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  • hey what's up guys Axel here today's video is going to be about the FiiO BTR-15 an amazing small little device that can do a lot so I want to share my opinions on it and let's start first this is the box that comes with it you can see that and then you have a quick start guide which has instructions and so on you get a USB-C to type C cable and a USB-C to type A adapter so that you can use it as a dongle or like use it with your PC and so on and then you get this carry-on clip case so that you can put it inside like so I prefer to use it without actually I think it looks nice and that's it now the device itself is impressively small like this is like smaller than two of my fingers you can see how small it is and it has like glass on the front and on the back so it's a bit of a fingerprint magnet you need to watch out for that and yeah on the top you have the outputs 4.4 balanced and 3.5 single-ended on the left side you have nothing and on the bottom you have a USB-C input and on the right side you have this switch which toggles from PC Bluetooth and phone mode the differences between them is that if you use it in the phone mode you can connect it with the USB-C cable and it will not use battery from your phone but if you use it in the PC mode it can draw battery from your PC or laptop or whatever and on the Bluetooth mode obviously it's for Bluetooth then you get a volume adjustment positive and negative these also can be used if you press and hold to change music tracks and you can change that setting in the FiiO app so that if you press and hold it kind of like accelerates the volume increase or decrease and then you have the multi-function button which acts like a play pause button if you press like two times it activates the Siri or Google Assistant and then you have the power button which also allows you to go into the settings and you have a microphone that's pretty much it so let's fire it up let's look at what it has so yeah we're going to run into that problem okay that's that's much better so if you press and hold let's look at the screen first you have the volume indicator on the top left which you can see if you increase the volume you kind of see that and then you have high gain indicator and you have the battery and then here you get to see the Bluetooth codec and so on if you press and hold the power button man this device is really small you use the multi-function button to change the settings and the first setting is the charging protection what this means usually is that if you turn it on what will happen is that if you connect it to charge it the device will charge until it reaches 80% and it will then stop like this will prolong the battery life long-term of the device and then you have the gain level which is high and low and then you have the filters you get two options which is fast and hybrid you can change them from the app as well and then you get EQ options you have off bypass jazz pop rock dance R&B class hip-hop and then you get three custom ones you can set them again in the app and I will like provide some screenshots and then you get the car modes in case like you use it with your car you can leave it like plugged in and the moment you start the car it will start and so on then you get the UEC audio 2.0 or 1.0 in case you want to connect it to like a console or like Nintendo switch and so on you get the dimmer which adjusts the brightness of the device itself man I prefer three that that's more than enough for me and then you get like the off display how many seconds before it turns off the display get the language reset any version which is the firmware version which you can update in the app as well and then you get techcon I have no idea what techcon means so let's now let's talk about some of the features of the device before I describe the sound and compare it to the btr-7 now when you connect this you have the option to use the feel app which is a great app it takes a second to load some of the options but other than that it has a lot of features that you can use to control this btr-15 for example the first thing I did is to turn on the dual DACs because this has two DAC chips so you can do that from the app and then you can change like for example the volume buttons like I said you can change the power button what it does how it wakes up when like it turns off the screen and so on but the best feature about the btr-15 other than the size in my opinion and the power output is the EQ options because you get the option to use 10 band parametric EQ and man it is amazing once you use it and you can save them even name them save them and then you like if you have an I am like me like truth your Nova and I just want more bass out of it and I save it every time I use it the EQ profile is saved unloaded and there you go it's it's a nice feature and I use