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  • [laughing]

  • The nuke! Where'd you get it?

  • What? You want one?!

  • [scoffs] Copy-bat...

  • [grunts]

  • [snickers]

  • Get away from him!

  • I'm handling this...

  • You drugged me!

  • Made me---

  • son...

  • First Metropolis...

  • People you love tend to blow up, don't they?

  • [grunts]

  • Superman! Don't!

  • That's why I like you, Superman.

  • You're much more gullible than---

  • [grunts]

  • You think you can have a family...

  • ...that locking me up will magically reform me...

  • ...and they'll be safe!

  • So big, so dumb!

  • Now run along so I can break out of here!

  • I've got lots of planning to do to top this!

  • That's enough!

  • I know it's soon but...

  • ...think you'll ever love again?

  • Maybe you won't kill your next family!

  • [grunts]

  • [laughing]

  • Wonder Woman! Aquaman! Let's wrap this up...

  • I've gotta get to the Watchtower.

  • Before Luthor throws something else at us...

  • Doomsday!

  • Should've been a combined assault.

  • Clark sometimes forgets he can't do everything himself!

  • You're interrupting tonight's entertainment, Raven!

  • I detest violence, Luthor...but I'm even less fond of you!

  • [yells]

  • Thought you'd have this mess cleaned up by now!

  • Name's Cyborg; not Miracle Worker.

  • Nightwing to Batman, you there?

  • We could use your help.

  • After I check out Arkham...I've have to make sure Luthor didn't bust him out or---

  • No kidding! We're getting' our butts handed to us!

  • Be there soon, Dick.

  • We're keeping' a close eye on him, Batman, just like you said.

  • He hasn't moved in hours!

  • What in the h***?

  • What is that?!

  • How'd Joker do this?

  • He didn't. The real trap...

  • behind us.

  • You're so clever.

  • You're Luthor's pet now, Deathstroke?

  • His money's green! And as a bonus...I get to kill Batman.

  • Sorry, Deathstroke. No bonus for you.

  • Batman to Watchtower: come in.

  • Nightwing!

  • [grunts]


  • [yells]

  • Green Arrow! What was that?

  • Thunder of the Gods, Flash. Thunder of the Gods.

  • What does that make us?

  • The poor slobs who clean up the mess...

  • Now, if there are no further interruptions---

  • Took me almost two minutes to break your encryption. Nice work.

  • Bane!

  • [speaks Spanish]

  • Now I break your back!

  • Bane, Catwoman, Grundy...

  • You're all alone, Luthor.

  • Geniuses often are.

  • Psychopaths like you---

  • You hero types are all alike: even less imposing close up!

  • You're testing my patience!

  • Resigned to throwing toys?

  • D*** you!

  • Time to teach you humility!

  • Try this on, genius!

  • Superman: report!

  • It's done. The others are mopping up.

  • I'm taking Doomsday into deep space.

  • Make sure it's very deep space.

  • What's that?

  • It's the none-of-your-d***-business alarm.

  • Radiological...Metropolis...

  • [chuckles]

  • I can see the headlines!

  • Justice League fails! Clown kills millions!

  • You gave him a nuke?!

  • Most of the League dies...and Superman's beloved city is vaporized!

  • I console the masses by offering to rebuild my own image of cour---!

  • He was done.

  • This is Batman! Code red! Everyone to these coordinates now!

  • Baldy said remember to...

  • Ah! There we are!

  • Mr. J! It works!

  • Oh! [giggles]

  • Uh-oh.

  • Back to the van, Harley. Bats and I need to talk.

  • But, Puddin--!

  • [slaps]

  • Go!

  • No one likes a third wheel...

  • Batman! [speaks French]

  • I knew that ape Deathstroke couldn't kill you!

  • Too bad for you.

  • Why so jumpy? I've merely took it off standby.

  • It's this button you've gotta worry about!

  • There they are!

  • Keep him talking, Bruce!

  • Don't wait for us, Barry. Go!

  • You push that button and eight million die!

  • Eight million and two, darling.

  • I was going to enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance...

  • But now that you're here...what say we have one last dance?

  • What the h***'s the matter with this thing?!

  • This is somehow your fault!

  • Metropolis...and yet---

  • Maybe I was too sentimental before...I'll be fine without you!

  • Now stay down...

  • [groans]

  • ...and keep quiet.

  • [sirens blaring]

  • Hands up!

  • I said hands up, Bat-Freak!

  • Do it or you're dead!

  • Now that's funny!

  • Hands up! Hands in the air!

  • [alarm blaring]

  • Amateurs, next time wipe your drive!

  • They're not Insurgents?

  • Just some punks.

  • Like that Joker Clan idiot we almost had!

  • Still can't believe we freakin' lost Batman!

  • Yeah. Let's hope the big boss doesn't find out!

  • I'm in a nightmare.

