字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi Xiaohong. There’s nothing to do these days. We can enjoy the leisure! 我說小紅阿, 如今中原無大事, 我們可以享受這難得的清閒! Hey! 唉! Why do you sign? 為何嘆氣呢? Hey! It’s too leisurely, so I even feel boring. 唉! 還不是因為太清閒, 所以無聊阿... Oh, boring? You can watch the traditional hand puppet show. I have some good disks of the traditional hand puppet show and I can lend them to you. 哦, 無聊? 可以看布袋戲阿! 我有很好的片子可以借你. Disks? Hey! My DVD player at home is too bad. The display is always not clear, and there’s big noise all the time, lagggg….. 片子? 唉! 我家的那台播放機太爛了, 看片子都霧煞煞, 而且還會lagggg…… Ah! Then you are out now. 好了, 惦惦! 這樣你就落伍了 There’s a good product for you. I’m sure you can enjoy the clear videos with it. 有一樣產品很好用, 用了你絕對看得很清楚! Oh. What’s that? 哦, 是什麼呢? Come here. Try this one. 來, 我報你這台 This is the new product of ASRock, ION 330HT. You can not only watch movies, ASRock出產的ION 330HT. 這項產品不但可以看影片 And also listen to music, play games, etc. I’m sure you will not be boring any more. 也可以放音樂, 打3D電動, 保證你不無聊! I see. But my computer at home has these functions too. 這樣喔, 但是我家的那一台電腦也是有這些功能啊 You mean the doltish one in your home? 你說你們家那台兩光的嗎? I remember it always breaks down. And the chassis is too big which occupies a lot of space. 我記得不是時常秀逗嗎? 不只大, 還佔空間! ION 330HT features a lot of functions. The size is as small as a box which saves space for you. ION 330HT功能好, 一台好像盒子一樣, 絕對不會佔你家的空間 Oh. That sounds great! Can you introduce something more for me? 這樣好喔, 是不是可以幫我多介紹一些? First, it has mini size and refined appearance. 首先, 它的外型輕巧, 質感很好 It uses the High Glossy Surface Paint housing - up to 92% Gloss, which is said to be the same grade as Benz. 外觀烤漆達到92%的亮度, 聽說和賓士的烤漆是同等的級數 Really?No wonder it looks shining. I can use this as a mirror! 真的嗎, 難怪看起來那麼亮晶晶, 還可以拿來當鏡子用! Hey!Stop yapping! 唉, 別扯了! It is running a silent operation which is merely 26dB. 而且他在運行時, 非常安靜, 最多只有26分貝 It’s your best choice for a common-used PC or a home theater. 非常適合拿來當作一般使用的電腦或家庭劇院主機使用 So can I use this as a pillow? 那這樣, 是不是可以拿來做枕頭阿? Don’t mention such kind of things~~ 你不要說那些543的啦~~ This machine comes with the NVIDIA ION Graphics, and Intel Atom 330 dual-core CPU. 這台機器本身是使用NVIDIA ION繪圖晶片組, 加上Intel Atom 330雙核心CPU It brings the full support of Blu-ray and Full HD 1080p movies playback, and also supports NVIDIA Cuda technology! 不只可以播放藍光Blu-ray, Full HD 1080p高清晰的影片, 甚至可以支援Nvidia Cuda的技術! The MCE remote controller which is bundled with the PC, can allow you to operate the Windows MCE interface easily. 它所附贈的MCE遙控器, 更可以讓你隨心所欲操作Windows MCE介面 Whatever you want, such as photos, music, movies…There will be no problem at all! 不管你是要看相片, 聽音樂, 看影片, 通通沒問題啦! ION 330HT also features the WiFi 802.11n wireless network. ION 330HT還內建WiFi 802.11n無線網路 You can easily connect to the Internet anywhere and anytime! Anywhere and anytime! 