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  • So MediaTek has had a kind of an up and down relationship with flagship processors at one point.


  • It really only focused on mid-range processors.


  • However, that did change with the launch of the Dimensity 9000 range.

    不過,隨著 Dimensity 9000 系列的推出,情況確實發生了變化。

  • If you take, for example, the Dimensity 9300, 9,300, that with its all big core design, it had four Cortex-X4 cores, four Cortex-A720 cores,

    以 Dimensity 9300(9300)為例,它採用全大核設計,擁有四個 Cortex-X4 內核和四個 Cortex-A720 內核、

  • Mali GPU, which including ray tracing.

    Mali GPU,包括光線追蹤。

  • It's had various improvements in camera and connectivity.


  • So it was widely received in some markets as a good processor for flagship devices.


  • And now MediaTek has launched its latest processor in the 9000 range.

    現在,聯發科推出了其最新的 9000 系列處理器。

  • This is the 9400, of course, the successor to the 9300.

    當然,這是 9400,是 9300 的後繼機型。

  • And in this video, I wanna tell you all about the 9400 and what we can expect.

    在這段視頻中,我想告訴大家有關 9400 的一切,以及我們可以期待的東西。

  • So if you wanna find out more, please let me explain.


  • Okay, so the Dimensity 9400, 9,400, the new processor from MediaTek.

    好了,Dimensity 9400,9400,聯發科的新處理器。

  • Here is a block diagram.


  • There's lots of information on this slide.


  • So we're gonna stay on here a little bit and let's just go through it.


  • Let's start with the diagram here on the right-hand side.


  • We can see for the CPU here, we've got an octa-core setup, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

    我們可以看到這裡的 CPU 是八核設置,一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八。

  • We've got a Cortex-X925 here as the primary core.

    這裡的主內核是 Cortex-X925。

  • With two megabytes of L2 cache.

    二級緩存為 2 兆字節。

  • Now I've got a video here on this channel about the Cortex-X925 if you aren't familiar with that chip.

    如果你不熟悉 Cortex-X925 芯片,我在這個頻道上有一段關於它的視頻。

  • It's basically the Cortex-X5, but they did a renaming, so it's now the 925.

    它基本上就是 Cortex-X5,但他們重新命名了一下,所以現在是 925。

  • Then for the kind of the middle cores, which are really still performance cores, because this is an all big core setup, you've got three X4 cores.

    對於中間的內核(實際上仍然是性能內核),因為這是一個全大內核設置,你有三個 X4 內核。

  • So last year we had four X4 cores.

    是以,去年我們有四個 X4 內核。

  • This year we've got one Cortex-X925 and then three X4 cores.

    今年,我們有一個 Cortex-X925 內核和三個 X4 內核。

  • And then for what would be the little cores, but in fact they are still themselves big cores, you've got the Cortex-A720, the same as last time, so not upgraded there.

    然後是小內核,但實際上它們本身仍然是大內核,你已經有了 Cortex-A720,與上次一樣,所以沒有升級。

  • And so that's the octa-core setup.


  • 12 megabytes of L3 cache, 10 megabytes of system cache.

    12 兆 L3 緩存,10 兆系統緩存。

  • So they've improved the caches a lot, and we'll talk more about that in a moment.


  • On the GPU side, you've got the Immortalis G925, X925.

    在 GPU 方面,有 Immortalis G925 和 X925。

  • I noticed it's the same generation.


  • That's the latest Immortalis GPU, and interestingly, it's got the same number of cores as the previous one, which is a good thing, because generally these GPUs get better each year, and so the manufacturers tend to reduce the number of cores, and actually they've still got the same or better performance, but this year they've kept the same number of cores, which means the performance goes up.

