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  • It’s time for


  • The Drinking Game Edition!

  • I’m not really sure what else we need to say here

  • were going to teach you how to drink.

  • Well, no.

  • Korean style. With games.

  • Yes, Korean style is the key.

  • I’m sure you guys have seen a lot of Korean Dramas.

  • And they have all these weird games and are

  • doing all these weird games and are doing these bizarre thiiiiings.

  • And so were going to be teaching you how to play about

  • four games today I think?

  • Some of them are easy and some of them are kinda complicated

  • or were really stupid it’s one or the other.

  • But it’s going to involve soju and probably the

  • Eat Your Kimchi CREW

  • getting slightly toasted and falling on our faces.

  • YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

  • na na na na na na

  • Ok so we are at the Sam Geori Pocha which is basically

  • a really cool restaurant that’s trying to mimic

  • like an outdoor food stand

  • but it’s not because it’s a restaurant.

  • And supposedly it’s owned by YG.

  • And supposedly Tablo comes here sometimes

  • And if I find him here I’m going to bust out into freestyle.

  • You see me Tablo, Ima take you down.

  • Boogie down, ima make you frown,

  • because I’m from the underground

  • You finished?

  • CLOWN?

  • Alright so were going to begin the drinking games

  • with an easy one

  • that doesn’t require a lot of thought

  • but it requires a lot of punishment.

  • What do you guys call this game?

  • We just call it the cap-flicky-game.

  • Cap-flicky-thing-one

  • Is there an official name for it?

  • I have no idea!!

  • So you might have the urge to rip that off

  • but don’t do it.

  • What you want to do is hold the base of it here,

  • And then youre going to twist it into a kind of

  • thin spiral.

  • Ooo the tofu kimchi here!

  • Tofu kimchiiii!!

  • SO the point of the game is easy,

  • I give one flick to it, then I pass it to Simon.

  • If it doesn’t fall off, then I give it a flick.

  • And then Soo Zee gives it a flick .

  • Whoever flicks it off, the two people beside them

  • have to drink. Yes.

  • I think we should do a Kai Bai Bo

  • to decide who will go first.

  • Kai bai bo!

  • Kai bai bo!

  • Boom boom boom!

  • Ok you start.

  • Boom shaka laka!

  • Why is there so much flicking in Korea?

  • It’s like flicking is punishment, yeah in the head,

  • F@*$ lame.


  • Oh no! Youre going to be covered with the sound of a sheep baa-ing.

  • Youll never know what we said

  • @#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#$%%%^^%^%$#@#$

  • And its just like I baa all the time like a sheep!

  • I’m gonna be the winner!

  • AHHHHH!! You missed that, counted!

  • Ahaha that was so weak!

  • I flicked it hard!

  • Soo Zee what do you doing with the blowing of the fingers?

  • I don’t know it’s just

  • It’s the black on the nails,

  • It gives it more grip.

  • Ohhh.

  • According to my trajectory angles,


  • One shot! One shot! One shot!

  • Gambe!

  • AHhhhhh.

  • I’m going to eat some food to get rid of that nasty taste.

  • Yeah! Oh boy.

  • Ok, so in this game, what you do is

  • in the bottle cap, of the soju bottle

  • there is a number

  • between one and 50 right?

  • Each person has to guess

  • a number

  • and then I have to say higher or lower

  • based on what the number is.

  • Between one and fifty. Go.

  • Three!

  • Are you serious?!

  • No no no, that’s cheating!

  • I swear to God, I swear to God I didn’t see it.

  • What was that?!

  • Oh my God. Woo! Loserss.

  • Mashora, mashora, mashora!

  • One shot!!

  • You gotta make that Korean noise

  • after you finish a shot, you gotta be like,


  • Now it’s time to sing our Soo Zee song!

  • Soo Zee ha joa-haneun random game!”

  • WHAT? No there are like four!

  • Soo Zee ga joa-haneun random game!”

  • Ok, ok, I got it this time. Ok,

  • Simon-ee joa-haneun random game!”

  • Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”

  • Oh wait wait, Martina is sucking at this!

  • Mwhah mweh mweah mweh, “

  • So there’s like a special chant,

  • after every game.

  • So a lot of people want to like speed up the,

  • the game.

  • So you sing a song to pressure them.

  • the loser!

  • Yeah, so the loser’s like name,

  • so like Simon’s, favorite game,

  • takes, like a round. So it’s like,

  • Simon-ee joa-haneun random game!”

  • Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”

  • And then, Simon has to choose.

  • And if I don’t pick a game,

  • by the time they are done with the song,

  • I have to drink another shot.

  • Let’s do the hand, thing!

  • Soo Zee ga joa-haneun random game!”

  • Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”

  • Baskin, Robbins, 31!

  • Do you people know what Baskin Robbins, is?

  • It’s an icecream shop and it has 31 flavors

  • So this game

  • is named after the Baskin Robbins’ 31 flavors.

  • Whenever it’s your turn,

  • you could say anything up to three sequential numbers.

  • You could say one number, two numbers, or three numbers.

  • Whoever actually has to say the number 31,

  • is the loser so you try to screw someone over,

  • into saying 31.

