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  • It's rare for a case to hit us this hard, but this one is truly heartbreaking.


  • In 2016, a promising young woman was brutally murdered by her uncle, a man who lived under the same roof as her family.

    2016 年,一位前途無量的年輕女性被她的叔叔殘忍殺害,而她的叔叔與她的家人生活在同一屋簷下。

  • What seemed like a normal, happy family life, turned into a nightmare due to this man's twisted obsession.


  • Let's dive into the shocking and tragic case of Meng Mei Michelle Leung in Australia.


  • ♪♪


  • Inside the court had never been so intense, filled with gasps and tears.


  • A mother cried as she listened to the murderer's confession about her daughter's last moments.


  • Each detail and peace of heart evidence presented before the court only tore her heart open more, causing excruciating pain.


  • With a heavy sob, she pleaded with Justice Helen Wilson to imprison this cold-hearted murder for life.


  • It was the trial of Derek Barrett for the murder of Meng Mei Michelle Leung.

    這是對德里克-巴雷特(Derek Barrett)謀殺梁夢美(Meng Mei Michelle Leung)一案的審判。

  • The man's confession shocked those in court.


  • They never expected such a brutal and heinous act against this young woman.


  • What makes it even more disgusting is that Derek had been living under the same roof with a family as the victim's uncle.


  • So what exactly happened?


  • And why did nobody know about his sick obsession before it turned into murder?


  • Meng Mei Leung, also known as Michelle, was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China on January 29, 1991.

    梁孟美,又名米雪兒,1991 年 1 月 29 日出生於中國四川省成都市。

  • People close to Michelle said she was a nice, smart, and respectable child.


  • Even though Michelle and her parents were close, things got tough after her father passed away in an earthquake in 2008.

    儘管米歇爾和父母感情很好,但 2008 年父親在地震中去世後,生活變得艱難起來。

  • But that didn't stop her.


  • She kept being a determined girl and lived her life to the fullest.


  • Michelle was very smart and always got excellent grades.


  • She dreamed of going abroad for higher education.


  • Michelle's mom supported the idea, thinking her daughter would be better off studying in Australia.


  • This decision was also because Michelle's aunt had married and settled there, so Michelle would be safe.


  • So in 2011, Michelle enrolled at the University of Technology in Sydney and graduated with a degree in business studies in 2014.

    是以,米歇爾於 2011 年進入雪梨科技大學學習,並於 2014 年畢業,獲得商業研究學位。

  • Michelle stayed in her aunt's apartment, where her aunt also had a daughter two years younger than Michelle.


  • The cousins got along well, making the place happier.


  • Michelle's aunt, who was 44, married Derek Barrett, who was 24, in 2012, a year after Michelle moved in.

    米歇爾的姨媽 44 歲,在米歇爾搬進來一年後,於 2012 年與 24 歲的德里克-巴雷特結婚。

  • Derek, only three years older than Michelle, was reportedly an I.T. specialist who was out of work for a short time.


  • They all lived together in suburban Camp C, New South Wales, since their marriage.

    婚後,他們一起居住在新南威爾士州的 C 營郊區。

  • Derek was a quiet and a passive man for the most part, but nobody in the house would ever think he had some deranged side to him.


  • He first had a sexual obsession with his own stepdaughter.


  • He would secretly take pictures and videos of Michelle's cousin while showering or changing and use them to his own pleasure.


  • It was in no time that he'd also develop a sexual obsession with Michelle, posing as a caring uncle who turned out to be a sickening pervert.


  • Derek had installed small spy cameras inside the bathroom, hiding them behind toiletries to record the girls taking a shower.


  • He'd then store the footage and satisfy himself with it.


  • At night, Derek would sneak into the girls' room and indulge in self-satisfying acts next to them when the girls were asleep.


  • In the morning, the girls would know nothing at all, and Derek would again act like he was normal.


  • So you might ask, how come Aunt Lung never seemed to know?


  • Aunt Lung was always busy with work and often went on business trips.


  • During these times, she'd leave the apartment for days, and the girls would stay home with her husband.


  • It makes sense that these disturbing activities happened while she was away, but no one could have predicted that Derek would take things so far.


  • On Sunday, April 24th, 2016, Derek went to the train station to pick up his wife, who was returning from a business trip.

    2016 年 4 月 24 日星期天,德里克去火車站接出差回來的妻子。

  • When Aunt Lung got home, she asked Derek about her niece, noticing Michelle was nowhere to be found.


  • Derek said he hadn't seen her in two days, which was strange, since he wasn't working and would likely have seen Michelle at the house.


  • Derek claimed that Michelle had been going to nightclubs and spending a lot of time with friends to support his story.


  • When Aunt Lung asked her daughter about Michelle, she got the same response, since her daughter had spent the night at a friend's house.


  • So Aunt Lung spent the whole day trying to reach Michelle, but her phone seemed to be turned off.


  • She called Michelle's family in China to see if they knew where Michelle might have gone, but no one had any information.


  • Concerned, the next day, Derek and Aunt Lung went to the police station to report Michelle missing.


  • They also filed a missing persons report with the Chinese embassy in Australia to draw more attention to her disappearance.


