字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Over the past couple of weeks 在過去的幾個禮拜裡 we've been looking at speed reading in depth. 我們進一步討論過速讀 In this video we looked at the science of how our 有影片是關於從科學的角度來探討 eyes move over text and how our brains process that text. 在閱讀時人類的眼動和大腦的分析運作過程 And in this video we looked at some common 另外一部影片則是看看幾個常見的 speed reading techniques and showed how 提升閱讀速度的方法並分析 they're really not as effective as a lot of people want to believe they are. 這些方法是否真如大家所認為的有效 So, the question still remains, though. 所以,問題依舊存在 Are there ways you can legitimately 有沒有方法能真正的讓人 increase your reading speeds? 提升閱讀的速度? Well, I believe that there are 嗯,我認為是有的 and in this video I want to give you 接下來我要告訴你 five different methods 5種方法 that you can use to actually read faster. 能真正地讓你加快閱讀的速度 The first method is deceptively simple 第一個方法看起來很簡單 and, well, maybe a little bit inconvenient. 但做起來或許有些困難 It's to simply read often, read widely, 就是要常閱讀、多接觸不同領域的知識 and read challenging material. 還有找具有挑戰性的內容來閱讀 I emailed a post-doctorate researcher 我詢問過一位博士後學位的學者 at the University of San Diego named Elizabeth Schotter 她任職於聖地牙哥大學,名叫伊麗莎白·肖特 who's done a lot of research on speed reading for this episode. 她做過很多關於速讀的研究 And I asked her, what are the skills that 我問她,有哪些技巧 help people learn to read faster? 是可以幫助人們提升閱讀速度的? And she told me, for skilled readers who are still reading 她說,那些擅於閱讀的人 at that 200 to 400 words per minute range, 也就是每分鐘平均能讀200到400字 they're people who have a lot of experience reading, 這群人是有很大量閱讀習慣的人 who have a lot of command over their language and vocabulary 對於語言和字彙有很好的掌握 a lot of prior background knowledge they can 還有很多的背景知識可以讓他們 use to apply to whatever it is they're reading quickly. 運用,所以他們有很快的閱讀速度 This indicates what you probably already know. 這可能是你原本就知道的事實 Reading is a skill, and like any other skill 閱讀是一項能力,就和其它能力一樣 that's worth the time to take to build, 值得花時間去培養和建立 reading does take time and practice to get good at. 閱讀的確是需要時間和練習才會進步的 Now this next method will help you 接下來的這個方法會幫助你 if you have the same problem with reading 如果你和我一樣 that I have. When I'm trying to read non-fiction, 有同樣的閱讀相關問題。當我試著閱讀非小說類的作品時 I really want to know what's in the book, 我會想了解這本書到底想表達什麼 but I'll often find myself getting bored or, 但是我發現我會開始覺得無聊 more commonly, I'll read one sentence that will 一般來說,閱讀字句時 send me down a mental rabbit hole of sorts, 會讓我陷入愛麗絲夢遊仙境似的情境裡 and then I'll find myself daydreaming. 然後會發現自己竟開始做起了白日夢 So to reduce the instances of boredom and daydreaming 所以要避免無趣和白日夢的情形發生 when you're reading, I have two different ideas for you. 尤其是你在閱讀的時候,我有2個想法跟你分享 And the first one is to form what I call an 第一個就是 "Interest Link" with something you're already interested in. 『興趣連結』,找你有興趣的內容來閱讀 And that's a term I completely just made up right now, 這『興趣連結』一詞也算是我自己想出來的 but the general idea is to try to connect the thing 但大致上就是把你有興趣的事物 you're reading, with something that you already have 和閱讀做連結,找你所 a lot of interest in. 有興趣的主題來閱讀 Another idea is to do a little bit of experimenting 另一個方法就是來點小小的測試 to find your optimal spot for reading. 找出自己絕佳的閱讀地點 For example, this arm chair is not a good spot for me to read. 