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  • What to do if there isn't enough electricity to go around this winter?


  • To avoid widespread blackouts, the French government has created a plan to ration power in select areas.


  • Such rolling outages would not come out of nowhere.


  • The protocol would begin first with a warning campaign for consumers to lower their usage through the site EcoWatt.

    該協議將首先通過 EcoWatt 網站向消費者發出降低用電量的警告。

  • If the surge persists for three days, then consumers would be informed the night before of the upcoming temporary blackout.


  • It would occur in the morning from 8 to 1 or in the evening from 6 to 8.

    這將發生在早上 8 點到 1 點,或者晚上 6 點到 8 點。

  • While sites like hospitals and police stations are exempt, there are concerns about reaching first responders.


  • Before a parliamentary committee on Wednesday, the head of the phone giant Orange reminded lawmakers that telephone infrastructure runs on electricity and that power cuts would affect service.

    電話巨頭 Orange 的負責人週三在議會委員會上提醒立法者,電話基礎設施靠電力運行,斷電會影響服務。

  • It's an illusion to imagine that we'll be able to maintain service to all French people in the event of power cuts.


  • The government has tried to remain reassuring, noting the protocol is a hypothetical, just-in-case plan.


  • We're not currently telling the French people that there will be power cuts this winter.


  • We're currently telling them that if the tensions rise, that is, it is 5, 6, 7 degrees below average this January and that we must tap into our electricity reserves for heating, then we will not let critical situations arise.

    我們目前正在告訴他們,如果緊張局勢加劇,即今年一月份的氣溫比平均氣溫低 5、6、7 度,我們必須動用電力儲備取暖,那麼我們不會讓危急情況發生。

  • We are thus just anticipating.


  • Calls to reduce electricity consumption nationwide have been working.


  • Daily usage has dropped in France by five percent.

    法國的日使用量下降了 5%。

  • And that could help avoid rolling blackouts, as could a mild winter.


What to do if there isn't enough electricity to go around this winter?


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