  • Not long after, Michelle had been found, but Aunt Lung's world turned upside down when she learned Michelle was already dead.


  • A body had been discovered by the time the police report was submitted.


  • On Sunday, April 24th, around 10.30 a.m., several tourists reported seeing a body floating in the water near a snapper point about 80 miles from Camp C.

    4 月 24 日星期日上午 10 點半左右,幾名遊客報告在距離 C 營約 80 英里的一個鯛魚點附近看到一具漂浮在水面上的屍體。

  • A team was sent to retrieve the body.


  • The body, initially unidentified but described as Asian, was between 20 and 35 years old and about 170 centimeters tall.

    屍體最初身份不明,但被描述為亞洲人,年齡在 20 至 35 歲之間,身高約 170 釐米。

  • It was hard to estimate how long the body had been in the water because decomposition had already started.


  • Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin was assigned to the investigation.

    總督察 Gary Jubelin 被指派負責調查。

  • The examiner and the police cross-checked missing persons reports and came across Michelle's case.


  • Suspecting the body was Michelle, they recreated a sketch of the face and compared it to her picture.


  • It was a good match.


  • The news reached Michelle's family in China, breaking their hearts.


  • They came to Australia, faced with a grim reunion with their precious girl, and they demanded answers.


  • The state of the body made things worse, adding salt to the wound.


  • Michelle had been severely assaulted with numerous injuries found on her body.


  • The medical examiner identified more than 30 stab wounds during the autopsy.

    法醫在屍檢過程中發現了 30 多處刀傷。

  • It's assumed that she fought for her life, leading to defensive wounds on her arms.


  • The police were able to locate


  • Michelle's whereabouts on April 21st, the day she was reported missing.

    米歇爾在 4 月 21 日失蹤當天的行蹤。

  • She was filmed on CCTV shopping at Pitt Street in Sydney's CBD around 3 p.m., maybe hanging out with friends and having fun as usual.

    中央電視臺拍攝到她下午 3 點左右在雪梨中央商務區皮特街購物,可能像往常一樣與朋友們一起玩樂。

  • Nothing in her face suggested anxiety or a desire to run away.


  • She was just casually strolling through the mall.


  • And after a fun day, she was seen catching a train from St. James Railway Station, arriving at Campsie Railway Station around 4.30 p.m., seemingly heading home.

    在度過了愉快的一天後,有人看到她從聖詹姆斯火車站搭乘火車,於下午 4:30 左右抵達坎普西火車站,似乎是要回家。

  • And that was the last footage of her alive and well.


  • There was already a suspect in Michelle's killing, according to the investigation.


  • The police were skeptical of Derek Barrett's claims that he didn't see Michelle because he woke up late, despite being the last person to see her alive.


  • According to Derek, he last saw Michelle on Thursday, April 21st, after dinner.

    據德里克說,他最後一次見到米歇爾是在 4 月 21 日星期四晚飯後。

  • They watched a movie, and then Michelle went to her room to sleep.


  • When he woke up on Friday, April 22nd,

    當他在 4 月 22 日星期五醒來時、

  • Michelle had left the house and hadn't returned by the time her aunt arrived.


  • After calling Derek in for questioning, the authorities started asking about his relationship with Michelle.


  • Derek was repeatedly questioned, but he refused to respond and insisted on seeing a lawyer.


  • Seeing how defensive he was, the authorities informed that he was now a suspect.


  • Investigators quickly got to work building a case against Derek.


  • After examining his cell phone signal, they found that Derek had been in the same area as Michelle's body on April 24th.

    在檢查了他的手機信號後,他們發現德里克在 4 月 24 日曾出現在米歇爾屍體所在的同一區域。

  • So why was he there?


  • The police quickly obtained CCTV footage showing a car matching Barrett's vehicle near Snapper Point around 7 a.m. on April 24th.

    警方很快獲得了閉路電視錄像,顯示 4 月 24 日上午 7 點左右,一輛與巴雷特的車相吻合的汽車出現在鯛魚角附近。

  • Barrett insisted it wasn't his vehicle, but investigators found more video showing him buying drinks and paying for gas at a station while traveling to Snapper Point.


  • When confronted with the fact that he had lied about his activities on April 24th,

    當他面對自己對 4 月 24 日的活動撒了謊這一事實時、

  • Derek blamed his lack of memory on frequent drug use.


  • He just kept lying, digging himself deeper.


  • Derek's mobile phone was confiscated and given to specialists for examination.


  • The police were unprepared for what they discovered when they recovered previously erased data from the phone.


  • Among the deleted files on his phone were images and videos of Michelle and his own stepdaughter taking a shower, as well as Derek masturbating next to Michelle's bed.


  • In addition to being charged with unlawful confinement, secret videotaping, and stealing Michelle Leung's life,


  • Derek Barrett was indicted on 27 other counts.

    德里克-巴雷特還被控其他 27 項罪名。

  • In December 2017, Derek entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to 46 years in jail with the possibility of release after 34 years and six months.

    2017 年 12 月,德里克認罪,被判處 46 年監禁,34 年零 6 個月後可能獲釋。

  • He simply sat with his head down and showed little emotion during his sentencing.