舉例來說,這種靠背椅對我而言並不是一個很好的閱讀地點 Whenever I read here I find myself daydreaming all the time, 每當我在這閱讀時,我時常在做白日夢 and that's why I tend to do a lot 這也是為什麼我比較傾向於 of my reading outside instead. 在戶外讀書 Okay, so, third method. 好~再來是第三個方法 And this applies mainly to textbook reading 這方法適用於教科書類的閱讀 or readings where you already know the 或是你原本就知道的 specific type of information you want to pull out of it 像是某些特定議題的內容 or at least have a general idea. 或你原本就有些基本概念的東西 And it is to "Pre-Read" before you start actually reading. 這時你在正式閱讀前要先做預覽 And by pre-reading I mean 預覽意思是 going through the chapter headings, 先瀏覽過所有章節的主題 the table of contents, 目錄 looking at bold and formatted text throughout the chapter, 找出章節裡的關鍵內容 and going to the end of chapter and 接著到最後面的 looking at the vocabulary terms 字彙目錄 and the review questions. 以及回顧各章節的問題練習 By doing these things beforehand, 事先做好這些步驟 you're essentially priming your brain 基本上你的大腦 to notice the most important information 就能在你閱讀時 when you're reading, and that will 抓到重要的資訊,這有助於你 let you do the next method, which, 進行下一個步驟 and this is gonna go completely against everything you 你大概會覺得這個步驟 probably think I've been building towards in this series. 和我在這個系列裡一直在強調的重點完全不一樣 "Skimming" 『略讀瀏覽』 Even thought we've established that skimming is 即使我們對略獨的定義是 a form of reading where your comprehension is lower, 一種較不重理解的閱讀形式 it's still an essential skill because, let's face it, 但仍然是最基本的能力,因為老實說吧 the text that you're presented with in the book 一本書裡包含的內容 is way more than the text that you actually need 遠超過你真正需要的塞進腦袋裡的資訊 to put into your brain. 全部塞到腦袋裡 Skimming is a great way to get yourself 略讀瀏覽是一個很好的方法 through the monstrous amount of reading 尤其是你在做大量閱讀的時候 you have to do to get the gist, or overall idea, 你要做的是抓到要點或是基本概念 when the actual small little details aren't 至於內容的細節 quite as important to get. 相對地就沒有這麼重要了 Now my favorite method of skimming is one that 而我最喜歡的瀏覽方式是 Cal Newport came up with called "Psuedo Skimming." 卡爾●紐波特所提出的「偽略讀」 And this is basically a method when you go through 基本上,就是當你 your textbook reading and you skim through 閱讀教科書時,你快速的讀過 the paragraphs looking for the specific paragraphs 各個段落來尋找較為重要 that are more important than the other ones. 的內容 The ones that hold main ideas, concepts, 找出含有重要的概念的段落 and the things you need to remember. 和你必須記得的重點 Once you've identified one of these main paragraphs, 當你找到含有這些重點的段落時 then you can slow down and read for 你就可以詳細地閱讀 comprehension so you can remember what's in it. 並從中理解,這樣你就可以記得這些重點 But for the rest of them, skimming will suffice. 至於其他的部分,略讀瀏覽就已經足夠了 When you're pseudo skimming, a good way 當你在做偽略讀時,有個 to pick out those important paragraphs is to 幫你辨認出重要段落的好辦法 pay attention to the first and last sentences 注意文章各個段落的 of each paragraph, because those ones will 第一個和最後一個句子,因為這樣能 give you an idea of what the rest of the .幫你抓到那個段落 paragraph contains. 大致的概念 And, to close this video out, the fifth and final 在這部影片結束之前要提的就是第五個以及最後一個 tip for improving your reading speed... hang on. 提昇你閱讀速度的方法...等等 Should we really be talking about reading speed 我們應該繼續討論 as the metric here, or should we look 現在這個主題,還是我們可以 a little bit broader and be thinkig about learning speed 額外討論關於學習速度的 as the important thing? 