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  • Right now I am driving a car that most people in the world haven't even seen yet in real life.


  • This is a car that is a design icon following on from many other design icons, eight and a half to be precise.


  • This is the new Golf, not only the new Golf, it's the new Golf GTI and like many of its predecessors beforehand, may be one of the most significant cars to roll out of the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg.

    這是新款高爾夫,不僅是新款高爾夫,還是新款高爾夫 GTI,與之前的許多前代車型一樣,它可能是沃爾夫斯堡大眾工廠推出的最重要的車型之一。

  • For one very good reason, hear that noise?


  • Yep, just like all the other reviews, that might be disappearing soon.


  • Hello, you're watching Driven, my name is John Markar and this is the Volkswagen Golf


  • GTI Mark 8.5.

    GTI Mark 8.5。

  • So, 8.5 generations of Golf GTI, that in itself is enough worth celebrating.

    是以,8.5 代高爾夫 GTI 本身就足以值得慶祝。

  • But before we do, why don't we have a little recap on the story so far of one of the most iconic cars in the world and of course, one of the most iconic tuning brands, the Golf


  • GTI.


  • The first ever Volkswagen Golf came along in May 1974 as a successor to the Volkswagen

    1974 年 5 月,作為大眾汽車的後繼車型,首款大眾高爾夫問世。

  • Beetle.


  • It was styled by the Italian designer Giorgetto Giugiaro.


  • In a stark contrast to the Beetle, the new small car from Volkswagen had a front mounted water cooled engine and a very boxy shape, which was a new and some say, risky direction for Volkswagen.


  • Once the Golf had proven to be a success, a small committee of Volkswagen employees led by the head of press, Anton Conrad, decided a sportier version might be a strong seller.

    在高爾夫取得成功後,由新聞主管安東-康拉德(Anton Conrad)上司的一個由大眾汽車員工組成的小型委員會認為,運動版高爾夫可能會非常暢銷。

  • One of the group, a marketeer by the name of Horst Deutersz-Wielinski, carried out some market research and came up with the Golf GTI name, with GTI being short for Grand Tourer

    其中一位名叫 Horst Deutersz-Wielinski 的市場營銷人員進行了市場調研,並提出了高爾夫 GTI 的名稱,GTI 是 Grand Tourer 的縮寫。

  • Injection.


  • Designer Gunnhild Lilliquist, the first woman to join the team, is credited with creating many of the GTI's best loved features, such as the tartan interior and the golf ball gear knob.

    設計師 Gunnhild Lilliquist 是第一位加入 GTI 團隊的女性,她設計了 GTI 的許多深受喜愛的特徵,如格子呢內飾和高爾夫球擋把。

  • The very first Mark 1 Golf GTI came with 108 horsepower, a four speed manual transmission and weighed in at 810kg, resulting in a 0-62 acceleration time of 9.2 seconds and a top speed of 113mph.

    第一代 Mark 1 高爾夫 GTI 最大功率 108 馬力,配備四速手動變速箱,重 810 千克,0-62 加速時間為 9.2 秒,最高時速 113 英里/小時。

  • In 1975, that was seriously impressive.

    在 1975 年,這真是令人印象深刻。

  • In 1984, the Mark 2 Golf GTI arrived with a bigger and boxier look, taken from the already existing Golf Mark 2.

    1984 年,Mark 2 Golf GTI 誕生了,它的外觀更寬大、更方正,與當時的 Golf Mark 2 如出一轍。

  • The GTI had some new features like dual headlights and a rear spoiler, and it was powered by a new four-cylinder engine with a five-speed gearbox, giving similar acceleration to the predecessor despite being 180kg heavier.

    GTI 配備了一些新功能,如雙前大燈和後擾流板,並採用了新的四缸發動機和五速變速箱,儘管重量增加了 180 公斤,但加速性能與前代車型相當。

  • The Golf GTI 16 valve then arrived in 1987 with a 0-62 time of 8.9 seconds and a top speed of 130mph.

