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  • - It's kinda like tying a shoe, I guess, maybe.

  • (laughs)

  • I don't know, I don't know

  • - Please don't tie my hair like a shoe.

  • - Oh.

  • - I feel like I should tease it a little bit first.

  • - Take three strands from the top of the head.

  • - Kinda stressed right now. (laughing)

  • - I don't understand your hair.

  • I've gotta stand up for this or something.

  • - Yeah, stand up.

  • - I do the three and then what?

  • - And then you grab pieces of hair and then you add them

  • to each of the three.

  • - This is hard

  • Like, I had it good, okay, hold on.

  • - This is, like, restart number four.

  • - You sound really confident. Ow!

  • - All right, here we go. Oh, yeah.

  • We cooking with bacon.

  • - Did you just give up? (laughing)

  • - So okay, I think I'm ready for the hair tie.

  • - What are you talking about? - I'm ready for the hair tie.

  • - There's a whole clump of-- - I'm ready for the hair tie.

  • - I'm ready for the hair tie!

  • - Do you know how to put a hair tie on the end?

  • - Nope.

  • - Is there even a-- There's no braid.

  • - (laughing) There's no braid.

  • - So it's definitely not a French Braid,

  • and I'm seeing now that there's a part

  • of my hair that was completely missed.

  • (clicking camera)

  • - Oh, my God.

  • - Okay, Let's start doing this.

  • - How do ya'll do this?

  • - Okay, ponytail, now what?

  • - That's pretty good.

  • - Oh, God, what?

  • - The shit hit the fan.

  • - Don't understand hair.

  • - Maybe you need some moisturizer, I don't,

  • do you want some? - Excuse me?

  • - Let's see if you have a girlfriend at the end

  • of this video. - It's all like, split ends.

  • - Is this going well, still?

  • - Are you supposed to leave the hair tie in the middle?

  • - Fishtail Braid is two pieces.

  • - Well, I have three in mine.

  • - So I'm not sure what this is.

  • - I thought this was just going to be an easy video.

  • (laughing) I was going to come in here

  • and play with Sophia's hair for a while.

  • - I'm exhausted.

  • - No, please don't let that be it.

  • - We're gonna quit while we're ahead with this guy.

  • - It feels like a braid!

  • - You know, it looks pretty similar to the last one.

  • - It feels like you ponytailed it

  • and just shoved a bobby pin in it. (laughing)

  • (clicking camera)

  • - I'm like, thoroughly defeated right now

  • (laughing) - No.

  • - I'm good. No, we're doing this.

  • - Oh, cripes. - (laughing)

  • - They do it from the side,

  • but then it crawls over. - Uhuh.

  • - I'm worried that you're going to break up

  • with me after that.

  • - Oh yeah, that feels right.

  • - Kinda want to throw you a bow and arrow

  • cause you're looking like Katniss right now.

  • - You got rid of it?

  • Why did you get rid of it? - I don't know.

  • - She would loose the Hunger Games with this hair cut.

  • - Okay, I think I'm just gonna stop there.

  • - Okay, do you need a hair tie?

  • - Ah, if you just keep your head like that?

  • (laughing) - What?

  • - I messed up this hair tie again.

  • Why are these things complicated?

  • - I'm mean that's one, complete braid, sort of.

  • - No, I applaud you because something happened.

  • - Oh, no, no, no.

  • What, what happened here?

  • - Aw, you got all the way around.

  • - All the way around

  • - I'm shocked! - I'm not!

  • - Good job, babe!

  • (clicking camera)

  • - I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous,

  • and it's so time consuming.

  • - It was probably one of the hardest experiences

  • in my life to be honest.

  • - You can find a boyfriend who can French Braid your hair,

  • marry that guy.

  • - It's just so sad, what's happening over there.

  • - Oh yeah, um hum.

  • (drumming)

  • Hmm, you don't know the half of it.

- It's kinda like tying a shoe, I guess, maybe.


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B1 中級

男友為女友編辮子 (Boyfriends Braid Their Girlfriends' Hair)

  • 230 7
    洪小雅 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日