it a lot you will like spend a day playing with it it's a really impressive feature I recommend you guys use EQ it kind of changes a lot of the sound and makes your I am even more fun or even more tailored to your preference now let me describe the sound of the btr-15 because that's the only thing I want to focus on right now well how does it sound it sounds let me describe it like that it sounds really neutral linear transparent like it sounds uncolored it doesn't have any coloration whatsoever and this kind of makes sense if you think about because this is where the EQ comes in but at the same time it still has a lot of detail a lot of quality detail without sounding analytical without sounding clinical as a matter of fact it gave me the opposite feeling the impression I got with it is that it sounded very natural sounded organic for a lack of a better word so it's a great sound it's not as I said a clinical or analytical and you get a lot of the detail and nothing in the frequency range is like emphasized or anything but still you get proper note it's not thin sounding it's not clinical sounding and it's not bright sounding it's exactly uncolored neutral and it has a great sense of space there is great sound stage on the btr-15 and great imaging as well the treble is really well done in terms of the power output it has great power output man like I use it with some headphones like the HD 6xx I use it even with the quattro and it can drive it very very loud and in terms of the dynamics the sound itself actually has a lot of great dynamics in it it sounds again very natural that's the impression I got from it if you connected wired there is a small improvement that I noticed but it's a slight improvement it's not massive it's still the same sound with the same qualities it just sounds a bit more detailed and that's it no noise floor I didn't notice any noise floor even with sensitive IM's and that makes it great now I will take a moment to compare it to its bigger brother which is the btr-7 now you can look at the size difference between the men like the btr-7 is actually not that big in my opinion but it's still huge compared to the btr-15 and if you compare them even side-by-side you can see that this is a massive chunk compared to this small btr-15 you can see how they look now how do they sound in comparison well let me be straight man they are similar in terms of features right they are very similar the btr-7 has a bigger screen the display has some colors and the buttons are bigger even when you look at it it's sharper around the edges as well it's heavier at the same time but when it comes to the sound I have to say man I have to give the edge to the btr-7 still still yeah this sounds great and for the price it's a great value the btr-15 but the btr-7 still edges it out in terms of detail it's much more detail the btr-7 is much more detailed than the btr-15 it has a greater sense of space and soundstage that is noticeable to my ears immediately and even not only that even the detail is much more the separation is better the layering is better and for some reason even the punch and the slam of the base of the btr-7 is just more powerful the base is more detailed it's cleaner as well but you have to like think about the price of the btr-7 and the price of the btr-15 like the btr-7 costs more and yeah it deserves more honestly it delivers more let's say that delivers more detail much more separation there is like simply more clarity on the btr-7 and the btr-15 it cannot replace it in terms of sound quality alone but I can see myself using the btr-15 much more just because it just fits in your pocket easily and I could go running with it I could go walking around with it I don't even feel it in my pocket another thing I noticed that the btr-15 has which like better than the btr-7 is the Bluetooth reception like the btr-15 I could leave it on the desk and walk around the house climb ups it is really amazing I don't notice any disconnection the btr-7 also is great it's upgraded and it doesn't disconnect but if I move let's say I don't know like 10 to 15 meters let's say I notice it start to disconnect whereas the btr-15 I just kept walking and walking and walking and it never disconnected so let's look at it like that for me this is a great device it's a massive value for the price it offers and that the features it offers like from the EQ to like these switches for like phone and PC the battery lives longer great battery life as well like I think I achieved more than four hours on a single charge and the screen is impressive I mean there is nothing that I didn't like about it let me say that the only thing is when I use a btr-7 I noticed it's more detailed with better layering separation and base performance punch slam texture even but other than that I think this one is amazing and that's it guys that concludes my review of the btr-7.

