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  • Good evening. We are following breaking news at this hour.


  • Former One Direction star Liam Payne is dead after falling from a hotel window, the tragic news shocking his beloved fans.

    前 One Direction 樂隊明星利亞姆-佩恩(Liam Payne)從酒店窗戶墜下身亡,這一噩耗令他深愛的粉絲們震驚不已。

  • The 31-year-old reportedly staying in Buenos Aires weeks after attending the concert of his former bandmate,

    據報道,這位 31 歲的年輕人在參加了其前樂隊成員的演唱會數週後,留在了布宜諾斯艾利斯、

  • Niall Horan.


  • Here's what we know right now.


  • The pop singer was staying at a hotel in Palermo, which is a trendy neighborhood in Buenos Aires.


  • According to Telemundo, he fell from his third-floor balcony.

    據 Telemundo 報道,他是從三樓的陽臺上摔下來的。

  • Local police say they went to the hotel after receiving a 911 call reporting an aggressive man who could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    當地警方稱,他們在接到 911 報警電話後趕往酒店,報警人稱一名男子可能受到毒品或酒精的影響,具有攻擊性。

  • These are live pictures tonight.


  • Right now, from outside the hotel, you can see the crowd surrounding the building and an emergency vehicle just outside the entrance.


  • The boy band star just posting these photos to social media earlier today, and it was just two weeks ago when he was greeted by screaming fans as he attended his former bandmate Niall Horan's concert there.

    今天早些時候,這位男孩樂隊明星剛剛在社交媒體上發佈了這些照片,而就在兩週前,他還在那裡參加他的前樂隊成員尼爾-霍蘭(Niall Horan)的演唱會時,受到了粉絲們的尖叫聲。

  • Payne was one of five members of One Direction, a pop band amassing millions of fans with hit songs and movies.

    佩恩是 One Direction 樂隊的五名成員之一,這個流行樂隊憑藉熱門歌曲和電影積累了數百萬粉絲。

  • The songs like What Makes You Beautiful, you may know.

    你可能知道《What Makes You Beautiful》等歌曲。

  • The group has since been on hiatus since around 2016.

    自 2016 年左右起,該團體就一直處於停滯狀態。

  • NBC's Sam Brock joins us now live with the late-breaking details.

    NBC 的薩姆-布洛克(Sam Brock)現在為我們帶來最新的現場報道。

  • Sam, what can you tell us?


  • Sure, of course, One Direction, Tom, is a touchstone for a lot of folks, right?

    當然,"單向樂隊 "湯姆是很多人的試金石,對嗎?

  • This very popular band over the course of the last couple of decades, really, as you said, breaking up in 2016 or at least going on hiatus.

    在過去的幾十年裡,這支非常受歡迎的樂隊,正如你所說,真的在 2016 年解散了,或者至少是停了下來。

  • In terms of what we know at this hour, let me set the framework.


  • So the emergency management services in Buenos Aires, in collaboration with police, provided what we know at this hour to Telemundo.


  • So we're primarily operating out of that.


  • And I say emergency services and police because of the details that we're now learning.


  • 31-year-old Liam Payne, according to those services, fell off of his balcony and died somewhere within the hotel grounds.

    據相關部門稱,31 歲的利亞姆-佩恩(Liam Payne)從陽臺上摔下,在酒店內某處死亡。

  • They are also saying that there was a call placed to 911 for a man who was, quote, aggressive and potentially under the influence of drug or alcohol, drugs or alcohol.

    他們還說,有人向 911 撥打了一個電話,報案人說此人具有攻擊性,可能受到了毒品或酒精、藥物或酒精的影響。

  • That was never clarified, so we don't know definitively one way or the other.


  • That is the back story as far as Liam Payne and One Direction.

    這就是利亞姆-佩恩和 One Direction 的背景故事。

  • This was a group that was formed back in 2010, Tom, during the X Factor reality British TV show and went on to just incredible lengths and successes.

    這是一個早在 2010 年湯姆在英國 X Factor 真人秀節目中成立的組合,後來取得了令人難以置信的成就和成功。

  • They were the first group to have an album debut at number one on the Billboard 200, their first four albums, according to Billboard.

    根據《公告牌》(Billboard)的統計,他們是第一個在其前四張專輯中均首次登上《公告牌》200 榜首的組合。

  • And, of course, you know, you have some household names there as well, whether it's Zayn Malik or Harry Styles,

    當然,還有一些家喻戶曉的名字,比如扎恩-馬利克(Zayn Malik)或哈里-斯泰爾斯(Harry Styles)、

  • Liam Payne, certainly.


  • And now we are in this tragic place in the music world where he has died, and the exact details of how he fell off the balcony are unclear.


  • There are reports ongoing right now from Buenos Aires about some details that we're hearing what could have transpired with police, but, unfortunately, none of that is verified, so we can't report it at this hour.


