字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 (slow nonchalant music) - Do you think you can be sexy and have diarrhea at the same time? - Not while you're having the diarrhea, no. - I'm here today with Dr. Deleve, who is a poop expert, also known as a gastroenterologist, right? - Yes - Okay, and what does that mean exactly? - That's a doctor who takes care of people who have problems with their swallowing, their stomach, or their guts. - Okay, so you see a lot of poop. - See a lot of poop. - I asked my coworkers to send me pictures of their poop. And they did and it was so gross that I could not show them to you. (laughing) I questioned my sanity, looking at my coworkers' poops. Then what I had them do is describe them to an artist who made some artist-renderings. I was wondering if you could grade the poops. - Absolutely. - Here we have this one. - Yeah, those are little pebble-like stools and the reason they're like that is because the poop is taking too long to get through the gut so it's getting dried out. That's a sign of constipation. - That's one person who I guess was constipated. - This is a poop that's not the ideal poop but it's still within the normal range. It's slightly constipated, it's rocks kind of congregated into a sausage and that's a little more on the constipated side than a smooth sausage would be. Ah, the perfect sausage. That's a log. If you want a stool that looks like the ideal poop, this is the ideal poop. - This is it, whoever gave me this one, I think it was you (bleep), you got the perfect poop. - That's a green poop. - [Voiceover] So green is okay? - [Voiceover] Green is a perfect poop. - Yeah? - Normal is brown, green, or yellow. That's all normal. - We got this one. - That's a mushier stool, that looks like it's heading towards diarrhea when you're getting these little flakes that are kind of watery at the edges. That suggests that you're developing a looser stool if that's not your normal pattern. Then you have to wonder about dietary things you might be ingesting like lactose, if you're lactose-intolerant, or fructose, if you're fructose-intolerant. - Too many dried fruits? - Too many dried fruits, too much fruit juice. - Alright, so... - That's a very nicely shaped log with some corn in it. That's perfectly normal. - Why do we see it, why does it just come out as corn? - It's not well digested. It travels through you and that's probably a good thing, it means your transit time from mouth to the toilet bowl is fast. - This is (bleep). - I've not really seen a Mt. Everest-looking stool but it looks to me like this came out more like toothpaste and again it's a softer stool. Some people have one loose stool a day. If that's your normal pattern, that can be okay. - How do you know when you're having a poop that's problematic? - You probably should see a doctor if what you're normally doing suddenly changes. You should see a doctor if your stools are suddenly coming out pencil-thin. Consistently, not one day, but consistently coming out really thin. If it's coming out really funny colors like pitch-black or bloody or white. - I'm not afraid to talk about poop, you certainly are not afraid to talk about poop, it's your career. Why do you think people are so uncomfortable discussing this? - It's a mystery to me why people are as jittery about talking about poop as they are. I think it's because it stinks and people just don't like talking about bodily functions that stink.
B2 中高級 美國腔 你的便便對你的評價 (What Your Poop Says About You) 255 16 周美秀 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字