    嘿,大家好,我是 Axel,今天的視頻將介紹 FiiO BTR-15 這款神奇的小設備,它可以做很多事情,所以我想分享一下我對它的看法。這樣你就可以把它放在裡面了,所以我更喜歡在沒有夾子的情況下使用它,實際上我覺得它看起來很不錯,就是這樣,現在設備本身非常小,就像這個比我的兩個手指還小,你可以看到它有多小,它的正面和背面都是玻璃,所以它有點容易沾染指紋,你需要注意這一點。4 個平衡輸出和 3.5 單端輸出,左側什麼都沒有,底部有一個 USB-C 輸入,右側有一個開關,可以在電腦藍牙和手機模式之間切換。在藍

  • I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please leave a like and subscribe and I'll see you in the next one peace


hey what's up guys Axel here today's video is going to be about the FiiO BTR-15 an amazing small little device that can do a lot so I want to share my opinions on it and let's start first this is the box that comes with it you can see that and then you have a quick start guide which has instructions and so on you get a USB-C to type C cable and a USB-C to type A adapter so that you can use it as a dongle or like use it with your PC and so on and then you get this carry-on clip case so that you can put it inside like so I prefer to use it without actually I think it looks nice and that's it now the device itself is impressively small like this is like smaller than two of my fingers you can see how small it is and it has like glass on the front and on the back so it's a bit of a fingerprint magnet you need to watch out for that and yeah on the top you have the outputs 4.4 balanced and 3.5 single-ended on the left side you have nothing and on the bottom you have a USB-C input and on the right side you have this switch which toggles from PC Bluetooth and phone mode the differences between them is that if you use it in the phone mode you can connect it with the USB-C cable and it will not use battery from your phone but if you use it in the PC mode it can draw battery from your PC or laptop or whatever and on the Bluetooth mode obviously it's for Bluetooth then you get a volume adjustment positive and negative these also can be used if you press and hold to change music tracks and you can change that setting in the FiiO app so that if you press and hold it kind of like accelerates the volume increase or decrease and then you have the multi-function button which acts like a play pause button if you press like two times it activates the Siri or Google Assistant and then you have the power button which also allows you to go into the settings and you have a microphone that's pretty much it so let's fire it up let's look at what it has so yeah we're going to run into that problem okay that's that's much better so if you press and hold let's look at the screen first you have the volume indicator on the top left which you can see if you increase the volume you kind of see that and then you have high gain indicator and you have the battery and then here you get to see the Bluetooth codec and so on if you press and hold the power button man this device is really small you use the multi-function button to change the settings and the first setting is the charging protection what this means usually is that if you turn it on what will happen is that if you connect it to charge it the device will charge until it reaches 80% and it will then stop like this will prolong the battery life long-term of the device and then you have the gain level which is high and low and then you have the filters you get two options which is fast and hybrid you can change them from the app as well and then you get EQ options you have off bypass jazz pop rock dance R&B class hip-hop and then you get three custom ones you can set them again in the app and I will like provide some screenshots and then you get the car modes in case like you use it with your car you can leave it like plugged in and the moment you start the car it will start and so on then you get the UEC audio 2.0 or 1.0 in case you want to connect it to like a console or like Nintendo switch and so on you get the dimmer which adjusts the brightness of the device itself man I prefer three that that's more than enough for me and then you get like the off display how many seconds before it turns off the display get the language reset any version which is the firmware version which you can update in the app as well and then you get techcon I have no idea what techcon means so let's now let's talk about some of the features of the device before I describe the sound and compare it to the btr-7 now when you connect this you have the option to use the feel app which is a great app it takes a second to load some of the options but other than that it has a lot of features that you can use to control this btr-15 for example the first thing I did is to turn on the dual DACs because this has two DAC chips so you can do that from the app and then you can change like for example the volume buttons like I said you can change the power button what it does how it wakes up when like it turns off the screen and so on but the best feature about the btr-15 other than the size in my opinion and the power output is the EQ options because you get the option to use 10 band parametric EQ and man it is amazing once you use it and you can save them even name them save them and then you like if you have an I am like me like truth your Nova and I just want more bass out of it and I save it every time I use it the EQ profile is saved unloaded and there you go it's it's a nice