    這是最新的 Immortalis GPU,有趣的是,它的內核數量與上一代產品相同,這是件好事,因為一般來說,這些 GPU 的性能會逐年提高,是以製造商往往會減少內核數量,而實際上它們的性能仍然相同或更好,但今年它們保持了相同的內核數量,這意味著性能會提高。

  • LPDDR5X RAM, the neural engine, and then connectivity and the display, the image signal processor, and so on.

    LPDDR5X RAM、神經引擎,然後是連接、顯示屏、影像信號處理器等等。

  • Now as I say down the left here, we've got the TSMC 3 nanometer process here.

    現在,正如我所說的,在左下方,我們有臺積電 3 納米工藝。

  • 29.1 billion transistors, that's in fact 28% more than the NuMensity 9300, and a lot of that's gonna be in the increase in the cache sizes.

    291 億個半導體,實際上比 NuMensity 9300 多出 28%,其中很大一部分是由於高速緩存大小的增加。

  • As I said, this is the second generation of all big core architectures.


  • You've now got the X925Z, 12 core, the latest generation of their NPU, and then the modem and so on, which we'll go to in a minute.

    現在有了 X925Z,12 核,最新一代的 NPU,還有調制解調器等等,我們稍後再談。

  • So that's the general overview of what we're getting.


  • So when you first look at that, you might say, oh, that's the same CPU as last year, just they've changed one core, and they've upgraded the GPU.

    是以,當你第一次看到它時,你可能會說,哦,這和去年的 CPU 是一樣的,只是他們換了一個內核,並升級了 GPU。

  • Yes, that's true, but it's a bit more nuanced than that.


  • So let's just look at that octa-core again here.


  • So second generation, all big core architectures, there's no 520s in here, for example, for the power efficiency cores.

    是以,第二代,所有的大核心架構,例如,這裡沒有 520 的節能核心。

  • So you've got this latest X925, and you've got three X4 cores, four A720 cores, but the point is here, they're all running much faster, because they've gone to that new process node.

    是以,你有最新的 X925,你有三個 X4 內核,四個 A720 內核,但關鍵是,它們都運行得更快,因為它們採用了新的工藝節點。

  • Then the frequency of the X925 is 11% higher than the frequency of the prime core that was the X4, the X4 prime core in the 9300, and then the remaining X4 cores are running at 15% higher clock speed, and the 720s are actually running at 19% higher clock speed.

    然後,X925 的頻率比 X4(即 9300 中的 X4 主核)的主核頻率高 11%,其餘 X4 核的運行時鐘速度高 15%,而 720 核的運行時鐘速度實際上高 19%。

  • So big clock speed increases across the board, and the result of the improvement in the IPC, that's instructions per cycle, so that's how much the processor can do each clock cycle.


  • So it doesn't matter what the clock cycle is, if it was just given one clock cycle, because that doesn't happen, how much could it do?


  • And in fact, we're running now at 3.62 gigahertz.

    事實上,我們現在的運行速度是 3.62 千兆赫。

  • So it's 15% faster at the same clock speed, and then it's actually running at a higher clock speed.

    是以,在相同的時鐘速度下,它的速度快了 15%,而實際上它是以更高的時鐘速度運行的。

  • So the overall is you're getting a 35% faster single-threaded performance, compared to the Dimensity 9300, and 28% faster sustained multi-thread performance.

    是以,總體而言,與 Dimensity 9300 相比,單線程性能提高了 35%,持續多線程性能提高了 28%。

  • Interesting they've got the word sustained in there, so that's before any possible peaks that you might get at the beginning, and then on the second and third run, it dips down a bit.

    有趣的是,他們在這裡用了 "持續 "這個詞,所以這是在一開始可能出現的峰值之前,然後在第二和第三次運行時,它就會下降一些。

  • We will of course test that when we get some actual phones in our hands.


  • And so here are MediaTek's results.


  • These are not independently verified.


  • These are not from devices we have in hand.


  • However, these are claiming 35% better, as I just said, for single-core, 28% better for multi-core.

