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  • Hey, what’s up? It’s Marie Forleo. Youre watching MarieTV, the place to be to create

    嗨大家好!我是Marie Forleo,你現在收看的是Marie電視台,在這裡你可以

  • a business and a life that you love. Wanna give it a big hug every single day. And this


  • is Q&A Tuesday, which means there’s questions and answers, Q’s and A’s, and today’s


  • comes from Tamara and she writes:


  • Hi Marie. Whenever I see a little progress in my business I wanna hide under a rock.

    "嗨Marie! 每當我察覺在生意上有所進步時,我總會想躲起來

  • The moment I’m pushed outside of my comfort zone, I wanna run back in. What can I do to


  • continue moving forward without running and hiding? Thanks so much, Tamara.”

    我該如何繼續往前進,而不是逃跑或躲起來? 非常謝謝妳的回答,Tamara"

  • Oh my goodness Tamara, you are describing something that so many of us struggle with

    喔我的天啊Tamara! 你描述的問題是我們很多人都曾經歷掙扎過的

  • but we just don't know it. It’s this idea called an upper limit problem and it was coined

    但我們只是沒有察覺到。 這是個叫做"情緒上限症候群"的問題,而這個詞則是由

  • by my friend Gay Hendricks who wrote the fantastic book The Big Leap. So I first discovered this

    我的朋友Gay Hendricks所創造的,同時他也是"大躍進"這本很棒的書的作者。 當我發現這個概念時

  • concept because I got really sick after having a huge spike in my business. Here’s what


  • happened.


  • Second year that we launched B-School things took off. It reached a whole new level. So


  • more financial wealth, more impact than I couldve ever imagined. It was the middle


  • of summer, I find myself in this yoga class so excited and I’m in my downward dog and


  • all of a sudden I start to feel really, really sick like I’m gonna puke. Now, youve


  • gotta get, I’m not the kind of person that gets sick very often, so this seemed weird.


  • So I’m thinking, “Well, maybe it’s just a 24 hour bug.” I get home, I try to take

    所以我想:這應該只是一些小毛病。 當我回到家

  • care of myself, and it just kept getting worse. For 6 days I had skull crushing headaches,

    並試著休息一下,但事情卻變得更糟。 在接下來的六天中,我頭疼欲裂

  • I couldn’t keep any food down. I was a complete and utter mess. Finally I got myself to the

    我沒辦法吃下任何食物,我根本就一團糟。 終於我決定去看醫生

  • doctor because I thought maybe I have salmonella, maybe I have a parasite, who knows? Got these


  • tests done, went home, chilled out. My friends came over that night to try and take care

    做完所有的測試後,我回家並且讓自己放鬆。 我的朋友們當晚就來到我家試著照顧我

  • of me, I told them about what was happening, and they all said, “You know what, Marie?


  • I don't think youre sick. I think those tests are gonna come back negative. This is


  • an upper limit problem. You have so much great stuff happening right now you probably just


  • don't even know how to handle it.” I thought that was a little wild, but whatever. I listened.

    而你只是不知道該如何面對這一切。" 我覺得這個說法很奇怪,但管他的,我還是有聽進去。

  • Turns out the next day the doctor calls me. I’m waiting for my test results figuring


  • I’ve got something bad. He said, “You know what? Nothing is wrong with you. No salmonella,

    並且覺得身體狀況不太樂觀。 醫生說:檢查發現你並沒有任何的問題,沒有沙門氏菌

  • no parasites, no nothing.”


  • So for me when I hit an upper limit I typically get sick. It sounds like for you you wanna

    所以對我來說,當我到達情緒上限時我總是會覺得身體不適。 而對你來說你則是想要

  • run and hide. Some people get themselves in accidents or they pick a fight or they start


  • dropping the ball at work. Why? Well, the theory goes like this: when you hit your upper

    或許開始在工作上表現不佳,為甚麼呢? 這個情形的發生原因是這樣:當你達到生活情緒上限時

  • limit your upper limit is basically the limit that you allow yourself to feel happy and


  • successful. It’s almost like an internal thermostat, like your success comfort zone.


  • And as Gay Hendricks says, each of us has a limited tolerance for feeling good.

    誠如Gay Hendricks所說,我們每個人都會有容忍自己感覺良好的限度

  • Now, when things start to get amazing and we go beyond that upper limit, many of us


  • start to unconsciously start sabotaging ourselves so we can get back to our comfort zone. Now,


  • this is a really universal problem, and thankfully we can actually do something about it. It


  • has everything to do with turning up the volume on our awareness. So if anything good starts


  • to happen in your life or you have a big breakthrough, youve gotta keep the lookout on for all


  • the ways that you might self sabotage, and don't do it.


  • So if youre like me and you get physically sick, then youve gotta just chill out and


  • rest and take it easy. If youre someone who always drops the ball at work, pay extra

    並且別把它當一回事。 而如果你是會在工作上有不好表現的人

  • attention to the details. And if youre someone like you, Tamara, who really wants

    請試著去多注意某些細節。 而如果你是像Tamara一樣,當事情變好時

  • to run and hide when things get good, don't retreat. Just stay and let yourself feel it.

    想逃跑或是躲起來,請別逃避。 讓你自己冷靜下來並去感受這一切的發生

  • Here’s the thing about upper limits, youre gonna keep facing this throughout your entire


  • life and the more awareness you bring, the more you reset that thermostat and re-calibrate


  • yourself to handle all kinds of good stuff.


  • Now, if youre someone who’s into mantras you can use this one from Gay Hendricks. “I

    如果你是有在記錄名言佳句的人,請參考Gay Hendricks所說的這句

  • expand in success, love, and creativity every day as I inspire others to do the same.”


  • Or you can use this tweetable.


  • When it comes to joy and success, your built in upper limit is completely adjustable.


  • That was my A to your Q Tamara, I really hope it helps. And now I would love to hear from

    Tamara,這是我對於你所提出的問題的回答,希望這有幫助到你。 現在我想聽聽你們的意見

  • you. How do you bust through your upper limits and do you have any fun stories to share on the topic?


  • As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at, so go


  • there and leave a comment now.


  • Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and it would be awesome if


  • you shared this video with your friends. And if you want even more great resources to create


  • a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only get


  • to talk about in email, come on over to and sign up for email updates.


  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special


  • gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV.

    正是每個人獨特的性格和天賦。 謝謝你今天的觀賞,我們下次再見囉!

Hey, what’s up? It’s Marie Forleo. Youre watching MarieTV, the place to be to create

嗨大家好!我是Marie Forleo,你現在收看的是Marie電視台,在這裡你可以


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