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  • -Hey, hey, guys, we're back with more Minecraft,

  • and I'm gonna make fried chicken! [laughs]

  • Come back here, chicky!

  • Come on-- aw, man.

  • Maybe I should just build a KFC instead. [laughs]

  • I don't have 13 herbs and spices

  • but I do have 40 bricks of TNT! [laughs]

  • All right, one, two, nah, three,

  • nah, four. Let's do four.

  • Don't want to overdo it.

  • What's going on--whoa! [explosions]

  • Whoa! Just like Colonel Sanders used to make it.

  • Aw, there's nothing but chicken nuggets here. Meh.

  • Come here, chicky, chicky, chicky.

  • Come here, chicky, chicky. I want fried chicken!

  • I want fried chicken!

  • [chicken squawking] Oh! Oh no!

  • Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

  • Oh, chicken butt.

  • All right, let's swap feather for leather.

  • Hey, horsey, whatcha doin'?

  • Whatcha doin'? Come here.

  • [horse neighing] Hey, where are you going?

  • I'm just "horsing" around. [laughs]

  • If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Minecraft. [laughs]

  • TNT! TNT!

  • Hey, is that the werewolf from Twilight?

  • Hey, Jacob, guess what. I'm on Team Edward. [laughs]

  • New Moon sucks! [laughs]

  • [ka-boom!] Whoa!

  • Man.

  • ♪ I'm TNT, I'm dynamite

  • ♪ I'm TNT, just lookin' for a bite

  • Of chicken ♪ [laughs]

  • Where you at, chicken? Oh, there you are. I see you.

  • Here, come and play on the TNT. It's totally safe; I promise.

  • Chicken butt. Chicken butt!

  • Chicken butt! Chicken butt!

  • Come on!

  • It's time for splody time.

  • Whee!

  • Okay, whoa, run away! Aah! [ka-boom!]

  • Whoa, whoa. Splody time.

  • Wow, that was a big--

  • I just blew the crap out of everything, didn't I?

  • Some TNT, I'm dynamite

  • TNT, I've got an overbite

  • TNT, I may be a noob

  • TNT, but I still got the boom ♪ [laughs]

  • [multiple explosions] Oh! Whoa-ho! Aah! Hey.

  • When the moon hits your eye like a giant square Lego pie

  • That's a-Minecraft ♪ [laughs]

  • Whoa! Holy giant hole, Batman!

  • Ew! More slimy blocks!

  • Get away! Get away, slimy blocks.

  • Why are you jumping at me? Oh!

  • Mini zombie? Get out of here!

  • Eat dynamite!

  • Sneak attack no fair. Oh! Aah!

  • [vocalizes Batman theme]

  • TNT! ♪

  • [vocalizes Batman theme]

  • TNT! ♪ [laughs]

  • [vocalizes Batman theme]

  • TNT! ♪

  • Hey, piggy.

  • Piggy, get down from there. You're gonna get hurt.

  • Piggy, get down! [laughs] Told ya.

  • It's not the big bad wolf that's gonna get you guys.

  • It's the giant TNT wall I'm building. [laughs]

  • Oh, I can already smell the bacon already.

  • Get out of my way, piggy. [laughs]

  • A little bit more TNT never hurt anyone.

  • That's what I say. That's what I always say.

  • You guys know that. I say it every day.

  • All the time, every minute of every hour of every second

  • of every day of every year. Hmm, more TNT.

  • Sorry. Maybe that's enough. [laughs devilishly]

  • Maybe not. Okay. Here we go!

  • Oh! Whoa! Whoa! [multiple explosions]

  • Yeah.

  • Hey, you guys ever wonder

  • What does the cow say? ♪

  • Yeah, me neither.

  • It's a "moot" point. [laughs]

  • Speaking of which,

  • Moo cow, don't you bother me

  • Moo cow, don't bother me

  • Moo cow, don't bother me or I'll blow you to smithereens

  • [laughs]

  • Hey, hey, who here wants some hamburgers?

  • [laughs]

  • [explosions] Whoa!

  • Oh man. That was "udderly" despicable. [laughs]

  • Sorry, sorry. I know.

  • I need to quit "milking" this joke. [laughs]

  • I can't stop! [laughs]

  • Aah, hamburgers! Aah, cow butts!

  • I'm surprised I haven't been arrested yet.

  • Good thing everything's made out-- hey!

  • [rain pouring] What the?

  • Hey, who turned on the waterworks? No fair.

  • How am I supposed to blow stuff up?

  • Whoa! It's a mythical sheep island.

  • [laughs] What a coincidence.

  • I've always wanted to blow one of those up.

  • TNT for me

  • TNT for you

  • TNT for me

  • TNT for you

  • Well, mostly for you. [laughs]

  • Don't worry, sheep. This won't hurt one bit.

  • It's gonna be fine.

  • [brutal explosions] Oh-ho-ho-ho! Whoa!

  • All right, I don't know about you guys,

  • but if there's one thing I hate, it's mountains.

  • Get rid of them! I call this TNT mountain.

  • What do you guys think? Pretty cool, huh?

  • All right, let's do it.

  • One... two...

  • three! Aah!

  • All right. Let's see what's gonna happen.

  • It's splody time! [continuous explosions]

  • Whooooa!!

  • Whoa! Wow.

  • Well, that's one way to get rid of a mountain. [laughs]

  • All right, guys, that does it for this episode of Minecraft.

  • If you want me to build something awesome,

  • let me know what you want me to build in the comments below

  • and I will next episode.

  • This episode I had to blow stuff up. It happens. [laughs]

  • All right, guys. Later, taters.

  • [explosions, screams]

  • Oh, man!

  • Captioned by

  • [yelps] No! I'm in water!

  • I'm in the water; I can't swim!

  • Oh, wait. Oh wait, I'm fine.

  • All right. Poppy? More like hoppy. [laughs]

  • Whee! Is this the point of the game?

  • What am I supposed to do?

  • All right. Time to smash things with a flower. [laughs]

  • Seriously, what's the point of this game?

  • [laughs] Knife!

-Hey, hey, guys, we're back with more Minecraft,


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惱人的橙子讓我們玩Minecraft#2:TNT復仇!!!!。 (Annoying Orange Let's Play Minecraft #2: TNT Revenge!!!)

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