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  • Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you wanna create

  • a business and a life that you love, and I know you do. Today’s question comes from

  • Poonam and she writes:

  • Hi Marie, I love your videos and your energy. Here’s my Q. I’m really bad at making

  • decisions. Whenever I have to make a decision I start calling around and asking everyone

  • what should I do. I feel like everything I’m doing in my life is based on decisions made

  • for me by somebody else. Later on I regret that I listened to all these people because

  • things usually get bad. But still I’m not able to make my own decisions. Is there a

  • way that I can improve my decision making skills? Thanks, Poonam.”

  • Poonam, great question. First thing I want you to know, you are completely capable of

  • making your own decisions, and smart ones at that. Youre just not practiced at it

  • yet. So here are a few strategies that can help.

  • Strategy number one is put down the clipboard. Poonam, running around constantly asking others

  • for their opinion is a bad habit you need to drop like a hot pocket. Right now youre

  • a survey addict and the only way youre gonna kick this habit is to put down

  • the clipboard.

  • All kidding aside, the most important step that you can take to improve your decision

  • making skills is to trust yourself to start making them, and that means you need to go

  • cold turkey on group surveys.

  • Strategy number two is be the decider. So check it out, you already make tons of decisions

  • every day, youre just probably not aware of them. You know, which way should I walk,

  • what do I wanna wear, should I wear my bra on the inside or the outside, should I send

  • this as an email or text? So youre making decisions all the time and you just gotta

  • start paying attention to them. Yes, I know, these are little decisions, but the point

  • is you make them and if you make small ones you can make big ones. In fact, I wrote a

  • song for you that I think should be your new anthem.

  • If it’s good enough for Queen Bey, you know what I’m talking about? So here’s the

  • point: be the decider and celebrate that and I promise itll give you more confidence.

  • Strategy number three is dial 888-INNER-WISDOM. Here’s the deal, so many of us make the

  • mistake of constantly looking outside of ourselves for help with life’s big decisions. Now,

  • of course it’s ok to talk with people you trust, but right now, Poonam, you are completely

  • disconnected from your own truth, so you need to dial your inner wisdom hotline because,

  • here’s the deal, the advice thatll never steer you wrong comes from within. It’s

  • called listening to your heart or your higher self or your intuition.

  • You have 24/7 access to this wisdom as long as you know the right numbers to dial. What

  • I mean is, how to listen to your intuition, how to actually tap into your heart. Now,

  • weve already done some episodes about this, so I will put the links below. With practice

  • you are gonna feel confident, youre gonna feel strong, and you are going to love making

  • your own decisions. In fact, the best part about it can be summed up in this Tweetable.

  • The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.”

  • That was my A to your Q, Poonam, I hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from you.

  • Are you a good solo decision maker or are you addicted to other people’s opinions?

  • Now, if youve been able to sharpen your own decision making skills, I would love to

  • know how you did it.

  • As always, the most awesome discussions happen after the episode over at the magical fairytale

  • land of, so get your buns over there and leave a comment now.

  • Did you like this video? If you did, subscribe to our lovely channel and I would be so grateful

  • if you shared it with your friends. And if you want even more incredible resources to

  • create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I

  • only get to talk about in email, come on over to and make sure you sign

  • up for email updates.

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special

  • gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time

  • on MarieTV.

Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you wanna create


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A2 初級 美國腔

做出更好的決定。3個步驟來決定什麼是適合你的。 (Make Better Decisions: 3 Steps To Decide What’s Right For You)

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    Adam Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日