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  • Oh Frick oh frick Yeah, yeah, that was probably one of the hardest opening kpop lines ever Here's the other thing the slow motion in the beginning of the video.

    是啊,是啊,這可能是有史以來最難的 kpop 開場白之一了,還有一件事,就是視頻開頭的慢動作。

  • It's very very purposeful Everything's very slow very still and then we hit this crazy zoom this crazy long zoom and we have we like cut in I don't really like the edit that's in the middle of this zoom right here Not my favorite thing I wish it was just a zoom and it just held on it But that crazy camera movement contrasts all of the stillness and the slowness that we had before and it really makes us pay attention Soak up that crazy lyric and we're in a lot of this music video takes inspiration from an anime called Sailor Moon There's a unicorn character in season 4.

    非常非常有目的性 一切都非常緩慢非常靜止 然後我們來了個瘋狂的變焦 這個瘋狂的長變焦 我們有我們喜歡的切入 我不太喜歡這個變焦中間的剪輯 就在這裡 不是我最喜歡的東西 我希望它只是一個變焦 它只是保持在它上面但這瘋狂的鏡頭移動 與之前的靜止和緩慢形成了鮮明對比 真的讓我們全神貫注 沉浸在這瘋狂的歌詞中 這支音樂錄影帶的靈感來自一部動漫《美少女戰士》 第四季裡有個獨角獸角色

  • There's just a lot that happens.


  • Hi.


  • My name is Jordan Orme I'm a professional music video editor for artists like these guys if you want to subscribe that'd be cool because if everybody who wasn't Subscribed that watches this video subscribes, then we would hit a million subscribers.

    我叫喬丹-奧姆(Jordan Orme),是一名專業的音樂視頻剪輯師,為像他們這樣的藝術家服務。如果你想訂閱,那就太好了,因為如果所有沒有訂閱的人都訂閱了這個視頻,那麼我們的訂閱人數就會達到一百萬。

  • That'd be cool.


  • But if not, you know, it's fine Girls in her What is it called floaty girls in her unicorn floaty, you know, she's she's rocking it And then they're like, you know, let's have a little bit of a underwater breathing contest as you do at a pool party Bro I had a friend that went to two minutes.

    但是,如果沒有,你知道,它的罰款 女孩在她的什麼叫浮動 女孩在她的獨角獸浮動,你知道,她是她的搖滾樂 然後,他們想,你知道,讓我們有一個有點水下呼吸比賽 就像你做在一個游泳池聚會兄弟 我有一個朋友,去了兩分鐘。

  • Oh, maybe it was about a minute 45.

    哦,也許是 1 分 45 秒。

  • It was crazy though anyway They come up gowls gone and she left the floaty This Music video is so stylish the amount of just still frames is Very different from normal kpop music videos oftentimes in music videos.

    這支音樂錄影帶非常時尚,靜止畫面的數量與通常的 kpop 音樂錄影帶非常不同。

  • You have crazy camera movement You have just absolute nutsness, but everything here is very composed very controlled.


  • They're not trying to hide anything They're just hitting us with banger image after banger image They Realized gowls missing and if you listen right here, there was a little reverbed Winnie But it's a creepy reference to the horse from Sailor Moon.


  • Oh, hi Justin.


  • I'm filming.


  • Do you want to say anything to everybody?


  • Oh That was my brother he's a good guy Now what was that crazy biking shot that is a great editorial technique just to give a little something some Create a little bit of intrigue a little flash forward who knows what's happening in this story The reason that shots also helpful editorially is it helps us transition and it helps us create a passage of time 13 missed calls.

    哦,那是我哥哥,他是個好人,現在那個瘋狂的騎車鏡頭是什麼? 這是一個很好的編輯技巧,只是為了給人一點感覺,製造一點陰謀,向前閃一下,誰知道這個故事會發生什麼。

  • That's not a good number And there we go we get the reveal of what the biking actually was I wonder if this is a new thing or if this has been happening for a long time Let me perplexity it if you don't know I've actually replaced Google with this thing called perplexity.

    我不知道這是新事物,還是這種情況已經存在很久了,如果你不知道的話,讓我來給你解惑吧,其實我已經用這個叫 "解惑 "的東西取代了谷歌。

  • It's amazing But let me search this up It searches the web and gives us the best most concise answer So I don't have to go through a bajillion websites trying to find what I'm looking for production quality has increased So they do talk about kpop videos having adapted to a more international audience with the inclusion of English K-pop is getting a lot more westernized, which is interesting Choreography is becoming a lot more intricate and there's obviously things like remote control cameras more sophisticated CGI and editing the editing gets crazier every single year.