    不過,正如我剛才所說,這些產品聲稱單核性能提高了 35%,多核性能提高了 28%。

  • Now, if I then plot that on some of my graphs, some of the data I've got, let's have a look at single-core first of all.


  • So here is that 3,055 that they're mentioning.

    這就是他們提到的 3055 人。

  • That's much faster than the 2,264 for the previous generation.

    這比上一代的 2,264 更快。

  • And as we can see here, kind of much better than the Snapdragon 8G3 and 8G2.

    正如我們在這裡所看到的,它比 Snapdragon 8G3 和 8G2 要好得多。

  • So that's what you'd expect, of course.


  • Now, of course, we've got the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, if that's what it ends up being called, coming soon.

    當然,現在我們已經有了 Snapdragon 8 Gen 4,如果這就是它最終的名字的話,很快就會面世。

  • But the other one, of course, is the Apple A18 Pro, still faster in its single-threaded performance.

    當然,蘋果 A18 Pro 的單線程性能仍然更快。

  • And we'll talk more about that in just a moment.


  • But interestingly, MediaTek are claiming that the Dimensity 9400 is faster in the multi-core score at 9,600 compared to 8,149.

    但有趣的是,聯發科聲稱,Dimensity 9400 的多核分數為 9,600 分,比 8,149 分更快。

  • And that is, of course, reasonable because Dimensity is an octa-core, whereas the Apple is a hexa-core.

    當然,這也是合理的,因為 Dimensity 是八核,而蘋果是六核。

  • So that's an interesting number.


  • Now, when we go here, we can look here at the single-core score per gigahertz.


  • So the important thing to remember here is that the iPhone is running, the latest one, is running at just over four gigahertz, whereas the MediaTek is running at 3.62 gigahertz.

    是以,需要記住的重要一點是,最新款 iPhone 的運行頻率剛剛超過 4 千兆赫,而聯發科的運行頻率為 3.62 千兆赫。

  • Now, if you work out what speed you get per gigahertz, actually, you'll find that the X925 has actually got a better IPC than the A18 Pro, if they were running at the same clock speed.

    現在,如果你計算一下每千兆赫的速度,你就會發現,如果它們以相同的時鐘速度運行,X925 的 IPC 實際上要比 A18 Pro 高。

  • Of course, they're not.


  • So that's hypothetical, but it is interesting.


  • And then here are the other numbers for the other ones, particularly here, the Dimensity 9300.

    下面是其他產品的數據,尤其是 Dimensity 9300。

  • Again, the 9300 number and the 9400 number come from MediaTek, not from me.

    再說一次,9300 和 9400 的編號是聯發科提供的,不是我提供的。

  • Okay, so when we get to the GPU, as I said, 12-core Immortalis G925.

    好了,說到 GPU,正如我所說,12 核的 Immortalis G925。

  • You've got PC-level ray tracing, then a bunch of other gaming technology, which are really important, like the super resolution and the adaptive gaming technology and so on.

    你有 PC 級的光線追蹤技術,還有其他一些非常重要的遊戲技術,比如超分辨率和自適應遊戲技術等等。

  • Overall, 41% faster peak performance, 40% faster ray tracing, 44% better power savings, and these are all compared to the Dimensity 9300.

    總體而言,與 Dimensity 9300 相比,峰值性能提高了 41%,光線追蹤速度提高了 40%,功耗降低了 44%。

  • So the fact they've stuck with the 12-core while upgrading the GPU means that it's quite a significant GPU upgrade.

    是以,他們在升級 GPU 的同時還保留了 12 核,這意味著 GPU 的升級幅度相當大。

  • And here are some numbers, again, to emphasise these are from MediaTek, not from our independent testing.


  • You've got here the Aztec Ruins running in Vulcan.


  • You've got frames per second here.


  • This is in 1440p.

    分辨率為 1440p。

  • Okay, so we go up from 99 to 130 with the new chip.