  • But we do know that Payne tragically fell off of his balcony and died earlier today.


  • And then, Sam, before you go, I want to circle back to this.


  • Have we heard from his team or from his family tonight?


  • No. We have not heard from his camp.


  • We have not heard from his family.


  • I did just check Harry Styles' accounts,


  • Zayn Malik's accounts.


  • So far, they have not tweeted or posted or put anything on social media as a tribute or even shedding any light on what happened to their friend and their former bandmate, but certainly those calls are being placed right now.


  • We're trying to get more information, Tom.


  • Okay. Sam Brock for us.

    好的 山姆-布洛克找我們

  • Sam, we appreciate you on that breaking story.


  • For more on Liam Payne's career and legacy,


  • I want to bring in entertainment journalist and a friend to Top Story, Baker Machado.


  • Baker, so great to have you here.


  • You've covered One Direction.

    你報道過 One Direction

  • They were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time.


  • And, again, they're members when they went solo.


  • They were also huge shoes artists.


  • Talk to me about what this means to the fans.


  • This is devastating across the board just because they're such a global brand, as you mentioned, being found by Simon Cowell, by the way, in 2010 on the U.K. show The X Factor.

    正如你提到的,西蒙-考威爾(Simon Cowell)於 2010 年在英國節目《X Factor》中發現了他們,是以他們是一個全球性品牌。

  • And all of the songs that they were able to create, four number one hits albums on the Billboard Hot 100, over 50 different albums, a million records that they sold over the course of that period of time.

    他們創作的所有歌曲,有四張在公告牌熱門專輯榜上排名第一的專輯,50 多張不同的專輯,在此期間賣出了一百萬張唱片。

  • They were a global phenomenon.


  • And each one of them, when they broke up in 2016, went on to do their own things and went on to great success from there, from Harry Styles to Zayn Malik to Louis Tomlinson.

    從哈里-斯代爾斯(Harry Styles)到扎恩-馬利克(Zayn Malik),再到路易斯-湯姆林森(Louis Tomlinson),他們每個人在 2016 年分手後,都繼續做著自己的事情,並取得了巨大的成功。

  • The list goes on and on here.


  • We should note that Liam Payne has talked in the past about substance abuse problems.


  • He did check himself into rehab back in 2022 for about 100 days.

    早在 2022 年,他就曾在康復中心住了大約 100 天。

  • And then on a podcast in 2023, he did say that he was sober, but he was dealing with sobriety issues at the time.

    然後在 2023 年的一次播客中,他確實說過自己已經清醒,但當時他正在處理清醒問題。

  • But this was a big moment for him, that he was turning this big corner in his life.


  • He also did say that when he was going to go see


  • Niall Horan's show, he was going there to talk about the past, which I think is really interesting.


  • He's talked about substance abuse problems that he had when he was part of the band as well.


  • So who knows if that was one thing that they got together and talked about.


  • But he was really sort of on the ups.


  • He was going to be putting out some new music next year.


  • He was also going to be in this new Netflix show that was going to be debuting next year as well called Building the Band, where he was going to be going out looking for the next big boy band.

    他還將參演 Netflix 明年推出的新劇《Building the Band》,在劇中尋找下一個大男孩樂隊。

  • And that's so sad news.


  • Yeah, right.


  • Because from what people have told me, some of our producers, they were all talented, but he was one of the most talented, right, in this group?


  • They wrote a lot of the songs for the band, which a lot of people don't really know about.


  • I mean, the thing is, is yes, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson and a lot of the other members get a lot of the recognition.

    我的意思是,是的,哈里-斯泰爾斯(Harry Styles)、路易斯-湯姆林森(Louis Tomlinson)和很多其他成員得到了很多認可。

  • But still,


  • Liam Payne was a really big force within that group.

    利亞姆-佩恩(Liam Payne)是這個團隊中的一支重要力量。

  • And so this is really devastating, awful news all over social media here.


  • So they break up about 10 years ago.

    是以,他們在 10 年前分手了。

  • What is that last decade?


  • You mentioned some of the issues with substance abuse, but what has that last decade been like for him?


  • He's put out a couple different EPs and LPs, but he hasn't put out a full-length album.

    他發行過幾張不同的 EP 和 LP,但還沒有發行過一張完整的專輯。

  • He's also had some different issues with relationships.


  • He's been, as with Cheryl Cole, as we mentioned, he has a son and a toddler with her.


  • He also was engaged to another girl a few years ago as well.


  • Now he's dating an influencer named Kate Cassidy.


  • So he's had some issues with relationships in the past, but he said just as, or as late as 2023, he had been turning this corner because of sobriety.


  • All right.


  • Well, we are still getting the news in, but Baker, we appreciate you.


Good evening. We are following breaking news at this hour.


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