    但讓我搜索一下,它可以搜索網絡,並給出最好、最簡潔的答案,這樣我就不必通過數以億計的網站來查找我要找的內容了 製作品質有所提高 他們確實談到 Kpop 視頻已經適應了更多的國際觀眾,並加入了英語 K-pop 正在變得更加西方化,這很有趣 舞蹈編排變得更加複雜,遙控攝影機等東西也越來越多,CGI 和剪輯也更加複雜,剪輯每年都會變得更加瘋狂。

  • I swear it gets wild We can look for images or videos that go along with the same topic that we're searching up So you can use it for free right now or you can upgrade to pro for the ability to break questions down into smaller steps Which give more intricate answers you can also use the world's most advanced AI models and if you have uber one a Membership to save on uber and uber eats perplexity is running a promo where you can get pro for a year for free It's a $200 value.

    是以,您現在可以免費使用它,也可以升級到專業版,以便將問題分解成更小的步驟,從而給出更復雜的答案。您還可以使用世界上最先進的人工智能模型,如果您有 uber one 會員資格,可以節省 uber 和 uber eats perplexity 正在進行促銷,您可以免費獲得專業版一年,價值 200 美元。

  • The last chance to sign up is October 31st So make sure to sign up for uber one now and get your pro for free or and you just want to use the free Version you can definitely do that.

    註冊的最後機會是 10 月 31 日,所以請確保現在就註冊 uber one,免費獲得專業版,或者您只想使用免費版,也完全可以這樣做。

  • The links are in the description Oh This video is wild gowl comes back with this glowing gemstone scepter thing So she's back.

    鏈接在說明中 哦,這個視頻是野生高爾帶著這個發光的寶石權杖回來了,所以她回來了。

  • She's fine Obviously she went through it This yellow glowing light on their faces doesn't make much sense to me Usually that's what happens if you open a chest of gold and it's like shining on your face.

    她很好,很明顯她經歷了這一切 他們臉上的黃光對我來說沒有什麼意義 通常,如果你打開一個金箱子,黃光就會照到你的臉上。

  • This was a blue Light that was glowing now, so I don't know why it's gold But it you know gold looks probably better than blue They touched the scepter and fly up and hit the ceiling Teleporting to another dimension.


  • Oh brother.


  • Oh, no, okay I like the close-ups too on all of those On the five six seven on the five.

    哦,不,好吧,我也喜歡這些特寫鏡頭 五號六號七號。

  • I said five six.


  • Oh One Speed ramps.


  • Oh Okay, okay Oh Okay, this is some of the best kpop storytelling I've seen in a minute guys This is a whole movie.

    哦,好吧,好吧,這是我見過的最棒的 kpop 故事了,夥計們,這簡直就是一部電影。

  • They teleport to another dimension after getting slammed onto the ceiling And then we have this just crazy photo shoot lots of times in beauty shots If you're showing flashing or you're just like, you know trying to make the footage a little bit more interesting especially if it's slow-motion footage you can speed up part of it and be like a You know, it's kind of very similar to velocity edits on tik-tok, you know stuff like that so they're doing that a similar technique We're getting speed ramps at the beginning of the shot and then slowing it down to establish that eye contact We're just that beautiful moment in the shot They got their Sailor Moon outfits and her heart gets armored or that gets trapped somehow by this By you know the design that's similar to the scepter whatever this witch magic is I'm not sure I Love the flashes too.

    他們被撞到天花板後,會瞬移到另一個時空 然後我們會在美景鏡頭中拍很多瘋狂的照片 如果你想讓鏡頭更有趣,尤其是慢鏡頭的話所以他們用了類似的技術 我們在鏡頭開始的時候加速 然後放慢速度來建立眼神交流 我們只是在鏡頭中的那個美麗瞬間 他們穿上了美少女戰士的衣服 她的心臟被裝甲包裹起來 或者說被這個設計困住了

  • It makes it feel like a photo shoot And then to get out of this other dimension that they're in where they received their powers maybe their scepters their new costumes They come back to reality and the universe gives them a receipt that says if you protect this wand until 12 a.m You will gain this magic force.


  • Now.


  • What is that magic force?


  • We'll have to wait and see what it is but the editing language to use a almost like a dip to white or this little flash to get them from the Alternate reality back to reality great editorial technique and it goes along with all the flashing that we saw earlier now This the VFX for this like the universe giving them a receipt is genius It looks so good It looks like time is literally being ripped in half or there's like a mirror behind her and the receipt is coming from space Like look at that detail.


