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  • It is over!


  • The six day rise of European stocks, the longest since July has ended.


  • It peaked the Stoxx 600 39 minutes after the session begun and then it was downhill all the way.

    這波上漲由 Stoxx 600 指數在開盤後 39 分鐘達到高峰,之後就一路下滑。

  • Investors are pondering their next move in U.S. interest rates and hoping for more stimulus from China.


  • The FTSE 100, snapping its eight day winning streak, mining shares ending their longest run since 2000.

    富時 100 指數終止了連續八天的上揚,礦產股則結束了自 2000 年以來最長漲勢。

  • Before today, they rose for nine consecutive days and added 26%, or 45 billion Euros of value.

    在今天之前,能源與礦產股已經連續上漲了九天,市值則成長了 26%,也就是 450 億歐元。

  • It's over, I can say that many many times today.


  • Those are the big moving shares in Europe today.


  • RWE, earlier, up as much as 15%, the biggest increase since 2008.

    萊茵集團在稍早時上漲了 15%,是自 2008 年以來的最大漲幅。

  • The German government announcing the industry has enough funds to pay for the shutdown and cleanup of its nuclear power plants.


  • A huge sigh of relief for RWE and E.on investors.

    這讓萊茵集團以及 E.ON 的投資者都鬆了好一口氣。

  • Glencore down by 6% today, it's in talks to sell two copper mines in Chile and Australia,

    嘉能可今天下跌了 6%,它正在洽談要售出在智利和澳洲的兩個銅礦廠,

  • after approach from buyers Citigroup and UBS says they could fetch as much as a billion dollars.


  • SABMiller down by 1.3%.

    南非米勒則下跌了 1.3%。

  • AB InBev proposing a new offer, 43.50 pounds versus 42.15 pounds, well below the offer price.

    安海斯-布希英博集團提出了一份新的合併方案,以一股 43.50 英鎊而非原先提議的 42.15 英鎊併購,但這還是遠低於原本報價。

  • What does that tell us?


  • Investors still don't think it's gonna happen.


  • That's it from me.


It is over!




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