    1987 年,高爾夫 GTI 16 氣門跑車問世,0-62 加速時間為 8.9 秒,最高時速為 130 英里/小時。

  • The 1990s arrived and with it, so did the Mark 3 Golf GTI, which represented the end of the classically styled GTIs.

    20 世紀 90 年代到來,Mark 3 高爾夫 GTI 也隨之問世,它代表了經典風格 GTI 的終結。

  • The new model, the Mark 3, had a curved shape and was deemed slightly less exciting by the fans.

    新款 Mark 3 採用了弧形設計,被粉絲們認為不那麼令人興奮。

  • It was also slightly heavier, but thanks to an engine upgrade with a 16 valve producing 148 horsepower, this saw an improved top speed of 134mph and a 0-62 time of 8.7 seconds.

    該車的重量也略有增加,但由於發動機升級為 16 氣門,最大功率達到 148 馬力,最高時速提高到 134 英里/小時,0-62 公里加速時間縮短至 8.7 秒。

  • Things got a little more confusing when the Mark 4 Golf GTI came along in 1997, as it was now essentially a sporty trim version of the Golf rather than an entirely separate model.

    1997 年,Mark 4 Golf GTI 出現後,情況變得更加撲朔迷離,因為它現在基本上是 Golf 的運動型裝飾版本,而不是完全獨立的車型。

  • Gone were the red stripe and GTI badging on the grille, but now it was available with a wider variety of engines, including the diesel-powered GTI TDI, which many would later argue wasn't ever a GTI at all.

    進氣格柵上的紅色條紋和 GTI 徽標不見了,但現在它有了更多的發動機可供選擇,包括機油動力的 GTI TDI,很多人後來會說它根本就不是 GTI。

  • A 25th anniversary edition of the Mark 4 was released in 2001 with a more powerful 20-valve four-cylinder engine and an aggressive body kit.

    2001 年,馬克 4 發佈了 25 週年紀念版,配備了功率更大的 20 汽門四缸發動機和更具侵略性的車身套件。

  • Then came the return of the classic golf ball gear knob, something the fans of the classic


  • GTIs had yearned for.

    GTI 一直渴望著。

  • Having heard and listened to the groans from the press and consumers from the Mark 4, the

    在聽到並聆聽了媒體和消費者對馬克 4 的吐槽之後

  • Mark 5 Golf GTI returned in 2003 as a clear and concise GTI model.

    2003 年,第五代高爾夫 GTI 作為一款簡潔明瞭的 GTI 車型迴歸。

  • The Mark 5 had a new 16-valve four-cylinder engine delivering a 0-62mph sprint in 7.2 seconds, and classic elements like the red stripe, the GTI badging and the tartan upholstery as seen in the original Golf GTI had returned.

    Mark 5 配備了新的 16 汽門四缸發動機,0-62mph 加速時間僅需 7.2 秒,紅色條紋、GTI 徽標和格子呢內飾等原版高爾夫 GTI 的經典元素也已迴歸。

  • Performance was the focus of the Mark 6 Golf GTI, which arrived in 2008.

    2008 年推出的第六代高爾夫 GTI 的重點是性能。

  • Racing driver Hans-Jochen Stuck was added to the development team to help get the GTI back to its original motorsport performance brief.

    賽車手漢斯-約亨-施塔克(Hans-Jochen Stuck)加入了開發團隊,幫助 GTI 恢復其最初的賽車性能。

  • The Mark 6 had a new electronic differential, giving the car incredible grip.

    馬克 6 採用了新型電子差速器,使汽車具有驚人的抓地力。

  • The new car's 0-62 time was 6.9 seconds and its top speed was almost 150mph.

    新車的 0-62 加速時間為 6.9 秒,最高時速接近 150 英里/小時。

  • And thanks to a new twin sports exhaust, a new soundtrack, it sounded better and more purposeful.


  • A special edition called the Edition 35 was created to celebrate the GTI's 35th anniversary.