  • That is incredible.


  • I love it Okay, so this one is priceless they need to protect it till 12 a.m.

    我喜歡它 好吧,這個是無價之寶,他們需要保護它直到凌晨 12 點。

  • That's their goal Immediately we have some of the best stunt work.


  • I've seen in kpop.

    我在 kpop 中見過。

  • All right, look at this.


  • They jumped off the roof That's crazy now you can tell that these are stunt ladies because they're wearing masks and then the next shot that we see them They are unmasked, you know, we got the evil witch version of I now how the Frick did this happen?

    她們從屋頂上跳下來 這太瘋狂了 你可以看出這些是特技演員 因為她們戴著面具 然後下一個鏡頭我們看到她們

  • Where did they come from?


  • I?


  • Don't know we're gonna watch and find out The way she just slammed her head in we have everything comes to silence now silence Creates a lot of tension and it leaves the opportunity for there to be contrast because contrast creates focus So what comes after silence noise loud impact and we can visually accentuate that by having her head Slam menacingly looking through the glass, you know sparking a little bit of intimidation.


  • All right, let's see what happened Okay flashback four hours ago Oh My goodness All right This is brilliant filmmaking right here.

    好了,讓我們看看發生了什麼 好了,倒敘到四小時前,哦,我的天啊 好了,這就是精彩的電影製作。

  • They are Explaining the story so clearly so well lots of times when I'm watching kpop.

    我在看 kpop 時,很多時候他們都能把故事解釋得非常清楚。

  • I get a little bit confused I don't know what's going on, but they are so clear in explaining this and it just helps anybody get into the story So let's break down what happened guy who?


  • Ran away and said, you know what?


  • I'm leaving my unicorn floaty behind.


  • I'm gonna steal This little scepter from this witch coven or coven.


  • Is it coven or coven Frick?

    是 "女巫集會 "還是 "弗裡克集會"?

  • I Don't know I want to say that this is probably one of the hardest performance shots I've seen in a while her back looks arched a little bit weird.


  • We have this like behind overhead shot.


  • It's a fire angle I love this.


  • I want to see more creative angles like this.


  • Shout out to the director We also have a chromatic aberration on all these woods shots the edges of the screen sort of turn into a rainbow It lets us know visually that there's a flashback because sometimes we get confused when we're just seeing a bunch of images Maybe we forgot to read the four hours ago So the director and editor is giving us a little visual clue to let us know.


  • This is what happened before.


  • This is a flashback Dirty so good She's pretty sneaky the pearl shot with the hand Oh They got an evil mirror, okay, so that's how they found them tractor back This video is crazy the evil version and good versions of I've having a literal dance battle I guess this little dip to white thing.

    這是個閃回的鏡頭 Dirty so good She's pretty sneaky the pearl shot with the hand 哦,他們有一面邪惡的鏡子,好吧,這就是他們找到他們的方法 Oh They got an evil mirror, okay, so that's how they found them tractor back 這段視頻太瘋狂了,邪惡版和善良版的 I've having a literal dance battle I guess this little dip

  • It looks like that's how they decided to create outfit changes That's how the the outfit change is motivated.


  • You can literally see a light on set They just shined a crazy bright golden light and it overexposes the image and then on this shot It looks like they kind of did it Editorially the a shot was on set you can see that because of the shadows because the the overexposure looks very natural and then here It's just a filter put on in post Outfit change brilliant and then that camera shake right when she Initiates her powers and transports them to an alternate realm.


  • That was fire.


  • I liked it and look at this transition So as she transports them to an alternate dimension, we engage some blend modes now I believe this blend mode is something like difference Once you start duplicating shots on top of each other moving it around a little bit You can create some interesting looking images with blend modes and that's what they did here just to motivate the effect of transferring to another dimension It's a great motivated effect.


  • They didn't put it on there for no reason.


  • It's to help them move into that new dimension And then the dance battle initiates Now if you look at this wide shot coming up here, it's very Strategically used now We notice that the camera is not moving on the wide shot and that allows us to film two versions of I've one after another So the left side of the screen is one take and then you drop mask down the middle and the right side of the screen Is a completely different take it's two shots filming at once.


  • They didn't have to do VFX They just shot it practically and that's why the wide shot is very static very motionless And that goes along with what I was saying earlier Which I appreciate about this video is they're not trying to hide everything all the camera movement is very subdued and controlled which kind of Is a little bit creepy Like even the fight scenes Right here like the cameras moving but it's not chaotic.