feature and I use it a lot you will like spend a day playing with it it's a really impressive feature I recommend you guys use EQ it kind of changes a lot of the sound and makes your I am even more fun or even more tailored to your preference now let me describe the sound of the btr-15 because that's the only thing I want to focus on right now well how does it sound it sounds let me describe it like that it sounds really neutral linear transparent like it sounds uncolored it doesn't have any coloration whatsoever and this kind of makes sense if you think about because this is where the EQ comes in but at the same time it still has a lot of detail a lot of quality detail without sounding analytical without sounding clinical as a matter of fact it gave me the opposite feeling the impression I got with it is that it sounded very natural sounded organic for a lack of a better word so it's a great sound it's not as I said a clinical or analytical and you get a lot of the detail and nothing in the frequency range is like emphasized or anything but still you get proper note it's not thin sounding it's not clinical sounding and it's not bright sounding it's exactly uncolored neutral and it has a great sense of space there is great sound stage on the btr-15 and great imaging as well the treble is really well done in terms of the power output it has great power output man like I use it with some headphones like the HD 6xx I use it even with the quattro and it can drive it very very loud and in terms of the dynamics the sound itself actually has a lot of great dynamics in it it sounds again very natural that's the impression I got from it if you connected wired there is a small improvement that I noticed but it's a slight improvement it's not massive it's still the same sound with the same qualities it just sounds a bit more detailed and that's it no noise floor I didn't notice any noise floor even with sensitive IM's and that makes it great now I will take a moment to compare it to its bigger brother which is the btr-7 now you can look at the size difference between the men like the btr-7 is actually not that big in my opinion but it's still huge compared to the btr-15 and if you compare them even side-by-side you can see that this is a massive chunk compared to this small btr-15 you can see how they look now how do they sound in comparison well let me be straight man they are similar in terms of features right they are very similar the btr-7 has a bigger screen the display has some colors and the buttons are bigger even when you look at it it's sharper around the edges as well it's heavier at the same time but when it comes to the sound I have to say man I have to give the edge to the btr-7 still still yeah this sounds great and for the price it's a great value the btr-15 but the btr-7 still edges it out in terms of detail it's much more detail the btr-7 is much more detailed than the btr-15 it has a greater sense of space and soundstage that is noticeable to my ears immediately and even not only that even the detail is much more the separation is better the layering is better and for some reason even the punch and the slam of the base of the btr-7 is just more powerful the base is more detailed it's cleaner as well but you have to like think about the price of the btr-7 and the price of the btr-15 like the btr-7 costs more and yeah it deserves more honestly it delivers more let's say that delivers more detail much more separation there is like simply more clarity on the btr-7 and the btr-15 it cannot replace it in terms of sound quality alone but I can see myself using the btr-15 much more just because it just fits in your pocket easily and I could go running with it I could go walking around with it I don't even feel it in my pocket another thing I noticed that the btr-15 has which like better than the btr-7 is the Bluetooth reception like the btr-15 I could leave it on the desk and walk around the house climb ups it is really amazing I don't notice any disconnection the btr-7 also is great it's upgraded and it doesn't disconnect but if I move let's say I don't know like 10 to 15 meters let's say I notice it start to disconnect whereas the btr-15 I just kept walking and walking and walking and it never disconnected so let's look at it like that for me this is a great device it's a massive value for the price it offers and that the features it offers like from the EQ to like these switches for like phone and PC the battery lives longer great battery life as well like I think I achieved more than four hours on a single charge and the screen is impressive I mean there is nothing that I didn't like about it let me say that the only thing is when I use a btr-7 I noticed it's more detailed with better layering separation and base performance punch slam texture even but other than that I think this one is amazing and that's it guys that concludes my review of the btr-7.

嘿,大家好,我是 Axel,今天的視頻將介紹 FiiO BTR-15 這款神奇的小設備,它可以做很多事情,所以我想分享一下我對它的看法。這樣你就可以把它放在裡面了,所以我更喜歡在沒有夾子的情況下使用它,實際上我覺得它看起來很不錯,就是這樣,現在設備本身非常小,就像這個比我的兩個手指還小,你可以看到它有多小,它的正面和背面都是玻璃,所以它有點容易沾染指紋,你需要注意這一點。4 個平衡輸出和 3.5 單端輸出,左側什麼都沒有,底部有一個 USB-C 輸入,右側有一個開關,可以在電腦藍牙和手機模式之間切換。在藍

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