  • Derek started whining about having a rough upbringing and being teased at school.


  • However, his psychiatrist concluded that he was entirely accountable for his actions.


  • According to reports, Derek apologized in writing to his wife and Michelle's family, saying that there are no adequate words to express the suffering he has caused them.


  • But no amount of regret can erase the suffering the Leung family had to endure, and no apology can bring Michelle back.


  • But this is not the end of the story.


  • Initially, he was never charged with her sexual assault until 2019, four years after the murder, when an elderly woman was found in possession of a USB device, which contained pictures and videos of Derek sexually assaulting Michelle shortly before her murder.

    起初,他從未因性侵犯米歇爾而受到指控,直到 2019 年,也就是謀殺案發生四年後,一名老年婦女被發現持有一個 USB 設備,其中包含德里克在米歇爾被謀殺前不久性侵犯她的照片和視頻。

  • When she saw it contained graphic photos and videos, she handed it to the police who identified Derek in the footage.


  • The nine videos found on the USB, which began with Derek entering Michelle's bedroom, contained horrific details of the crime.

    USB 中發現的九段視頻從德里克進入米歇爾的臥室開始,包含了可怕的犯罪細節。

  • Justice Helen Wilson said,


  • Michelle's personal integrity was cruelly defiled by an offender who took pleasure in hurting, humiliating, and degrading her.


  • Based on the video evidence, on April 21st, Michelle arrived home around midnight.

    根據視頻證據,米歇爾在 4 月 21 日午夜左右回到家。

  • And after midnight, Derek Barrett began his sinister plan.


  • Michelle was taken aback when her uncle entered her room, just as she was about to nod off.


  • To silence her, Derek attacked her, bound her, and taped her mouth.


  • After stripping his niece naked,


  • Derek began to take images and videos of her body, including intimate shots of her private parts.


  • Around eight in the morning on April 22nd, when Derek took the last photo,

    4 月 22 日早上八點左右,德里克拍攝了最後一張照片、

  • Michelle was still conscious, but trembling with fear.


  • That same day, around 4 p.m.,

    當天下午 4 點左右、

  • Derek's stepdaughter came home.


  • She had no idea her cousin was restrained and gagged in the other room.


  • Michelle's cries for help went unheard during the roughly three hours she was home before leaving again.


  • Inside the room, Derek had set up different cameras.


  • In that hellish space, he assaulted Michelle, recording it from various angles for his own satisfaction.


  • In the video, Michelle could be heard crying and begging him to stop, but it was in vain.


  • The rest of the video was only audio, presumably capturing Michelle's last moments.


  • There were pleas and questions about why this was happening.


  • Then everything went quiet as the video cut off.


  • Then after two days, he stabbed her 40 times.

    兩天後,他又捅了她 40 刀。

  • After killing the poor girl, he then dumped Michelle's body in a blowhole at Snapper Point on the NSW Central Coast.


  • But he never received the life sentence.


  • Justice Wilson gave Derek a 20-year sentence for nine new sexual offenses, but this sentence will be served at the same time as his current 46-year sentence.

    威爾遜法官以九項新的性犯罪判處德里克 20 年徒刑,但這一刑期將與他目前 46 年的刑期同時執行。

  • So this won't extend the total time, but it will slightly increase the minimum time he must serve before he can be considered for parole from 34 years to 36.5 years.

    是以,這不會延長他的總刑期,但會將他在考慮假釋前必須服刑的最低刑期從 34 年略微增加到 36.5 年。

  • He will be eligible for parole on October 27th, 2052.

    他將於 2052 年 10 月 27 日獲得假釋資格。

  • Supreme Court Justice Helen Wilson stated that if she had been aware of the full extent of his crimes in 2017, she would have given him a life sentence.

    最高法院法官海倫-威爾遜(Helen Wilson)表示,如果她在 2017 年瞭解到他的全部罪行,她會判處他終身監禁。

  • But she noted that it's now too late to impose that.


  • The videos were too vile for such a short sentence, but sadly, it still wasn't enough to sentence Derek to life imprisonment.


  • Derek had now received the longest sentence possible, 46 years in prison.

    德里克現在被判了最長的刑期,46 年監禁。

  • Do you believe that justice has been served?


  • Reading and listening to this case is truly heartbreaking.


  • Meng Mei Michelle Leung had such a bright future ahead of her, but it was cut short by the sick obsession of a disturbed individual.


  • People are questioning why it is so hard to sentence Derek to life imprisonment, but we may never know.


  • Let us pray for Michelle.


  • May she rest in peace, and may her family find the strength to get through their grief.


  • As for Derek, may he pay for his crimes in prison and live every day with the weight of what he had done to her.


  • That's all for today, and as always, thanks for watching.


It's rare for a case to hit us this hard, but this one is truly heartbreaking.


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B1 中級 中文 美國腔

舅舅以最變態的方式渴望他美麗的外甥女|Michelle Leng 案 (Uncle desires his beautiful niece in the sickest possible way|Michelle Leng case)

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    ihz85035 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 19 日