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  • For high school students like Zoe, Georgia and Laura, being on social media is second nature.


  • In society nowadays, there's this...a lot of FOMO, a lot of fear of missing out.


  • But the pitfalls are also well-known.


  • I have a private account and I only really look at what my friends are putting out online.


  • I know quite a few girls that I am friends with who have had very negative experiences with social media.


  • It can be used as a weapon for bullies, a vehicle for scammers, worst of all, a tool for online predators.


  • The Albanese government wants an age limit enforced, restricting access to apps for Australian kids.


  • We are seeking to be the best in the world.


  • Although it's yet to lock in a specific age between 14 and 16 and exactly how it'll do it, trialling the technology needed.

    雖然它尚未鎖定 14 至 16 歲之間的具體年齡,也未確定具體的操作方法,但它正在試用所需的技術。

  • We believe the age limit should be 16 and that's why Peter Dutton announced that back in June.

    我們認為,年齡限制應為 16 歲,這也是彼得-達頓在 6 月份宣佈這一規定的原因。

  • Over the weekend, the South Australian government revealed its proposal to ban social media.


  • Kids under the age of 14 that target there.

    那裡的目標是 14 歲以下的孩子。

  • The premier today welcoming a nationwide approach.


  • By having a uniform rule across the country, every parent can look their children in the eye and say, it's not them, this is the law.


  • Getting kids away from social media when it's become so ingrained could prove difficult.


  • 50% are using three or four social media platforms and 25%, five or more.


  • But the harm from some of the content shared online remains a powerful driver for change.


  • There are many anecdotal examples of social media being a driver for somebody's distress getting to such a level that suicide...


  • ..they contemplate suicide.

    ... 他們考慮自殺。

  • There's still a lot of detail to be sorted through, from the age limit and how it'll be enforced to which platforms will be regulated and whether the social media companies will even comply.


  • The government is trying to regulate a wildly unregulated space and social media companies have voiced stiff opposition in the past when governments have tried to control their operations.


  • And not all are convinced.


  • Streaming channel 6 News, founded and staffed by teens, has found quite a following.

    流媒體頻道 6 News 由青少年創辦並擔任工作人員,已經擁有了相當多的追隨者。

  • If this ban was in place a couple of years ago, 6 News wouldn't have existed in the first place.

    如果幾年前就有這項禁令,那麼 6 News 一開始就不會存在。

  • Hopeful the government will strike a balance in an often unbalanced domain.


  • Matthew Doran, ABC News, Canberra.

    Matthew Doran,ABC 新聞,堪培拉。

For high school students like Zoe, Georgia and Laura, being on social media is second nature.


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