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  • Welcome to this video on interest rate modeling, and specifically the whole white model.


  • The whole white model is a short rate model, and we're going to discuss partly what that is to begin with, but then also look at the details of this modeling framework.


  • So let's get started.


  • First of all, we want to describe what a short rate is and an introduction to short rate models in general.


  • We can think of short rates as the continuously compounded and annualized interest rate at which an entity can borrow money for an infinitesimally short period of time.


  • Now that's a bit abstract, so we have that illustrated here by means of an equation.


  • We have some price of a risk-free asset at the time t plus delta t, and that can be expressed as the price at the initial time point, Pt, times this factor here.

    我們有一些無風險資產在 t 時間點的價格加上 delta t,可以表示為初始時間點的價格 Pt 乘以這裡的係數。

  • And this is an exponential of the short rate, Rt, times the time interval delta t.

    這是短速率 Rt 乘以時間間隔 delta t 的指數。

  • So the short rate tells us how much this value gain is going to be over some short time interval if we invest in a risk-free asset.


  • And it is what's called continuously compounded, since these interest rate payments happen all the time.


  • It is not like in some other models where you have interest rate payments at some sort of frequency, but this compounds continuously.


  • And it is annualized in the sense that we need to express our interest rate in terms of some time interval.


  • We would say you get 10% per year, for example, or 10% per week, or something like that.

    例如,我們會說你每年能得到 10%,或每週 10%,或類似的數字。

  • It's annualized, so we always talk about years when we talk about these interest rates.


  • So a short rate model then describes the future evolution of these short rates by generating a term structure.


  • So the short rates would vary over time.


  • You can see that Rt here has a time index to it, so the rates are not constant in the market.

    您可以看到,這裡的 Rt 有一個時間指數,是以市場上的利率並不是恆定的。

  • And the short rate models describe how this Rt varies over time.

    而短速率模型則描述了 Rt 如何隨時間變化。

  • So with that, let's focus on the whole wide model now.


  • This model implies a mean reverting and normally distributed assumption on the interest rates.


  • And this gives us lognormal bond prices as a consequence.


  • We can see the stochastic differential equation that summarizes the whole wide model in this slide.


  • And we can see that Drt, so the difference in the rate, is given by this drift term here plus some Brownian motion.


  • And the drift term has two components.


  • First we have a theta of t here, and then we have a constant alpha times the rate itself.

    首先,我們這裡有一個 t 的 Theta,然後我們有一個常數 alpha 乘以速率本身。

  • Now this theta is, as you can see, a function of time.

    現在,正如你所看到的,θ 是時間的函數。

  • And this is chosen explicitly so that the model fits with the term structure that is being observed in the market right now.


  • And that way you can calibrate this model to be accurate to the kind of term structures that are existing currently.


  • And then what the model gives you is a way to extrapolate, based on the current term structure, what they are going to be in the future.


  • The second part of this drift term is alpha Rt.

    漂移項的第二部分是 alpha Rt。

  • And alpha is a mean reversion parameter.


  • So it tells us how fast we are going to revert to the mean value of this process.


  • It is typically left as a user input and can, for example, be estimated from historical data.


  • The last part of this equation is sigma that you can see here, which is the volatility parameter.


  • And it is determined by a calibration to a set of caplets and swaptions that are tradable in the market.


  • So that is also something that would be derived from market data.


  • And, as we said in the beginning, theta is something that is being explicitly chosen so that this model matches the term structures that are existing in the market right now.

    正如我們在一開始所說的,θ 是明確選擇的,以便該模型與目前市場上存在的期限結構相匹配。

  • And that gives us essentially this expression, can be derived for what theta should be.

    這樣,我們就可以得出θ 應該是多少的表達式。

  • And so plugging this into theta would give you essentially a model that fits the current term structure.

    是以,將其插入 Theta,基本上就能得到一個符合當前期限結構的模型。

  • And it uses the instantaneous forward rate at time 0 for the maturity t here as a component of this value.

    它使用 0 時到期日 t 的瞬時遠期利率作為該值的組成部分。

  • So that is where the market values themselves actually make it into the model.


  • So that is fair enough.


  • We can see here an example of a realized process of the Holowite model.


  • So we can see here the short rate, which is what the model ultimately predicts over time.


  • And we can see a time in years on the x-axis here.

    我們可以在 x 軸上看到以年為組織、部門的時間。

  • And as we extrapolate, something happens to this rate and it follows some sort of behavior that is stochastic in nature.


