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  • Hi, It's Lisa Scott with Today is a little known holiday known as Lucky

  • penny day, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about pennies and the

  • expressions we use about them.

  • But first, let's talk about the pronunciation of penny. Some of you tend to leave off word

  • endings, which can lead to some confusion in English. This is not a pen; this is a pen.

  • This is a penny -- put that long E sound on the end of the word. - pennY.

  • Have you ever found a penny on the ground? Supposedly, if you find one and pick it up,

  • you will have good luck the rest of the day. There is even a chant about it that I learned

  • as a child. It goes like this See a penny, pick it up; all day long , you'll have good

  • luck.

  • Now, I'm not sure that finding a penny is a guarantee of good fortune, but there are

  • a couple of expressions about pennies that have to do with fortunes -or at least your

  • personal wealth. For example, the saying " A penny saved is a penny earned" reinforces

  • the idea that saving your money instead of spending it all is a good idea.

  • Someone who is Penny- wise and pound -foolish is careful with small amounts of money but

  • makes bad decisions about large amounts. It is originally a British saying, with reference

  • to the pound sterling, but we use it in America the same way.

  • And, if you are looking a little sad or look as if you are daydreaming or "off in your

  • own little world", as we might say, I may say to you -- a penny for your thoughts. I

  • don't really mean that I'm going to pay you anything, but it's an expression that means

  • that I'm interested in what's going on with you and I'm ready to listen.

  • So, if you're thinking about a word or pronunciation that is troubling you in English, then imagine

  • me saying to you "a penny for your thoughts." Write those troubling thoughts or questions

  • in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them on the page or in an upcoming

  • video.

  • I'll see you next time!

Hi, It's Lisa Scott with Today is a little known holiday known as Lucky


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B1 中級

第18集:一分錢怎麼說?一分錢買你的想法! (Episode #18: How Do You Say Penny? A Penny For Your Thoughts!)

  • 413 29
    Sam 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日