And now the really clever part, you might notice we can just take this out of our wave, so we can factor this out front, and we'll have E-naught e to the j pi over two times our traveling wave that we had before, omega t minus kz, and this remembers the part that we're not interested in, so at least not after this point, at least not after this point, because we know that it's a traveling wave, we know that it's traveling in the Z direction, we only care about the components, so if we just write down the X and the Y components into our lazy man's vector, which is almost a Jones vector, it's just E-naught X plus E-naught e to the j pi over two Y, now we could write this in column vector form, and factor out the E-naught, and in that case we'll just have one, and e to the j pi over two, which is the imaginary number I, and so for the Jones vector, we just drop the amplitude, and we normalize the vector, so you need to divide by the square root of two, and this is our Jones vector for right-hand polarized light, and this contains all the information that we had before, but it's super, super simple, so rather than writing down this plus this, we just write down this super simple column vector, and this will actually allow us to do some really cool things, now I should make one note on conventions, so I've been using the convention that a traveling wave is represented as e to the j omega t minus kz, there's some people that do e to the j kz minus omega t, and in this case right-hand polarized light would be one minus I, there are also different conventions on whether this is right-hand polarized, or left-hand polarized, and the convention that I follow, and what seems to be the most common one, is the handedness convention, so stick your right hand out, curve your fingers, if your fingers follow the path of the light, then the light is right-hand polarized, if it follows the path of your left hand, it's left-hand polarized, so if instead we had shifted the wave, instead of shifting the y polarized wave in this direction, we could have also shifted it in this direction, and that would have given us left-hand polarized light, which the Jones vector, we could just represent as one minus I, and so these are two circularly polarized forms of light, and they correspond to helices, that are either right or left-handed, and are propagating along the z direction, but you might wonder, what if we hadn't shifted by a perfect lambda over four, what if we had shifted by a little bit less, or a little bit more, and that's a perfectly reasonable question, and we'll answer that in the next video, on elliptically polarized light, and you'll get the same exact thing, if you instead had different amplitudes, in front of this x and y, but we'll go over that in the future video, so I hope you enjoyed this one, if you did please give it a like down below, and subscribe to my channel, also if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post those down below, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can, and thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
現在是真正聰明的部分,你可能會注意到 我們可以把這個從我們的波中拿出來 所以我們可以把這個因式分解 我們就會得到 E-naught e 到 j pi 超過我們之前的行波的兩倍 Omega t 減去 kz 記住我們不感興趣的部分我們只關心分量,所以如果我們把 X 分量和 Y 分量寫入我們的懶人矢量,這幾乎是一個瓊斯矢量,它就是 E-naught X 加上 E-naught e to the j pi over two Y,現在我們可以把它寫成列矢量形式,然後把 E-naught 因子除去,這樣我們就只有一個