  • We can see the parameters that have been used for this evaluation here.


  • And this particular trajectory that we are analyzing now is going to be used for some of the comparisons coming up in the preceding slides.


  • Nevertheless, what you need in terms of parameterization are the parameters alpha and sigma that we discussed before.

    不過,在參數化方面,你需要的是我們之前討論過的參數 alpha 和 sigma。

  • You also need how long you want to predict.


  • So in this case, big T is 2 and the number of points that you want to simulate as well.

    是以,在這種情況下,大 T 是 2,也是您要模擬的點數。

  • In addition to that, you need a yield curve or some sort of future rates or forward rates to actually plug into the model to calibrate the theta.

    除此之外,你還需要一條收益率曲線或某種未來利率或遠期利率,以實際插入模型來校準 theta。

  • And this is based on a zero or a zero yield curve.


  • So that is an introduction to the Holowite model.


  • And if we look at some of the mathematical properties of the stochastic differential equation that we saw in the last slide, we can note the following.


  • So firstly, this can be integrated.


  • It can be integrated and solved for, which means that R of T can be explicitly derived to be the following value here.

    可以對其進行積分和求解,這意味著 T 的 R 可以明確地推導出如下值。

  • So this is R of T expressed in terms of an earlier time s.

    是以,這是用更早的時間 s 表示的 T 的 R。

  • And this time s doesn't necessarily have to be, I mean, we can pick this to be zero if we want.

    這個時間 s 不一定是,我是說,如果我們願意,也可以把它設為零。

  • But also if we have another time, sort of halfway through, we want to extrapolate based on that, we can do so as well.


  • And we introduced a new term beta in this expression.


  • And that is explained here what that expression is.


  • And with this derivation, which we won't go over in detail, you essentially arrive at a normal distribution.


  • So that's something we commented on in the last slide, that the Holowite framework gives normal distributions for the short rates.


  • And we can see the mean and variance of this normal distribution outlined here.


  • Now what this means is if we're standing at the starting point, let's say, and we want to estimate what the short rate is going to be in one year, that's going to be normally distributed across or around some mean.


  • We don't have the mean plotted here, but let's say the mean is up here, and then you would have some variance outside of that.


  • And so you could estimate a given point in this yield curve or in this short rate curve, if you wanted to.


  • In order to make this a bit more tangible, we're going to assume that theta is a constant.

    為了讓這個問題更加具體,我們假設 Theta 是一個常數。

  • So I said before that you would calibrate theta based on market parameters, and that would ultimately be a function of time.

    是以,我之前說過,你將根據市場參數來校準 theta,而這最終將是時間的函數。

  • But to make some of these properties a bit more analytical, we're going to set it to be constant for a second.


  • We can see that if it's constant, the expression for r of t becomes a bit more simple.

    我們可以看到,如果它是常數,那麼 t 的 r 的表達式就會變得簡單一些。

  • It becomes the following.


  • And just like before, this would be normally distributed.


  • And if we compare or if we now generate the expected value of the rate at a given time, and also the variance of this, we would get these two expressions.


  • Now these are a bit more approachable than the ones we saw on the last slide here.


  • Also, I made the change that rather than extrapolating from another time s, I simply set them to be zero in this example.

    此外,我還做了一個改動,在這個例子中,我沒有從另一個時間 s 開始推斷,而是直接將它們設為零。

  • So we can see the variance predicated on, well, the filtration at zero.


  • If you don't know what that is, never mind, but nevertheless, we don't extrapolate based on another time point.


  • We just take the starting point as our baseline.


  • And we can see these two analytical expressions here, and I've plotted the corresponding curves in these two figures.


  • So if we begin by analyzing the expected value, you can see that down here, essentially, is the starting value.


  • And unsurprisingly, as we let t approach zero, r of t converges to r of zero.

    毫不奇怪,當我們讓 t 接近於零時,t 的 r 趨近於零值的 r。

  • I mean, that's the starting point value we use for this model, so we would expect that to converge.


  • In this case, r of zero is a small value here, so that's why we're close to zero.

    在這種情況下,0 的 r 是一個很小的值,所以我們才接近於 0。

  • And as we then let t tend to infinity, if we allow theta to be constant or set it to be constant, what's going to happen with the convergence is that the expected value here is going to approach sigma over alpha.