  • It's very controlled Oh Okay, there looks like there's a little bit of a speed ramp or maybe they cut out a little part of the dance right Boom the way that they just snapped to the middle.

    哦,好吧,看起來好像有一點速度斜坡,或者他們剪掉了舞蹈的一小部分,就在 Boom 的中間。

  • That was unnatural.


  • Maybe it's because they're in an alternate dimension I'm not sure but it makes their dance look so crispy So the editor did this either by cutting out frames in the middle of the shot or by just speed ramping that one section So it's a little bit faster than everything else And I'm loving all the sound effects, bro Everything's so choreographed all the sound really brings its life.


  • It makes everything feel a little bit more impactful This dance is fire Oh five minutes to midnight Oh Okay, so gal is fighting herself Now how did they practically do that the editor used a really in strategic over-the-shoulder So you're never seeing the face of the other person that she's interacting with so she can actually play both versions of herself But the editing here is very interesting.

    這讓一切都更有衝擊力 這支舞火了 哦,還有五分鐘就到午夜了 哦,好吧,所以加爾是在和自己較勁 他們是怎麼做到的?

  • Now.


  • It's not super continuity full as How do we get from this moment to this moment that doesn't make sense There was a jump in time now because of that it feels a little bit jarring But the way that the editor fixed this is he or she decided to cut when there was a lot of motion blur in front of the camera So right here again we cut right in the middle of the most motion blur in the middle of the screen and then the next shot also has Chaos in the middle of the screen lots of motion blur and we're moving in the same direction.


  • So this cut feels perfectly seamless Now right here we didn't have a moment where we got to cut from motion blur to motion blur But the next shot that we cut to has chaos happening in the middle of the screen.

    所以這次的剪輯感覺非常完美 現在我們還沒有從動態模糊剪輯到動態模糊的時刻 但下一個鏡頭的畫面中間發生了混亂

  • So it still feels fairly smooth Even though the continuity doesn't match and then coming out of that again We have them struggling lots of motion blur in the middle of the scene and then we can cut to the next shot Where she is flying into the middle of the screen when you cut on the action it blends everything together All right, so they're running out of time they got to keep this thing in order to get the magic powers, okay Open the portal for sure put it in the fridge.

    所以感覺還是相當流暢的,即使連續性不匹配,然後再從那裡出來 我們讓他們在場景中間掙扎,然後我們可以切到下一個鏡頭,她飛到了螢幕中間,當你切到動作的時候,所有的東西都融合在了一起 好了,他們的時間不多了,他們必須留著這個東西,才能獲得神奇的力量,好了,打開傳送門,一定要把它放到冰箱裡。

  • Yep.


  • Okay Oh She turned them into mice what the frick, okay So goggles strategy is we got to hide this thing in another dimension All right put it in the fridge for sure for sure for sure and then look at this cap cut Filmora transition with the snap of her Fingers and a little bit of crazy lighting effects.

    好吧 她把他們變成了小老鼠 搞什麼鬼 好吧 護目鏡的策略是 我們得把這東西藏在另一個空間裡 好吧 把它放進冰箱裡 當然了 當然了 然後看看這頂帽子的剪裁

  • They all turn into floating clothes What a crazy VFX shot to transition back into the house and they turn into mice Well, they didn't do it they were too late Awesome do good reading Bro, oh They're they're little uh Their little hair wings are dissolving.

    他們都變成了飄浮的衣服 多麼瘋狂的特效鏡頭啊,過渡到房子裡,他們又變成了老鼠 好吧,不是他們做的,他們來得太晚了 棒極了,讀得真好 兄弟,哦,他們是他們的小 呃,他們的小毛翅膀正在溶解。

  • They've lost the magic Frick thank you so much for liking and subscribing if you want to become a professional editor hit the link below.

    他們失去了神奇的弗裡克 非常感謝你的喜歡和訂閱,如果你想成為一名專業編輯,請點擊下面的鏈接。

  • God bless.


  • Peace


Oh Frick oh frick Yeah, yeah, that was probably one of the hardest opening kpop lines ever Here's the other thing the slow motion in the beginning of the video.

是啊,是啊,這可能是有史以來最難的 kpop 開場白之一了,還有一件事,就是視頻開頭的慢動作。

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IVE Accendio 是 K-Pop 中最會講故事的人 (IVE Accendio is The Best Storytelling in K-Pop)

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    ubo79059 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 07 日