讓你可以隨時隨地, 輕輕鬆鬆, 隨時隨地, 輕輕鬆鬆, 可以無線上網阿~~ Done!! What’s more? 好了!! 還有咧? It supports the latest 802.11n technology, which is several times faster than the 802.11g. 它的無線網路很厲害, 是用最新的802.11n的技術, 是傳統的802.11g速度的好幾倍 And it comes with two invisible antennas, hidden inside the front panel. One is in vertical position, and the other is in horizontal position. 雙隱藏式的天線, 是隱藏在前置面板內, 排列方式一個水平, 一個垂直 That provides you the most stable and unrestricted-direction wireless network coverage. 不論你的機器是平擺或直立, 收訊完全都無死角喔! In Windows 7 OS, it can be also used as an AP. 在Windows 7作業系統環境下, 更可以當作無線網路基地台使用 So you can save the money for an separate AP. 可以讓你省一筆買無線網路基地台的錢啊 Oh, I see. So it’s cost-efficient. Haha… 這樣子阿, 那我不是又賺到了, 哈哈哈…. For audio aspect, ION 330HT supports 7.1-CH speakers. 不只這樣, 在音效方面, ION 330HT還支援7.1聲道喇叭 The volume is up to 110dB. And it also supports dts surround audio and Premium Bly-ray Audio. 音量可達110dB分貝, dts環繞音效以及Premium藍光音質 The dts surround audio allows you to enjoy the cinema-style experience! dts環繞音效可以讓你擁有就像電影院一般的高品質享受 The Premium Bly-ray Audio can enable you to enjoy the 24bit HD audio in Bly-ray source movies. Premium藍光音效可以讓你真正享受藍光影片之中的24bit高音效品質啊 Moreover, ION 330HT is the only HTPC, which has 2.5 Liter system, 還有, ION 330HT更是市面上唯一的一台HTPC, 可以在2.5公升的體積空間內 But can support 2nd 2.5 inch hard disk. So you can set up RAID 0 and RAID 1 array. 支援加裝第二顆2.5吋硬碟, 進一步支援磁碟陣列RAID 0以及RAID 1 It has so excellent performance. So it must consumes a lot of power. 它的效能這麼好, 應該很耗電囉? Haha! You are totally wrong! ION 330HT has already achieved the Energy Star 5.0 certification. 哈哈, 這你就錯囉! ION 330HT不只通過能源之星5.0的認證 And has meet the EuP 2.0 standard, which is to say, the total power consumption of the complete system is less than 0.5W in off mode. 更達到EuP 2.0的標準, 也就是在關機狀態下, 總耗電量低於0.5瓦 And it features the ASRock unique Good Night LED technology. 再來, ASRock的獨家Good Night LED技術 It can switch off the power LED when the system is running. 還可以將系統運行時會發光的電源指示燈給關掉 So, No matter you want to download during night, or switch off the light in living room 如此一來, 不論是在晚上睡覺時做BT下載, 還是你想將客廳的電燈關起來 to enjoy a qualified home theater. And there will be no more annoying LED lights. 來當做家庭劇院觀賞, 都不會再受到討厭的LED燈光干擾了 Now, ION 330HT also bundle with Cyberlink software suite, which provide you a lot of useful applications. 現在, ASRock還有附贈Cyberlink的套裝軟體, 讓你不論是播放影片 You can easily edit videos or view photos. 還是編輯剪接影片, 還是看相片等等, 都完全使用自如啊! So is this product already launched ? 喔…..那這項產品是不是已經上市了呢? Haha… It certainly is. 哈哈哈….這當然已經上市了啊!! Oh! 咻! Ah…Where are you?? You fogot to bring the disks of puppet show!!! Wait for me… 啊, 人呢?? 布袋戲的片子你還沒拿啊!!! 等我一下啊…
B1 中級 中文 藍光 音效 影片 支援 網路 無聊 ION 330HT系列介紹(臺版有英文字幕) (ION 330HT series introduction (Taiwanese version with English subtitle)) 465 16 吳祥寬高中部教師 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字