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  • I'm gonna show you how to cook a perfect steak

  • First of all get your steak out of the fridge 20 minutes, half an hour or so before you want to cook it

  • Give it a chance to come up to room temperature... it'll cook much better that way

  • Next you put your steak on a plate

  • drizzle with a little bit of Olive Oil. Don't need to use the expensive stuff

  • Just a good, cheap Olive Oil

  • Because you're going to be cooking with it

  • Sprinkle salt... Sprinkle pepper

  • Right... turn the steak over

  • Same thing again

  • Now, this is where you rub and push that lovely seasoning into the meat

  • Make sure the whole surface is nicely coated

  • There you are, the steak is now ready to go in the pan

  • So when your pans hot... lift your steak up

  • I'm just going to lay it in the pan... like that.

  • don't worry about putting extra oil in the pan because there's already enough oil on the surface of the steak.

  • It's not going to stick

  • It's important that the pan you put it in is a nice heavy bottom pan

  • that means the steaks going to get really good heat off it

  • and it's not going to cool the pan down as opposed to the other way round

  • Once your steak is in, take a nice pair of tongs

  • and make sure that the steaks in good contact with the pan

  • Like that... and basically now what you want to do...

  • Is turn it every couple of minutes

  • and cook it for, well it depends on how you like your steak cooked

  • if you want your steak medium, which for Stirloin I recommend you do

  • Probably about 8 minutes for a steak this thick... turning every minute

  • Should be taking on a little bit of colour on the bottom... yep

  • A few seconds longer then we'll turn it

  • do the same thing again... press the steak down with your tongs

  • make sure it's in good contact with the pan

  • Don't be tempted to shake it about, just leave it bathed and it'll start building that beautiful caramel up

  • On the surface of the meat. That What's going to make it taste great.

  • I'm just going to lift it up now and sear it on the side, on the fat.

  • just to help get that fat a little bit crispy... then it's much nicer to eat

  • See that fat coming out, it's melting out. Melting out of the steak.

  • There we go. See the difference that made?

  • Give it another check

  • Another little sear on its skin

  • On it's fat again.

  • That's been about 6-7 minutes now.

  • One more minute and then I think it'll be time for it to come out.

  • I know it's cooking

  • when I press the meat I feel how firm it is and I know that it's well on its way.

  • That's the steak ready now

  • I'm going to lift it out and pop it on a plate to rest.

  • As the steaks resting, I'm just going to give it a little squeeze of lemon

  • and a drizzle of good Olive Oil

  • Give that a couple of minutes and it'll be ready to eat

I'm gonna show you how to cook a perfect steak


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A2 初級

如何與傑米-奧利弗的朋友皮特一起烹飪牛排? (How To... cook steak, with Jamie Oliver's mate Pete)

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    雨樂 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日