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  • whoo okay good morning guys hope you're well I certainly am the resort is empty look at it that's because it's not even open yet there's some peace bashers going around getting it open but it's not gonna be open for a couple more weeks yet but we had some fresh snow last night I couldn't wait to get at it so I've just hiked all the way up here a little bit knackered I just had a quick warm-up run this is only my second run of the season but I thought I'd try and incorporate it with a really fun video where we show you guys how to get face shots in the powder so when you're doing those powder those heelside turns and really kick that back leg out spray some snow up and ride through it okay

    早上好,夥計們,希望你們一切都好 我當然很好,度假村空蕩蕩的,看看它 那是因為它還沒有開放這只是我本賽季的第二次滑行,但我想我應該試著把它和一個非常有趣的視頻結合起來,我們會教你們如何在粉雪中打臉,所以當你在粉雪中做高跟轉彎時,真的要把後腿踢出去,噴上一些雪,然後騎過去,好嗎

  • I'm gonna jump on in have a bit of a ride myself hopefully show you guys how it's done then we'll stop halfway down I'll explain it a little bit more alrighty crusty underneath oh yeah Wow give that a little wipe down okay so snow's not super light it's a little bit heavy so I was having to work a little bit there to try and get that snow to really come up over my head okay so that bit was quite steep as you can see behind me so I was able to stay in the powder snow all the time but if we look around here they're just piecing the slope now and what this is is your perfect kind of place for practicing this what I can do I can jump onto the piece gather a little bit of speed and we're gonna jump off the side carry a little bit of that speed into the powder and then I can try and do this heelside turn to make the face shot now a really common mistake I see is people they do this they get in the powder and they just turn the board 90 degrees so just turn it sideways a bit like they're doing a speed check in the park okay so that's not really good I mean number one it just looks a bit pants but also it's actually much more difficult to do and you're much more likely to fall over the great thing about the snowboard is you know if you're riding it nose through to tail riding its length you've got about you know 150 centimeters to 160 centimeters of surface area underneath you as soon as you turn that board sideways you lose it you drop it down to about 25 centimeters that board is gonna sink it's gonna catch in the snow you're gonna fall over forwards onto your face so the way I do it well I think is the best to do it you're gonna come into the powder so I'm a little bit on my toe edge my knees to be quite bent and as I rock onto my heel side I'm essentially doing a heelside turn rather than just kind of doing a mellow heelside turn letting the board come round I'm gonna really accelerate all the movements be really dynamic with it so as I rock round onto my heel edge as I get to the end part of the turn this is where I'm gonna really speed it up I'm gonna start extending out through my back leg really pushing that down into the snow this is what's gonna make the snow really shoot up it's gonna create a bit of a platform underneath my board which is then gonna bounce me off into the next turn so that's where I kind of change my edge my edges the board kind of unweightens underneath my feet and I'm gonna come back round onto my toe side at which point I'll probably jump back onto the piece get a bit more speed and go for the next one okay so just look around the piece bash is coming down so I'm gonna have to hurry I want to get out of his way see if we can get this done before he gets down here okay let's do this all right picking up loads of speed on the piece now all right let's go again back on the pace get a bit more speed into the snow whoa oh yeah that tastes good all right let's even get another one it's flattening out a little bit whoa all right let's see if we've got one more in us okay oh my god that's fun that is good fun okay Wow all right guys so give that a go next time you got a powder day you know perfect location there jump off the side of the piece into the deep snow good boy come on okay guys thanks for watching I'm off to walk the dog now can't wait for those lifts to open in a few weeks I hope you enjoyed that if you did you know the drill please hit that like and that subscribe button there's gonna be heaps more videos like this coming throughout the season and you know if you're interested in having a snowboard lesson with myself I work out here in Alpe d'Huez in France and you can find all the details of how to go about that in the link in the description down below all right cheers guys bye

    我跳上去體驗一下,希望能給你們看看是怎麼做的 然後我們會在半路停下來,我再解釋一下 好了,下面結冰了 哦,是的,哇,把它擦一下 好了,雪不是很輕,有點重,所以我得花點功夫 讓雪真正從我頭頂冒出來 好了,正如你們在我身後看到的,那段路相當陡峭 所以我可以一直待在粉雪裡但如果我們看看周圍的坡度 他們現在只是在拼接坡度 這是你練習的絕佳地點 我能做的就是跳到這塊雪上 保持一點速度 然後我們從側面跳下 把速度帶入雪中就像在公園裡做速度檢查一樣 好吧,這樣做並不好,我的意思是,首先,這樣做看起來有點蹩腳,而且實際上

whoo okay good morning guys hope you're well I certainly am the resort is empty look at it that's because it's not even open yet there's some peace bashers going around getting it open but it's not gonna be open for a couple more weeks yet but we had some fresh snow last night I couldn't wait to get at it so I've just hiked all the way up here a little bit knackered I just had a quick warm-up run this is only my second run of the season but I thought I'd try and incorporate it with a really fun video where we show you guys how to get face shots in the powder so when you're doing those powder those heelside turns and really kick that back leg out spray some snow up and ride through it okay

早上好,夥計們,希望你們一切都好 我當然很好,度假村空蕩蕩的,看看它 那是因為它還沒有開放這只是我本賽季的第二次滑行,但我想我應該試著把它和一個非常有趣的視頻結合起來,我們會教你們如何在粉雪中打臉,所以當你在粉雪中做高跟轉彎時,真的要把後腿踢出去,噴上一些雪,然後騎過去,好嗎

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