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  • It's Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!

  • I would like to introduce you a little bit, to the many forces that come to visit this body over the years.

  • From different dimensions also. [chuckles]

  • How they come, how strong they could appear, and everything like that.

  • And each one is defeated like that.

  • So much so that when you look back, and I hear things like this, I can say, it's nothing.

  • This and that, it's nothing.

  • 'But this thing?' Nothing.

  • 'Yeah, but last night an angel...' Nothing.

  • 'Yesterday I almost died.' Yeah, it's nothing.

  • 'I had an experience. It was so...' Nothing. [laughter]

  • 'I want to be free.' Nothing.

  • Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. [chuckling - participants laughter]

  • 'I have to tell you about now, because something is tightening up.' [Mooji makes tightening sounds]

  • I say, Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.

  • Nothing!

  • 'I sat in a cave and it was...' Nothing! Nothing.

  • 'What you speak about?' Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.

  • Just you amusing yourself. It's nothing.

  • How many times you thought, 'Oh! This is my last day.' [Mooji makes dying sounds]

  • Nothing! Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.

  • One day this body, 'plop' [Mooji feigns the body losing the vital force] Nothing.

  • It's nothing.

  • Nobody here is going to convince me it is something. Get over it. [Mooji and all laughing, and some clapping]

  • Huh? And it is precisely that, because I don't accept your version of yourself, and I don't believe you.

  • Yes. Is the only reason I can serve you.

  • Because I cannot accept the things you say about yourself.

  • They are simply not true.

  • I know you. I know every single being.

  • When I look in your eyes, I know who dwells there.

  • And I know the state of that one, to be perfect and holy.

  • So everything else you say, for a few moments, 'Ah, okay, oh... okay'

  • Waiting for a chance for you to say, 'And then actually all that I saw is nothing!'

  • I go, 'Aha!!' [much laughter]

  • But still you persist and go on, 'And this thing came last night, and it was so big, and I'm a dream, and in this dream I saw, I saw...'

  • It's nothing.

  • 'And what happens though, after I die?' Nothing! No, nothing, nothing, nothing!

  • [Mooji makes slapping or slicing type sounds back and forth several times while participants laugh]

  • You see. Hmm, hmm...

  • So I say sometimes it's like, I used to say a samurai comes to you. A divine samurai.

  • And he says, 'I've come to take what I cannot have.'

  • 'Give me.'

  • And you say, 'I've come for your, I've come.' And you go, 'Okay, okay. Take all my possessions.'

  • [Mooji makes a slicing sound] 'Don't want that. That's already mine.'

  • 'Take all my learning. [Mooji makes slicing sound] It's not this.'

  • 'Take all my experience. [Mooji makes two slicing sounds] It's not this.'

  • 'Take my devotion. [Mooji makes slicing sound] Take my family.'

  • [Mooji makes several slicing sounds rapid fire and everyone laughs]

  • 'Take my future [slice sound] past [slice sound] present.' [slice sound]

  • 'Take me.' [slice sound]

  • Where have you come to? Because everything is telling me about where you have been.

  • But what about, where are you now? Where are you?

  • If you stop talking about where you've visited, what you thought, what will you want, what... the story.

  • [Mooji makes many slicing sounds]

  • And this thing I say to you like this, all of you. It was the story that Papa told me, I say like this.

  • About one girl, and she was just about to get married, no? And she was, the next day she's getting married. The next day.

  • And she's been planning everything for this wedding, because it's a traditional place.

  • And in this place, you don't get to be with your beloved in an intimate way until you are married.

  • So tomorrow is the wedding, no, tomorrow is the wedding day. Yes.

  • And so today, she must make the final arrangement and this girl lives in the forest.

  • She lives in the forest and she is now today, final arrangements, she has a few appointments.

  • 'First I must go to the cake maker. And after the cake maker, I must see the dress maker. After the dress maker I must go and see the priest.'

  • 'To go through my vows. And then finally at the end of the day, I'll see my beloved. And we'll have a cup of tea together, look forward to tomorrow.'

  • "And then tomorrow, I'll be, we'll be in each others arms! Oh wonderful!' And she's full of the joys of Spring.

  • And she's walking out in the forest to go to see the cake maker. First appointment on the list.

  • And after a few steps, right in front of her, steps a lion.

  • Face to face like this. Hungry lion, also.

  • And she can feel it's breath. {Mooji makes loud breathing sounds] Like this.

  • And in that instant you see, [Mooji makes slicing sound] the cake maker's appointment is gone. [laughter]

  • Then the dress maker. [Mooji makes slicing sound] It's not there.

  • The priest. [Mooji makes slicing sound] It's not there.

  • Only the beloved. [Mooji makes slicing sound] Also, not there.

  • In this moment, absolutely alone.

  • No time, no future, no intention, no past, no identity.

  • So the Master says, 'Welcome the lion on your path.'

  • Because until then, you're planning a tomorrow you don't have. A next week that nobody promise.

  • And all of this and our minds are full of the noise of 'otherness.'

  • What will bring you to this instant, this moment?

  • When will you spend one moment to be just you? Not carrying some message for tomorrow or something, you see.

  • And this habit that all of us we have it. And so we are full of noise. Claustrophobic.

  • With noise.

  • What will strip you back to that place?

  • Beyond time and intentions.

  • [silence]

  • How far are you from this place now?

  • What's left to do? What unfinished business is left to do?

  • Before you can simply, be your Being.

  • Be your Self.

  • Because the mind is not going to have a holiday.

  • [silence]

  • There is something that is not in the next moment. Not in a past moment, also.

  • Don't look anywhere to find it. Even your very search to find it, is already arising in it.

  • We are missing the obvious.

  • Don't seek help from your mind.

  • What will strip you back to this place beyond time and intention?

  • What unfinished business is left to do before you can simply be your Being?

  • Video extract from DVD 'It's Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!' 14 February 2012. session 2 Tiruvannamalai, India


It's Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!


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A2 初級

沒什麼,沒什麼,沒什麼! (It's Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!)

  • 158 8
    White67 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日
