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This is Louis. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with a disproportionate number of other people also named Louis.
這位是 Louis,他住在密蘇里州的聖路易市,而那裏也有不成比例的人名叫 Louis。
We’re unconsciously attracted to people, places and things that resemble ourselves.
And it affects our life in some pretty bizarre ways.
In one study, researchers analysed the public records of 66 million Americans and found that
在一項研究中,專家分析了 6600萬美國人的檔案後發現,
people are disproportionately likely to live in places whose names resemble their own.
Just like St. Louis and it’s Louises, Jacksonville is inhabited by more Jacks, Philadelphia by Philips, and Virginia Beach by Virginias.
While some gravitate towards these places,
it’s also possible that parents living in Georgia are more likely to name their children George or Georgia.
The researchers also found people are more likely to live in cities whose names began with their birthday numbers.
If you were born on the second of the month, you’d live in Two Harbors, Minnesota. The third? Three Oaks, Michigan.
如果你出生在一個月的第二天,你可能住在明尼蘇達州的 Two Harbors。那第三天呢?是密西根的 Three Oaks。
And people were more likely to choose careers whose labels resemble their names.
Dennis or Denise are overrepresented among dentists; Laurie, Lauren and Lawrence among lawyers.
如 Dennis 或 Denise 這樣的名字相當容易出現在牙科醫生中;律師中則以 Laurie, Lauren 與 Lawrence 為多數。
Researchers called this effect of unconscious self-love “Implicit Egotism”. And it doesn't stop there.
A recent study of undergraduate students found when you work in a group,
sharing initials with other members of the group increases the overall quality of your group work.
Bizarrely, the study was authored by three researchers by the names of Polman, Pollmann and Poehlman.
奇特的是,這份研究正是由三位名為 Polman, Pollmann 和 Poehlman的研究員所完成。
They suggest this is caused by the “Name-letter effect”, where we have a preference for the letters in our names.
We write our name thousands of times throughout our life,
so the more we are merely exposed to something–like those letters–the more we like it.
It's also known as the “Mere exposure effect.”
One study in the 1980s showed people more often ranked letters belonging to their name as their most preferred letters of the alphabet.
一份 1980 年代的報告指出,人們經常將出現在自己名字中的字母列為最喜歡的字母。
And they found this Name-letter effect across 12 different European languages.
此外,他們也發現這種「姓名-字母效應」出現在 12 個不同的歐洲語言中。
Some of the findings - like more Louises living in St Louis - seem counter-intuitive,
某些研究,例如聖路易市有較多的 Louis,看似是違反直覺的;
but they are supported by a lot of data, like analysing birth, marriage and death records.
So when Angela moves to Los Angeles or Phillip buys a Phillips television, there may be some implicit egotism involved.
所以,當 Angela 搬到洛杉磯,或是 Philip 買了一台飛利浦電視,這其中都可能有「內隱的本位主義」牽涉其中。
But, finally, there’s a scientific explanation for why Susie sells sea shells by the sea shore.
但,對於為什麼 Susie 會在海邊賣貝殼(美式繞口令)總算有科學的說法了。
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如果你還沒有,請到我的 Twitter 和 Tumblr 來更新有關腦的最新影片。
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