    為慶祝 GTI 誕生 35 週年,我們推出了一款名為 Edition 35 的特別版車型。

  • It completed its first outing at therburgring clocking in an impressive 8 minutes 38 seconds lap time.

    它首次在紐博格林賽道上亮相,圈速達到了令人印象深刻的 8 分 38 秒。

  • Production of the Mark 7 Golf GTI began in spring 2013 and it was launched with two different engines.

    Mark 7 高爾夫 GTI 於 2013 年春季開始生產,並推出了兩款不同的發動機。

  • The basic GTI had 217hp and the Golf GTI Performance had 227hp.

    基本 GTI 有 217 匹馬力,高爾夫 GTI 性能版有 227 匹馬力。

  • This was powered by a 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine and was the first Golf GTI to go past the 150mph speed limit thanks to a 42kg weight cut.

    該車搭載 2.0 升渦輪增壓汽油發動機,由於減重 42 公斤,成為第一輛時速超過 150 英里的高爾夫 GTI。

  • In 2016, whilst in the Mark 7 era, Volkswagen launched the Golf GTI Club Sport S to mark the 40th birthday of the model.

    2016 年,在 Mark 7 時代,大眾推出了高爾夫 GTI Club Sport S,以紀念該車型的 40 歲生日。

  • It introduced an aluminium subframe and disposed of the rear seats, helping to achieve a lap time at therburgring Nordschleife of 7 minutes and 49 seconds.

    它採用了鋁製副車架,並取消了後排座椅,從而在紐博格林北環賽道上跑出了 7 分 49 秒的圈速。

  • That was a new record for front-wheel drive production cars at the time.


  • Orders for the Mark 8 GTI opened in the autumn of 2020.

    Mark 8 GTI 於 2020 年秋季開始接受訂單。

  • The new car offered aluminium subframes and stiffer suspension as seen on the predecessor and a new vehicle dynamics manager that adjusted all running gear functions up to 200 times a second, making it the most responsive GTI yet.

    新車採用鋁製副車架,懸掛系統更加堅固,並配備了全新的車輛動態管理器,可在一秒鐘內對所有行駛裝置功能進行多達 200 次的調整,使其成為迄今為止反應最靈敏的 GTI。

  • In a throwback to the classics, the Mark 8 had a single red GTI line above the headlights and, for the first time in its history, the GTI was only available as a four-door car.

    Mark 8 的前大燈上方有一條紅色的 GTI 線,這也是 Mark 8 歷史上首次推出四門 GTI 車型。

  • The 45th birthday of the GTI was honoured with the release of the GTI Club Sport 45, which featured some beautiful styling cues and even a Nürburgring driver mode setting.

    為慶祝 GTI 45 歲生日,GTI 推出了 GTI Club Sport 45,該車造型優美,甚至還有紐博格林賽道駕駛模式設置。

  • But now we have a new Golf to talk about.


  • And we are back in 2024 with the latest iteration of the Golf GTI, the 8.5.

    2024 年,我們又迎來了高爾夫 GTI 的最新迭代車型 8.5。

  • Now the very observant of you, and especially those of you watching this in 4K, may notice that this car is quite dirty.

    現在,細心的朋友,尤其是觀看 4K 視頻的朋友,可能會發現這輛車很髒。

  • There are lots of dead bugs on the windscreen, there's a little bit of bird poo there, and it's splattered with dead bugs on the front.


  • And there's a good reason for that.


  • That's because this exact car, along with myself and photographer Henry, have just returned from a 1,500 mile road trip from the Volkswagen headquarters in Milton Keynes here in the over to the Volkswagen headquarters in Germany in Wolfsburg for the GTI Fan Festival.

    這是因為這輛車,連同我本人和攝影師亨利,剛剛從位於米爾頓凱恩斯的大眾汽車總部返回德國沃爾夫斯堡的大眾汽車總部參加 GTI 車迷節,長途跋涉了 1500 英里。

  • Now that is a completely separate video all in itself, and also is the first ever attempt at vlogging that we have done here at Driven.