  • Gotham. Sort of.

  • So...temporal displacement? Alternate Earth?

  • Could be either. We may have jumped to a different dimension.

  • Or events in our own timeline have changed and we're in a new, altered present.

  • We need to determine which.

  • Soon. If Joker's bomb detonated, we have to get back.

  • The Watchtower should've picked up any anomalies, right?

  • The Watchtower might not exist.

  • I can't make contact.

  • We need to find out! Once my ring is charged, I can get us there.

  • The Atlantis Archives.

  • If this is an altered timeline, we might find a record of the triggering event there.

  • Assuming there's an Atlantis.

  • It's worth investigating.

  • Let's you and I check things out here.

  • Ring, where's the nearest power battery?

  • The Ferris Aircraft Facility in Coast City.

  • Well, at least that hasn't changed.

  • Stay low. I'll be back ASAP.

  • Where did you say the battery was?

  • Carrol Ferris' office. Left at the next hallway, third door on the right.

  • It's the fourth door...

  • [distant screams in pain]

  • [indistinct conversation]

  • Raven?

  • Cyborg?

  • This is your final chance to accept the High Councilor's amnesty, Deathstroke!

  • Get re-educated in your boot camp? Become a you?!

  • [yells]

  • The boss is bein' generous.

  • I wouldn't.

  • Most of the Titans died in Metropolis five years ago.

  • Gah, I had nothing to do with that!

  • Doesn't matter! You're still on the wrong side of the law!

  • Tell this to your boss: [spits]

  • This how things work here?

  • So you're green again?

  • Something's not right. He's Hal Jordan...yet---

  • Stand down! You're done here!

  • Definitely not ours!

  • You feel his pain? Not yet...

  • [grunts]

  • After we're done with Deathstroke, how 'bout the three of us go talk to the High Councilor?

  • Enough! Whoever you are, you're under arrest!

  • Guess I won't be getting anymore lip from her!

  • Now who's this High Councilor?

  • The one who's turned you into a second-rate thug?

  • I'll show you second-rate!

  • Talk. You. Now.

  • Okay. Let's talk about the mess o' trouble you're in!

  • And how I'm gonna knock that head sideways!

  • Head's still on straight.

  • D*** scum. You shoulda killed me.

  • Get off me!

  • Look, I'm not with them!

  • Whoever you are...they know you now.

  • They catch ya---

  • You have the stones to refuse their amnesty?

  • Who are they working for?

  • Who's the only one who can keep minnows like them in line?

  • Hal, are you there? Hal!

  • Wonder Woman.

  • Get back [static] Sinestro [static]

  • Sinestro?

  • He's holding citizens [static]

  • On my way!

  • I need to charge my ring. Then you and I are gonna take a little trip---

  • I'll be happy to see Green Arrow die again!

  • Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, now Hal Jordan?

  • This just keeps getting better!

  • [yells]

  • You amuse me, Jordan!

  • Eat this, Sinestro!

  • Oppressing your home planet isn't enough, Sinestro?

  • The One Earth government is similar to mine on Korugar...

  • An alliance was logical!

  • So for now I tolerate humans...even Hal Jordan!

  • My doppelgänger has joined your side...

  • As did all who wish to live...

  • I'm resisting arrest...again.

  • You okay?

  • Hal!

  • Someone call me?

  • You're Sinestro Corp?!

  • Sinestro's right.

  • Fear's more effective than willpower.

  • So ya ditched green and went yellow.

  • The color of cowardice.

  • I'm still about order, like the Guardians.

  • I'm sure they're very proud---

  • Santimony's easy when you---

  • Save it! Time to kick my a**!

  • Well, that was surreal.

  • And a bit disturbing.

  • Yeah, all that yellow's really tough on the eyes.

  • [sirens blaring]

  • We need to move.

  • Hiding from the cops...aren't there any good guys here?

  • There just might be...

  • Nothing yet?

  • The energy signature from the park doesn't match anything in the database...

  • Why don't I just vibrate at the same frequency as the energy signature and follow them?

  • Because we don't know if they went somewhere dangerous.

  • Or if they went anywhere at all.

  • Superman's right. It's too risky.

  • Too bad I wasn't fast enough to catch 'em in the first place.

  • We'll find 'em. We have to.

  • A pleasure most rare, Your Highness.

  • I need information on surface world governments: history of the current structure.

  • Ah! For the treaty negotiations with the High Councilor?

  • Yes...the treaty discussions...

  • I'm afraid our resources are limited.

  • Superman has been less than willing to reveal his regime's inner workings.

  • Tell me what you know. Recount the events of his ascension.

  • A thorough review might eliminate new strategies for negotiation.

  • I am humbled, sire.

  • Five years ago, the criminal Joker deceived Superman into killing his wife and unborn son...

  • ...and destroying Metropolis.

  • Consumed by grief, Superman killed the Joker.