    好了,有了新芯片,我們從 99 升到了 130。

  • And again, with Manhattan running in full HD from 344 to 375.

    同樣,曼哈頓從 344 到 375 都是全高清運行。

  • So significant performance improvements there for the GPU.

    是以,GPU 的性能得到了大幅提升。

  • Quick look at other things.


  • The camera, full-range HDR zoom for video recording and video capture and so on.

    攝像頭、用於視頻錄製和視頻拍攝的全範圍 HDR 變焦等。

  • Basically, the key things to take away here are 8K60 decode, including AV1, 8K30 encode, but that's 10-bit encode, not AV1, but H.265 and H.264.

    基本上,這裡的關鍵點是 8K60 解碼(包括 AV1)、8K30 編碼(但這是 10 位編碼)、不是 AV1,而是 H.265 和 H.264。

  • But you've got 8K60 8-bit H.265 encoding, and it supports triple fold displays here.

    不過,你可以使用 8K60 8 位 H.265 編碼,它還支持三折顯示。

  • So maybe that's coming in the future.


  • We've seen one of those at least already.


  • So the camera and display can cope with all of that.


  • And then of course, AI, the latest generation of their NPU.

    當然還有人工智能,即最新一代的 NPU。

  • Most importantly, focusing on how quick you can run a large language model locally on the device.


  • 80% faster LLM prompt performance, they're saying here, with 35% more power efficiency, and two times image generation, diffusion generation performance.

    他們在這裡說,LLM 提示性能提高了 80%,能效提高了 35%,影像生成和擴散生成性能提高了兩倍。

  • Again, all of these are compared to the Dimensity 9300 numbers as given by MediaTek.

    同樣,所有這些數據都與聯發科提供的 Dimensity 9300 數據進行了比較。

  • Connectivity, it's a 5G device.

    連接性,這是一款 5G 設備。

  • You've got a sub-6, of course, seven gigabits per second.

    當然,你有一個 6 位以下的設備,每秒 7 千兆比特。

  • There is apparently microwave support.


  • We'll talk more about that in a moment.


  • And you've got Wi-Fi 7, a Wi-Fi 7 with tri-band concurrency there.

    還有 Wi-Fi 7,一個具有三頻併發功能的 Wi-Fi 7。

  • So the latest in Wi-Fi and kind of what you'd expect for 5G.

    是以,這是最新的 Wi-Fi 技術,也是你所期待的 5G 技術。

  • So availability, OPPO and Vivo will launch devices with this chip now in October.

    是以,OPPO 和 vivo 將在 10 月份推出搭載該芯片的設備。

  • So that's pretty significant because they are coming out several weeks.


  • You could even say a few months before the devices we're gonna see with Snapdragon processors in them when they get announced.

    甚至可以說,比我們將要看到的搭載 Snapdragon 處理器的設備發佈時間還要早幾個月。

  • And now these often just get announced and launched in China.


  • So we'll have to see what the international release schedule is for these.


  • They will be released internationally, but this is surely gonna be a first of all for China.


  • Now the first phones will be sub-6 only.

    現在,第一批手機將只有 6 英寸以下。

  • However, the Dimensity 9400 does support millimeter wave when that is appropriate for the relevant market.

    不過,Dimensity 9400 在適合相關市場時確實支持毫米波。

  • Okay, that's it.


  • My name's Gary Sims.


  • This is Gary Explains.


  • I really hope you enjoyed this video.


  • If you did, please do give it a thumbs up.


  • I'd love to hear from you in the comments.


  • What do you think about the Dimensity 9400?

    您對 Dimensity 9400 有什麼看法?

  • Is that what you expected?


  • Would you be tempted to get a phone with that chip in it?


  • Do let me know in the comments below.


  • If you like these kind of videos,


  • I invite you to stick around by subscribing to the channel.


  • Okay, that's it.


  • I'll see you in the next one.


So MediaTek has had a kind of an up and down relationship with flagship processors at one point.


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