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  • So is this The Devil Wears Prada meets Analyze This?! Warner Bros sure hopes so...

  • You're watching Beyond The Trailer's review of The Intern...

  • The Devil Wears Prada and Analyze This are not only two of Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNiro's

  • most famous films, but were also crucial to the development of their careers. And fascinatingly,

  • the two films' stars were headed in different directions. The Devil Wears Prada seemed the

  • perfect culmination of the films that had put Hathaway on the map and won her many fans

  • - The Princess Diaries One and Two, Ella Enchanted! Yet despite her success in Prada and Get Smart,

  • Hathaway seemed eager to run in the opposite direction - which brought down her personal

  • box office numbers and let to "Hatha-hate", yet also got her an Oscar. As for DeNiro,

  • he already had TWO Oscars and was a Hollywood icon, yet his box office numbers were seriously

  • lagging. Running TOWARDS comedy not only saved his career but gave it new life, interestingly,

  • just as a comedic turn in The Devil Wears Prada did for fellow prestige Oscar winner

  • Meryl Streep. She also has embraced comedy. And now it seems Hathaway might be considering

  • returning to comedy as well. She's got her Oscar, and while Christopher Nolan put her

  • in some big movies he couldn't sell her to moviegoers. And don't feel too bad, Anne,

  • he couldn't sell fellow Oscar winner Marion Cotillard either. And with seriously lagging

  • box office numbers herself, Hathaway seriously needs another box office win. So who better

  • to turn to than writer-director Nancy Meyers, right? Meyers has a history of not only making

  • successful comedies but, in the process, allowing her leading ladies to keep their prestige

  • status. Helen Hunt in What Women Want. Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give. Cameron

  • Diaz and Kate Winslet in The Holiday. And Meryl Streep in It's Complicated. Hathaway

  • does seem to fit with that group, right? And while on the surface The Intern might seem

  • like a slum dunk for Meyers, Hathaway and De Niro, well, there are a few potential hiccups.

  • First, there's that infamous Hatha-hate, as well as a string of recent box office duds

  • for De Niro. Audiences simply might not be interested in either actor right now, just

  • as they might not be into adult interns considering how Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn's The Internship

  • flopped. And then there's Meyers, who snuck in a message here about how guys in general

  • just aren't up to snuff these days, and women not-so-secretly miss the days when "men were

  • men". Yeah, I can see why that's not a big part of the ad campaign. So, will those elements

  • be enough to trip up The Intern, or is this a combo too big to fail?

So is this The Devil Wears Prada meets Analyze This?! Warner Bros sure hopes so...


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實習生》2015年影評--預告片之外。 (The Intern 2015 Movie Review - Beyond The Trailer)

  • 879 54
    Tony 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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