  • One two!

  • Three four five.

  • Six!

  • Seven!

  • Eight nine ten.

  • 11.

  • 12!

  • 13, 14.

  • 15, 16, 17.

  • 18, 19, 20.

  • 21, 22, 23.

  • 24.

  • 25, 26, 27.

  • 28, 29, 30!!!!!


  • 31…

  • One shot one shot one shot.

  • Leigh-ga joa-haneun random game!

  • Random, game! Randomm, GAME!

  • By the way, you don’t have to do chop your hands

  • when you sing this song.

  • It’s just for us because were dumb.

  • Ok. Sam Yook Goo!

  • Sam yook goo it is.

  • Ok explain sam yook goo.

  • Sam yook goo is a counting game.

  • Sam is three,

  • yook is six,

  • goo is nine.

  • So you count sequentially, kinda like Baskin Robbins,

  • but then you are not allowed to say digits

  • 3, 6, or 9.

  • So then you say one, two, and then instead of saying three

  • you gotta clap.

  • So you say one, two, *clap*.

  • Three, four, *clap*

  • Except,

  • It’s kind of easy, right?

  • And were not really all that drunk yet.

  • So, I think we have to do it in Korean.

  • Yeah, well do it in Korean.


  • And also, once you get to the 30’s,

  • if you get to number 33 you have to go *clap clap*

  • Two claps.

  • Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!

  • Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!

  • 1, 2, clap,

  • 4, 5, clap

  • 7,

  • Why are we playing in English?!


  • Oh no!

  • We all failed, we all have to drink

  • But I was only doing what I was told!


  • Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!

  • Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!

  • Il, ee, *clap*,

  • sa oh, *clap*,

  • chil, pal, *clap*,

  • ship, ship-il, ship-ee

  • clap, ship-sa,

  • ship-oh *CLAP*

  • Oh! early!

  • She did! Early!

  • She clapped before

  • before I actually said my number

  • Rewind that, it happened!

  • It doesn’t matter, I got rushed,

  • Soo Zee clapped early, she’s gotta drink!

  • Mashora, mashora! Mashora, mashora!

  • Really?!

  • Leigh-ga joa-haneun random game!”

  • Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”

  • Random, ughhhh.

  • Ddalgi!

  • I wanna be Subak!

  • Yeah so she can be watermelon,

  • What am I gonna be?


  • haha! Banana?

  • Sagwa, ddalgi, podo, subak.

  • So this is also a counting game.

  • You have to shout out the person you wanna,

  • screw.

  • and then a number.

  • Up to eight.

  • If you miss like the rhythm, then you have to drink.

  • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

  • So if youre eight,

  • Podo, Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo.

  • All the way.

  • What?

  • Seven,

  • Podo, Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo

  • Oh my GAAWD!

  • Ok soOneis:

  • podo.

  • What?!

  • Guys we are dead!

  • This is not happening.

  • I don’t think I could do this,

  • completely bone-dry sober. No.

  • Ddalgi!

  • Podo!

  • Subak!

  • Sagua!

  • You already missed the beat.

  • AHHHH haha

  • ddagli net, ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi

  • podo net!

  • podo podo podo podo

  • No, you got it wrong!!

  • What?

  • No, it’s like four? So it’s like,

  • podo podo podo podo.

  • WHAT?!?

  • You said it was,

  • Podo!

  • Soo Zee doesn’t know the rules to this game!

  • I’ve taken too much soju..

  • Korean people, help me!

  • Can we invite another random Korean person to the table.

  • This is the least informative video weve ever done.

  • There are some people sitting over there, should we ask?

  • Let’s ask!

  • Subak subak subak subak.

  • Podo 2!

  • Ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi

  • subak set

  • Subak subak subak.

  • Nope.

  • English please.

  • Ok I’m sorry!

  • I cant even do it thinking slowly, I’m like,

  • Subak, subak, subak.

  • Yeah.

  • Sagua, (3)

  • Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua

  • Haha.

  • That was way more than three, dude!

  • I’m very enthusiastic!

  • Podo 2!

  • *curses*

  • I don’t think we can play this game while sober,

  • Yeah we cant play this game its impossible.

  • No, weve reached the point in the night where

  • It’s not gonna happen.

  • This is an impossible game.

  • Pogi, everyone, pogi, pogi.

  • Well those are a few Korean drinking games you could play

  • with your friends,

  • if theyre Korean or not!

  • We didn’t play the three of our favorite drinking games!

  • What, I’m outraged!

  • I know! Well have to a Kimchi Crew goes drinking,

  • Part twoooo!!

  • So let us know in the comments

  • Where you want us to go drinking.

  • Like, do you want us to be grilling meet,

  • Or do you want us to be eating chicken,

  • With beer,

  • Or do you want us to,

  • We should go drinking at the SM Building!

  • Oh mai gaaaawwwddd!

  • They don’t drink.

  • If you guys know any other drinking games that we didn’t play

  • that you want to see us play?

  • also please let us know.

  • na na na na na na!!

It’s time for


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B1 中級 美國腔

韓國喝酒遊戲怎麼玩 (How to Play Korean Drinking Games)

  • 292 15
    sally 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日