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  • Hey guys I've got another weekly vlog for you this week.

  • I'm so happy at the reaction to my last weekly vlog, I really wasn't sure what to expect

  • because it was my first time vlogging and posting a vlog on my channel so I didn't know

  • if anyone would enjoy it but it seems like a lot of you did which is really awesome,

  • so here is another one. Though i must confess, it's already Friday

  • so it's more of a weekend vlog than a weekly vlog but you honestly haven't missed much

  • from the rest of the week. We did move into a new office on Monday though

  • which is pretty darn awesome. It's sort of like, I don't know it's been a really good

  • work week because of that. We've got this great new space and it feels more like a studio

  • than an office. I might try get some shots of it today to show you. But I should head

  • off to work now. Tonight, just so you know, I'll be heading to the Massey University fashion

  • show so it's their final year fashion students showing their collections, what they've been

  • working on all year. So I'm really looking forward to that.

  • Actually before I head to work I just wanted to show you guys my outfit for the day because

  • I really like when people do OOTDs in vlogs. So i want to try and remember to start doing

  • that. God, sorry that my mirror is so dirty. But today I'm wearing this top from Stradivarius.

  • It's like a sheer creamish blouse with a sequin collar. Necklace from, what's that place called?

  • Matchbox Studios which is on Cuba St in Wellington. Just a sort of flippy skirt from Glassons.

  • Tights and boots from Dotti.

  • Work is done for the day so now I'm off to the fashion show. I don't know if I explained

  • yet but I'm actually going to be filming a video for the Massey University channel there

  • that's why I'm going along. I'm gonna go backstage and talk to a couple of students and see what

  • goes on behind the scenes I guess, which should be fun.

  • Good morning! It's saturday now and it's actually midday but I have done a lot this morning

  • I think. This morning I got up early to set my video live which was a collab with Tara

  • and Ellen, so you should go check that out and check them out if you haven't already.

  • They'll be linked below.

  • I am gonna spend the rest of today mostly uh editing, writing some blog posts and working

  • on my tshirt line.

  • hello it is Sunday now, and I'm here with Smay. "hey!" we're heading off to a meeting

  • with a lady to hopefully see about renting her flat in London for the first like month

  • or so that we're there. Fingers crossed. I feel really nervous. "yeah me too, I feel

  • like we're going to a job interview or something" I know! She has to like us!

  • So we have a place to live! (weird scream) That is so exciting. everything just seemed

  • to fall into place like I'm sort of wondering, I don't know, what's gonna go wrong now I

  • guess...

  • But yeah that was an ex-colleague of my dad's and she has a flat that she's trying to sell

  • in London but she said that she would rent it out to us on like a short term lease so

  • that we can stay there while we're hunting for a place to stay, you know a bit longer

  • term. Which is just perfect, so now we know we have a home to go to when we move over

  • there which is just, I don't know, huge weight off the shoulders you know. Amazing. And now

  • I'm going to go Bloggers Brunch and eat some yummy food.

  • This is my office for the afternoon. It's far too nice a day to be sitting inside at

  • my computer today so I've grabbed my laptop and I'm sitting on our balcony. I was feeling

  • really inspired after the Bloggers Brunch Club so I'm just using this time in the sun

  • to type up some blog posts.

  • This brings us to the end of this weekly vlog. I hope you enjoyed it even though I wasn't

  • doing cool things like going to a Halloween party or going to see Lorde. I don't know,

  • let me know down below what you did think about it and if you'd like to see more vlogs

  • like this that are just of my everyday life I guess. And I will see you guys on Saturday

  • for a regular video. Bye!

Hey guys I've got another weekly vlog for you this week.


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A2 初級 英國腔

每週Vlog #2:時尚秀和博主早午餐 | CharliMarieTV (Weekly Vlog #2: Fashion show & bloggers brunch | CharliMarieTV)

  • 375 23
    Nga Yan Cheng 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日