    當我們讓 t 趨於無窮大時,如果我們讓 theta 保持恆定或將其設置為恆定,那麼收斂的結果就是這裡的期望值將接近 sigma 而不是 alpha。

  • That's going to be the long-term mean of this process.


  • And now depending on what these two parameters are, so depending on how volatile your model is calibrated to be, and then also depending on the mean inversion parameter here, you're going to get some sort of stable equilibrium for the mean of this process.


  • Now, if we look at the variance, there are two points that I want to raise.


  • First of all, we have a limit similar to what we have for the expectation value, and that is in this case sigma squared over two alpha.

    首先,我們有一個類似於期望值的極限,在這種情況下就是兩個 alpha 的西格瑪平方。

  • What this means is that as t goes to infinity, so as we look infinitely far into the future, we don't get more and more uncertainty beyond a certain point.

    這意味著,當 t 變為無窮大時,也就是當我們無限遙望未來時,我們不會在某一點之外獲得越來越多的不確定性。

  • So let's say we're comparing, I mean, 25 years here to let's say 50 years in the future.

    是以,讓我們來比較一下,我是說,這裡的 25 年和未來的 50 年。

  • There would not be a significant difference in how much uncertainty we have in the rate over those time periods.


  • So after a while, due to the convergence behavior of this model, the rates don't just explode in variability.


  • So that's a good thing.


  • We can see also that in the beginning here, we have some form of slope of this curve in variance.


  • So as we're very close to zero, the variance is zero of the rate.


  • We can sort of see that intuitively as well, because if we are at time zero, we know exactly what the rate is going to be because we can measure it, and it's directly implied from the market, so we don't have any uncertainty, but uncertainty grows with time.


  • And how fast it grows with time is given by the tangent here, and we can see that if we go through time at the starting point, then that will come out to be sigma squared.


  • So that's how fast the uncertainty grows in the beginning.


  • Okay, so now we looked at some analytical properties of this.


  • Let's actually see what term structures we get as a consequence.


  • So we have a graph here of different term structures, and by taking the weighted average of interest rates that prevailed over any one period, we can obtain the effective interest rate for that specific period.


  • And if we plot these over time, that's how we obtain a yield curve.


  • So we can see a number of different yield curves here, and they look a bit different depending on when we start to analyze these, because they are ultimately dependent on the short rate, and because the short rate varies over time, so will these yield curves.


  • And with the trajectory of the whole white model that we saw in the beginning, these are essentially the different yield curves you would get for different points in time.


  • So we have the initial yield curve here, then we have the yield curve after 6 months, and we have the yield curve after 12 months, and so on.

    是以,這裡有最初的收益率曲線,然後是 6 個月後的收益率曲線,12 個月後的收益率曲線,以此類推。

  • And depending on which instantiation, which time point you start looking at the yield curve, it's going to look slightly different.


  • So that's the first point, I would say.


  • And we can see that there is some variability between the curves as well, which seems to be at around 10% of the value or so.

    我們可以看到,曲線之間也存在一些變化,似乎在數值的 10%左右。

  • And one more thing to notice, as the time to maturity here grows very large, these yield curves tend to converge.


  • And this is expected if we think about it, because we have mean reverting behavior exhibited by the whole white model, and so we would expect these rates to converge over long time periods to essentially the same value.


  • And as such, the yield of a zero-coupon bond in that case would come out to be the same value as well.


  • And it is the yield that we are plotting on the y-axis here.

    這就是我們在 Y 軸上繪製的收益率。

  • Okay, so I spoke about the variance between these curves, and let's look at the actual expression for this variance as well.


  • So we can see here the volatility term structure, and that is given by the expression here.


  • Now there is one thing that is very noticeable about this, and it is that the graphs that we are plotting here, these plots are essentially of this volatility term structure for the instantiations of the model that we discussed before.


  • We can see that these are the same, regardless of what time period we are considering, or rather regardless of what starting point we are considering.


  • And the reason for that is that this expression here of the volatility term structure only depends on big T minus small t.

    原因在於,這裡的波動率期限結構表達式只取決於大 T 減去小 t。

  • It doesn't depend on small t explicitly, and so there is no dependence on when we actually start to analyze this.

    它並不明確依賴於小 t,是以也不依賴於我們何時開始分析。

  • And so we could see that the volatilities of this term structure sort of narrow in on itself, as explained by the graph that we can see here, where the spot rate volatility goes to, well, becomes smaller over time.