重要性? I think that people who wanna learn to speed read 我認為想要提升閱讀速讀的人 are often motivated by this desire to 通常都是受心中的這種期望所驅使 become the kind of person who can say, 他們想要能驕傲的說 "I read three books this week." 「我一個禮拜可以讀三本書!」 And I think that's the wrong motivation. 我覺得這不是一個很好的學習動機 Reading shouldn't just be an achievement. 閱讀並不是要達到什麼成就 Like, Good Reads is not an achievements list 就像好的閱讀能力不只是目標名單中的其中一個目標 and your bookshelf is not a trophy case. 而書櫃也不是你展現戰利品的展示櫃 By the same token, though, the acquisition of knowledge 相對地,知識的習得 is also something that can lead you down the wrong path 有時也會被誤認為是要提升閱讀能力的原因 because in terms of speed reading, I think it 從速讀的角度來看,我想 encourages us to think of our brains like those 是要教導我們大腦如何思考事情 ticket machines that take your tickets at an 就像你在遊樂場的兌換機前 arcade and tell you how many bouncy balls 把贏來的彩票換成獎品 you can get at the price counter. 的邏輯一樣 Our brains don't work that way, but trying to 當然我們的大腦有它的運作模式 speed read can convince us that they do, 但是試著讓自己習慣速讀 and then we're just trying to feed the tickets in 就像是不斷的以更快的速度兌換彩票一樣,持續的練習 faster and faster. That's not how learning works. 就能熟能生巧,這跟一般知識的學習不太一樣 What about really taking the time to 真正需要花時間的是 ponder and chew on what you've learned, 經過審慎思考和咀嚼涵義之後 compare it with your world view? 所建立屬於自己的一套價值觀與思維 I think speed readers are constantly concerned 我覺得速讀者往往過於重視 with this idea of comprehension, that even if 理解,但是就算 their systems work, comprehension isn't really 他們的方法行得通,理解並不是 the only goal here. 你唯一的目標 The writer Scott Berkun put it better than I ever could. 一位作家斯科特·伯昆比我還要會描述多了 "Reading comprehension does not equal wisdom Comprehension is for a test, wisdom is for your life." 「閱讀理解不等於智慧,理解能讓你能考試拿高分,而智慧則是你人生的生活哲學」 So, here is the final method. 終於,來到了最後一個方法 When you read, also take the time to 當你在閱讀的時候,花些時間 do something with what you just learned. 了解你正在學習的東西 Take notes, write a summary, compare what 勤做筆記、做歸納 you learned with your current view of the world, 並和你之前所學的去做比較以及連結 and use that information to do different things 善用這些資訊去做整合 and make better decisions. 並做出最明智的決定 All of this is gonna help you more effectively 這些方法都會幫助你更有效地 encode the information, have to reread less, 分析資訊,做有效的閱讀 and essentially will increase your overall 並且提升你整體的 learning speed, which should be the goal. 閱讀速度,也就是達成你的終極目標 Hopefully, some of the methods in this video 希望這部影片裡所提供的方法 can help you read faster, but ultimately, 可以幫助你讀得更快,但歸根究底 it's a matter of your priorities. 還是取決於你認為什麼是最重要的 If you wanna read more, stop watching this video 如果你想要多讀一點書,那麼你可以停止這部影片 and start reading. 並開始閱讀吧 And then make a habit of it. 讓自己養成閱讀的習慣 If you're still interested in this subject 如果你對這系列的主題 and want somewhere to start, 想要有更進一步的了解的話 then you can check out the companion 那麼你可以找和這視頻 blog post for this video, which has 相關的PO文 some links to some other excellent articles on reading, 也會有其他相關的文章連結 and also you can check out my essential list 或是你也可以參考我給學生的 of books for students if you want 口袋書單,如果你想獲得 some book recommendations. 一些書籍推薦的話 Beyond that, if you enjoyed this video, 除此之外,如果你喜歡這部影片