quickly and without any knowledge of web design. Squarespace能讓你不用任何設計的知識和簡單的工具設立你的網站 You can also use the code "NUTSHELL" to save 10 % and support Kurzgesagt 你可以用NUTSHELL的代碼省下10%的費用同時支持到Kurzgesagt in making more videoes about our place in the universe. 你可以用NUTSHELL的代碼省下10%的費用同時支持到Kurzgesagt Thanks so much for the help with the video to Ethan Siegel. 非常感謝Ethan Siegel 協助製作這部影片 Follow his astronomy blog here. 這裡有Ethan Siegel 他關於宇宙的部落格 You can support us directly at Patreon or get Kurzgesagt merch here. 你可以用Patreon或購買Kurzgesagt的商品直接地幫助Kurzgesagt,那非常有效 It really helps. 你可以用Patreon或購買Kurzgesagt的商品直接地幫助Kurzgesagt,那非常有效 It is awesome that you watched this far, so we have made a playlist for you about more universe stuff. 超棒的啦~你看了那麼多,所以我們做了一個清單有關於更多宇宙的內容 Subtitles made by Sebastian Winkelmann 呼....終於翻完了(translated by R.H.)v 感謝你的觀看~首次翻譯,若有謬誤還請多加指教[email protected] Subtitles by the Amara.org community 呼....終於翻完了(translated by R.H.)v 感謝你的觀看~首次翻譯,若有謬誤還請多加指教[email protected]
B2 中高級 中文 宇宙 星系 觀測 重力 能量 膨脹 我們能走多遠?人類的極限。 (How Far Can We Go? Limits of Humanity.) 985 82 mommy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字