    這是一個完全獨立的視頻,也是我們在 Driven 首次嘗試錄製視頻。

  • Now without giving too many spoilers, I'm going to preface the title of that video, which may already be live.


  • It's called Probably the Worst Automotive Vlog Ever, because we simply forgot to carry on filming once we got to Wolfsburg.

    之所以叫 "可能是史上最爛的汽車視頻博客",是因為我們到了沃爾夫斯堡後,根本忘了繼續拍攝。

  • But hey, doesn't matter, have a watch, see what you think.


  • If you like the style of where it's going, tell us and we'll do more.


  • But anyway, back to the subject in hand, the new Golf GTI Mark 8.5.

    但不管怎麼說,還是回到我們的主題--新款高爾夫 GTI Mark 8.5。

  • A very, very, very, very significant car for many reasons.


  • Right, so the 8.5.

    對,所以是 8.5。

  • It's probably worth now mentioning what's different from the 8.

    現在也許應該說說與 8 的不同之處了。

  • Now if you're familiar with Volkswagen Golfs and familiar with the life cycle in which they progressed, then you'll be all too aware that more often than not, what you get is a Mark and then a 0.5, and that is, as many manufacturers do, a mid-life upgrade.

    如果您熟悉大眾高爾夫車型,並瞭解它們的生命週期,那麼您就會清楚地意識到,通常情況下,您得到的是一輛馬克,然後是一輛 0.5,正如許多製造商所做的那樣,這是一次中期升級。

  • So there's a few little changes, usually styling and a bit of power, and that's exactly what this one has got.


  • So a smidge more power, we've got 20 more horsepower than the previous Mark 8, and that rewards a slightly better acceleration time from 0 to 60 of 5.9 seconds.

    是以,我們的動力比上一代 Mark 8 增加了 20 匹馬力,0 至 60 秒的加速時間也略有提高,為 5.9 秒。

  • Previously, that was 6.3.

    以前是 6.3。

  • The 20 horsepower upgrade results in 261 horsepower, so that's up from 240-ish before, and whilst it's not a huge big difference, it's enough to be a bit of a selling point, I guess.

    升級 20 匹馬力後,馬力達到 261 匹,比之前的 240 匹左右有所提高,雖然差別不是很大,但我想這足以成為一個賣點。

  • The other main changes all refer to styling.


  • So if we look at the front of the car, we have a slightly adapted and redesigned front bumper with, I'm going to say it, some of the best fog light design I have ever seen.


  • I usually get really grumpy when I see people driving along in broad daylight, no fog, and they've got their fog lights on.


  • Your fog lights are off, there's no fog.


  • There's no fog.


  • No fog.


  • But this, when the fog lights are on, it looks so good.


  • So I would actually be tempted to be a bit of a moron and drive around with my front fog lights on.


  • We also have new headlights.


  • These are the ID LED Matrix headlights, which, Volkswagen say, illuminate things up to half a kilometre away.

    這就是 ID LED 矩陣式前大燈,大眾汽車稱其照明距離可達半公里。

  • And then on the subject of lights, the entire front grille now lights up, and so does the badge.


  • I don't know why, but it does.


  • And at the back of the car, it's a similar story.


  • We have redesigned rear lights, which I think are very nice, and a slightly tweaked rear bumper.


  • All in all, making this, in my genuine opinion, a very, very good-looking car.


  • And along the side, we've got some new wheels.


  • Come and have a look at these.


  • New wheels.


  • These 19-inch wheels are affectionately called the Richmond.

    這些 19 英寸車輪被親切地稱為 "里士滿"。

  • Hi, guys.


  • Editor's note.


  • So those aren't Richmond wheels.


  • Those are Queenstown wheels, and they will cost you an extra £1,270.

    這些是皇后鎮輪轂,需要額外支付 1,270 英鎊。

  • And there are additional options that you can pick on the configurator.


  • We've also got a slightly confusing new location for the GTI badge.

    此外,GTI 徽標的新位置也有點令人困惑。

  • I think maybe it would be better there, but that's just my opinion.


