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  • Gretchen thinks you're mad at her because she's running for spring fling queen.

    格雷琴以為你生她的氣 是因為她要競選春季豔遇女王

  • Oh my god.


  • I'm not mad at her I'm worried about her.


  • I think somebody nominated her as a joke or something.


  • I mean nobody votes for her She's gonna have a total meltdown and who's gonna have to take care of her me.

    我是說沒人會投她的票 她會徹底崩潰的 誰來照顧她?

  • So you don't think anyone will vote for her Katie she's not pretty.


  • I mean that sounds bad.


  • But whatever the spring fling queen is always pretty I mean the crazy thing is is that it should be Karen, but people forget about her cuz she's such a slut Anyway, I gotta go I'm going to bed Well, she's not mad at you hold on are you okay?

    但不管怎麼說,春季豔后總是很美 我是說,最瘋狂的是,她應該是凱倫 但人們卻忘了她,因為她是個蕩婦 總之,我得走了,我要去睡覺了 她沒有生你的氣,等等,你還好嗎?

  • Hello if someone says something bad about you you'd want me to tell you right No, what if it was someone you thought was your friend What do you hold on other life?

    你好,如果有人說你的壞話,你會希望我馬上告訴你 不,如果是你認為是你朋友的人呢 你對其他生命有什麼看法?

  • I'm not taking this anymore.


  • Good for you.


  • Good.


  • Hello.


  • Let's go out.


  • Okay, hold on I'm on the other line with Gretchen.


  • Don't invite Gretchen.


  • She's driving me nuts Hold on.


  • Okay.


  • Hurry up It's Regina She wants to hang out with me tonight, but she told me not to tell you do not hang out with her Why you don't want me to tell you?

    她今晚想和我出去玩,但她讓我不要告訴你 不要和她出去玩 為什麼你不想讓我告訴你?

  • Oh, you can tell me hold on Oh my god, she's so annoying who is who's this Gretchen, right?

    哦,你可以告訴我,等一下 哦,我的上帝,她是如此討厭 誰是誰,這是格雷琴,對不對?

  • Oh my god, she's so annoying.


  • I know just get rid of her Okay, what is Regina says everyone hates you because you're such a slut She said that you didn't hear it from me Little harsh scratch, whatever.

    雷吉娜說每個人都討厭你 因為你是個蕩婦 她說你沒聽我說過 小騷貨,隨便啦

  • She has a right to know I can't go out I'm sick boo.


  • You whore


Gretchen thinks you're mad at her because she's running for spring fling queen.

格雷琴以為你生她的氣 是因為她要競選春季豔遇女王

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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

賤女孩》(2004)- Four-Way Call - 1080p (Mean Girls (2004) - Four-Way Call - 1080p)

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    宣 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 24 日