  • Yes...we all remember where we were that day.

  • Afterword, he showed no restraint.

  • Judge, jury, and executioner, he and other like-minded meta-humans quickly reigned in the criminal element.

  • Which made him quite popular.

  • The surface world was desperate for strong leadership...

  • Superman consolidated his power; he created the One Earth government.

  • Democratic institutions were swept away.

  • Sire. The High Councilor's envoys await you in the throne room.

  • Flash, Shazam...welcome!

  • Your Highness, it's an honor to meet you.

  • And to be the first surface people to visit Atlantis!

  • Yes...we have important matters to discuss: the treaty.

  • The final draft; Superman is glad you agreed to his terms.

  • May I?

  • Is there a problem, Your Highness?

  • This is complete subjugation: Superman will rule Atlantis!

  • It's what you agreed to. It's what we expect.

  • You threaten me?

  • Tread carefully.

  • We have our orders.

  • You can tell Superman: he will not have Atlantis!

  • And I meant that!

  • Your orders be d****ed.

  • Let's not take this any further: I want to talk to Superman.

  • You don't talk to Superman! You do what he wants!

  • And you're gonna do what you promised!

  • You two make sorry diplomats.

  • There he is, sire!

  • Well then, parallel dimension it is.

  • Who do you work for, usurper? Manta? Ocean Master?

  • I'm the King of Atlantis!

  • I answer to no one!

  • Unlike you...

  • Mind your tongue.

  • You would give away your kingdom like a pair of worn a surface dweller?

  • The treaty requires Superman to maintain Earth's oceans...

  • ...and recognize our autonomy!

  • You put your army at his beck and call!

  • A necessary compromise.

  • More like appeasement.

  • I grow tired of this. Take him!

  • I had planned to offer you help. I've changed my mind!

  • Now let's discuss a revised foreign policy.

  • Kill him!

  • What now?

  • They do tend to fight first, don't they?

  • Though I may have stoked the fires a bit...

  • Ares!

  • Why are you here?

  • I feed on conflict. Until today, I've been starving.

  • I sensed the return of aggression and sought its cause.

  • You did more than that! You brought us here!

  • No...but I can guess who did.

  • My fire doesn't need stoking, Ares. Tell me who!

  • You presume to command me?

  • I do. And you will obey!

  • You're weak, Ares.

  • Superman's reign has nearly eliminated conflict.

  • Left me virtually powerless...

  • So if you didn't bring us here, who did?

  • Those who would end Superman's rule...the Insurgents.

  • Heroes?

  • Only one. All other heroes who challenged Superman have been eliminated.

  • He killed them.

  • And the only ones left are those who joined him?

  • Along with a small cadre of former villains....

  • ...whose loyalty was bought or coerced.

  • I need to join my colleagues.

  • They're with the Insurgents as we speak.

  • Send me to them.

  • How'd you get here?

  • Ares. Not our Ares.

  • We know. Meet Not-Our-Batman.

  • I was wondering how to retrieve you from Atlantis.

  • Headache?

  • Trying to prevent one.

  • It's a durability enhancer. 5U-93R.

  • How can a pill allow--

  • Kryptonian nanotech. Increases the tensile strength of bone and tissue by several thousand percent.

  • Bats can tell you the rest later if you're havin' trouble sleepin'.

  • He borrowed the recipe from Superman; Supes gives it to his flunkies.

  • Yes...met a couple of our evil twins.

  • They're not evil. Most obey Superman out of fear or they believe he's right and have lost perspective.

  • So you're the only one left.

  • Not the only one.

  • What is this?

  • How are you even alive?!

  • He's with me.

  • Unlike your Luthor, I've never indulged in law-breaking. Superman doesn't suspect his best friend is funding the Insurgency.

  • Luther's involvement is a secret. People critical of Superman disappear.

  • Government officials. Activists. Reporters.

  • Well now that we're all here...explain why you chose us.

  • And why you didn't ask before yankin' us over!

  • We were kinda busy.

  • The nuclear didn't go off.

  • Your transfer somehow prevented it.

  • How do you know about--

  • We've been monitoring your world for some time. You four specifically.

  • I have a weapon to take down Superman. A Kryptonite-based laser that--

  • Hold on! A Kryptonite weapon? You kill him, you're no better than he is.

  • I didn't say kill. It'll incapacitate him, nothing more.

  • The weapon's in the Batcave. I need your DNA to unlock it.

  • The collar's working! Good. Re-education wasn't going to effect him.

  • Mmm.

  • You sure you don't want me to stay?

  • Kal. I know you didn't lose your super-hearing.

  • Are you okay with this? With us?



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B2 中高級 美國腔

不公正。Gods Among Us:電影(3,000+訂閱者特別版!) (Injustice: Gods Among Us: The Movie (3,000+ Subscriber Special!))

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