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  • Mmm, mmm, good." Campbell's red and white soup cans are some of the most iconic packaging in the world.


  • Recognized globally, these cans have become a symbol of American culture, even though Campbell's products are enjoyed internationally.


  • In the 1960s, pop artist Andy Warhol immortalized the Campbell's can with his screen prints, featuring repetitive rows of the soup containers.

    20 世紀 60 年代,波普藝術家安迪-沃霍爾(Andy Warhol)用他的絲網版畫將金寶湯罐頭永垂不朽,他的作品中重複出現了一排排湯罐。

  • This not only solidified the company's image in American culture, but also tied it to a The company, officially known as Campbell's Soup Company since 1922, plans to rebrand as just the Campbell's Company.

    該公司自 1922 年起正式更名為金寶湯公司(Campbell's Soup Company),計劃重新命名為金寶湯公司(Campbell's Company)。

  • In a company statement, Campbell's president and CEO Mark Klaus wrote, "...this subtle yet important change retains the company's iconic name recognition, reputation, and equity built over 155 years while better reflecting the full breadth of the company's portfolio.

    金寶公司總裁兼首席執行官馬克-克勞斯(Mark Klaus)在公司聲明中寫道:"......這一微妙而重要的變化保留了公司 155 年來所建立的標誌性知名度、聲譽和資產,同時更好地反映了公司產品組合的全部範圍。

  • We have never been more prepared to deliver top-tier performance and to be the most dependable and most capable company in food." However, this name change is pending shareholder approval and will be voted on in November. "...the Campbell kids find that it's ripe and ready for the pot." You might be surprised by the range of products Campbell owns and makes, from snacks to TV dinners and even frozen desserts.

    我們從未像現在這樣準備充分,以提供一流的業績,成為食品行業最可靠、最有能力的公司。不過,此次更名尚待股東準許,將於 11 月進行投票表決。"......坎貝爾的孩子們發現,它已經成熟,可以下鍋了"。從零食到電視晚餐,甚至是冷凍甜點,金寶公司擁有和生產的產品種類之多可能會讓你大吃一驚。

  • The company has expanded its portfolio with the snacks division, a meals and beverages division, and acquisitions like Sovo's Brands, the maker of Rao's Italian sauce. "...this is gonna fit in perfectly." The name change aims to represent this wide array of products, far beyond just soup.

    公司通過零食部門、餐飲部門以及收購 Rao's 意大利醬料生產商 Sovo's Brands 等,擴大了產品組合。"......這會非常適合"。更名的目的是為了體現產品的多樣性,而不僅僅是湯。

  • Despite a few major scandals, such as union-related boycotts in the 1980s and a recent lawsuit over environmental impacts, Campbell has weathered the storms.

    儘管發生過幾次重大丑聞,如 20 世紀 80 年代與工會有關的抵制活動和最近一場有關環境影響的訴訟,但坎貝爾公司還是經受住了風雨的考驗。

  • The brand's association with soup dates back to 1895, with the release of its first jar of ready-to-eat soup, Beefsteak Tomato.

    該品牌與湯的淵源可以追溯到 1895 年,當時它推出了第一罐即食湯--牛扒番茄湯。

  • Dr. John T.

    Dr. John T.

  • Dorrance, an early president, even invented the process of making condensed soup.


  • With its long history and evolution, Campbell's brand is recognizable enough without soup in its name.


  • Changing to the Campbell's Company better reflects its diverse product line, which has been evolving since its first acquisition in 1915, when it added Franco American Foods' canned pasta.

    自 1915 年首次收購弗朗哥美國食品公司(Franco American Foods)的罐裝意大利麵以來,該公司的產品線一直在不斷髮展。

  • One of its first famous non-soup products was Pepperidge Farms' Goldfish.

    Pepperidge Farms 的金龍魚是其首批著名的非湯類產品之一。

  • Introduced in 1962, the same year Andy Warhol first screen printed the red and white Campbell's label.

    該產品於 1962 年推出,同年安迪-沃霍爾首次絲網印刷了紅白相間的坎貝爾標籤。

  • Since then, numerous acquisitions have expanded Campbell's product lineup.


  • The name change is just the next step in the company's growth strategy.


  • Campbell's is far from the first major American company to change its name in recent years.


  • In 2018, Dunkin' Donuts became Just Dunkin', and believe it or not, Kentucky Fried Chicken switched to Just KFC way back in 1991.

    2018 年,Dunkin' Donuts 變成了 Just Dunkin',信不信由你,肯德基早在 1991 年就改成了 Just KFC。

Mmm, mmm, good." Campbell's red and white soup cans are some of the most iconic packaging in the world.


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金寶湯即將迎來重大變革 (A Big Change Is Coming For Campbell's Soup)

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    黃中慧 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 04 日