  • Okay, we have some limits here as well for the volatility term structure, and we can see that as we get to the starting point, so as big T minus small t goes to zero, this volatility term structure goes to sigma.

    好的,對於波動率的期限結構,我們也有一些限制,我們可以看到,當我們到達起點, 即大 T 減小 T 為零時,這個波動率的期限結構會變為西格瑪。

  • And the sigma value that we have in these parameters is 0.01, and you can see also that the spot rate volatility here goes to 0.01 in this limit.

    這些參數中的西格瑪值為 0.01,你也可以看到,在這個限制條件下,即期匯率的波動率為 0.01。

  • And as we let t go to infinity, the expression for this goes to zero, and that's also observed by this sort of tapering off or exponential decay of the volatility term structure.

    當我們讓 t 變為無窮大時,這個表達式就會變為零,這也可以從波動率期限結構的這種逐漸減弱或指數衰減中觀察到。

  • Okay, cool.


  • So then I also wanted to speak quickly about the bond pricing under the whole-white model, specifically for a zero-coupon bond.


  • So after a lot of analytical calculations, you can arrive at the following price for a zero-coupon bond under the whole-white model.


  • And we're not going to go over the calculations, but what I want to highlight is that the distribution of this is going to be log-normal.


  • So the rates in the whole-white model are normal, and as a consequence, the bond prices are going to be log-normal.


  • And we can see in the graph down here, the zero price for a zero-coupon bond with nominal $1 over, well, as a function of the time to maturity.

    我們可以在下面的圖表中看到,名義價值為 1 美元的零息債券的零價格是到期時間的函數。

  • So naturally, as the time to maturity increases, the prices of these are going to decrease, because we're getting paid $1 at some point in the future, and the longer away that is, the more we're going to discount it.

    是以,隨著到期時間的延長,這些產品的價格自然會下降,因為我們要在未來的某個時間點獲得 1 美元的報酬,時間越長,我們的折扣就越大。

  • And we can see the different instantiations here that we saw before as well, but now reflected in terms of their effect on the zero price for a nominal of $1.

    我們可以在這裡看到之前看到的不同實例,但現在反映的是它們對 1 美元名義零價格的影響。

  • And we have some variability between these, not too much though.


  • So one thing that's important to note is if you calibrate a model like this to, well, market parameters, the level of sophistication that you need is quite dependent on the application.


  • For a lot of applications, a quite simplistic model might do, because ultimately, the variance in terms of bond prices is not going to be very big under normal market conditions.


  • Nevertheless, if you need that extra granularity, a sophisticated model like the whole-white model might be, well, appropriate.


  • Okay, so we are able to price bonds as well with this framework, and that's sort of a key takeaway.


  • And the last thing I want to note is the tendency for this model to give negative interest rates, because we said before that the rates are going to be normally distributed, and if you have something that's normally distributed, you would know that you can also get negative values from that distribution.


  • Unlike, for example, the log-normal distribution, the normal distribution crosses zero, and there's always a non-zero probability of being negative.


  • For a long time, this was considered a shortcoming of this model, because this model was developed sometime in the 70s, I believe, and during that time, we hadn't really observed negative interest rates in the markets.

    在很長一段時間裡,這被認為是這一模型的一個缺陷,因為我相信這一模型是在上世紀 70 年代某個時候開發的,而在那個時期,我們還沒有在市場上真正觀察到負利率。

  • So that was frequently raised as a shortcoming, and also in many textbooks, you can see that that is listed as a key shortcoming of this model.


  • But we have actually observed negative rates nowadays, and so rather than saying that it's a benefit of this model, because there are other models that tell you that the rates are going to be log-normally distributed, for example, and if you make that assumption, then you're never going to get negative interest rates.


  • So this is kind of an aspect you need to take into account when you select an interest rate model.


  • Do you want to be able to model negative interest rates or not?


  • If you have a modeling framework that sort of breaks down under negative interest rates and you don't need to necessarily consider them, then the whole white model might not be the best one, because it allows for negative rates.


  • But if you want to take those scenarios into account and be able to model negative interest rates as well, then the whole white framework allows you to do that.


  • So that's the closing remark I would leave out here.


  • And with that, I just want to thank you for watching this video.


  • I look forward to seeing you in the next one, and take care.


  • Bye.


Welcome to this video on interest rate modeling, and specifically the whole white model.


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