  • But subject to configurator, it's probably worth mentioning the price, because this new 8.5 does have a fairly big price tag, with prices starting at £38,900 before options.

    不過,在配置方面,價格可能值得一提,因為這款全新的 8.5 確實有一個相當大的價格標籤,在不包括選裝件的情況下,起價為 38,900 英鎊。

  • If you then do want to put some additional options on, things like slightly different wheels, a sunroof, some interior comfort options, upgraded sound, for example, then that price does very quickly grow.


  • And having a little play just now on the configurator, I managed to get a price tag of just under £45,000.

    剛才在配置器上玩了一下,我得到的標價略低於 45,000 英鎊。

  • So at that point, this does become quite competitive with things like the Civic Type R. It might not be the last time you hear me refer to that car in this video.

    是以,在這一點上,這款車確實與思域 Type R 等車型具有相當的競爭力。

  • Let's hop in, and I will talk you through some of the interior changes, the interior adaptations, and then we'll go for a drive, just like that guy.


  • Inside the car, we have a number of new features, first of which is this big screen.


  • It's a 12.9-inch touchscreen, which is a fairly big upgrade from the previous model.

    它是一個 12.9 英寸的觸摸屏,比上一代機型有了相當大的升級。

  • I don't necessarily know that we need 12.9, or let's just round it up, 13 inches worth of screen.

    我並不認為我們需要 12.9 英寸,或者四捨五入,13 英寸的螢幕。

  • But as well as the screen being bigger, it has been given some new software, and it's supposedly a lot more intuitive, smoother, easier to navigate.


  • As you would expect, it has, of course, got CarPlay, so you can do things like listen to your favourite podcasts.

    正如您所期望的那樣,它當然配備了 CarPlay,是以您可以做一些事情,比如收聽您最喜歡的播客。

  • You can listen to Spotify, you can use Waze, Google Maps, all the usual stuff.

    你可以收聽 Spotify、使用 Waze、谷歌地圖等所有常見功能。

  • But then, of course, there is a good, healthy dose of inbuilt navigation systems from the home screen.


  • And one additional feature, which I am as yet undecided on whether or not I like, and that is ChatGPT, artificial intelligence listening to you in the car, so that you can supposedly do things like control the car in a more human way.

    還有一項額外的功能,我還沒有決定是否喜歡,那就是 ChatGPT,人工智能在車內聆聽你的聲音,這樣你就可以用更人性化的方式來控制汽車。

  • For example, if I just start the car up, and then I hit this button, it is unbearably hot today and I really wish that I could be much cooler.


  • Sorry, I don't know how to do that yet.


  • So as we can see, it's not quite perfect.


  • It will, I'm sure, get better with time.


  • Just press buttons.


  • On the subject of buttons, there is one other massive new upgrade in this car which is from the past, and that is the steering wheel.


  • The haptic buttons that me and just about every other motoring journalist and consumer and buyer and hire car user and anybody that sat in a Volkswagen product with haptic controls on the steering wheel have moaned about, complained about, and they've gone.


  • The real physical buttons have come back.


  • So you could say, in essence, that this steering wheel is, it's probably been pulled out of the parts bin from the Mark 7.

    所以你可以說,從本質上講,這個方向盤很可能是從馬克 7 的零件箱裡拆下來的。

  • But I do think that is a good thing because genuinely, the old one, if you just rest your hands on the wheel, if you turn the wheel, you were doing things like putting the volume up, you were changing radio stations, doing all sorts of things you didn't want to do.


  • There are still a couple of haptic buttons still remaining just at the very bottom of the screen here for quick adjustments to climate control or volume, but they do illuminate.


  • You can see them at night, which previously you couldn't, and therefore will let those ones stand.


  • The last buttons to mention, we have a really handy little panel here.


  • This has been brought across from the previous model, but I can cycle through my driver's modes here.


  • So for things like eco, for standard, for sport, that sort of thing, a quick reference to climate control, which is always a good thing.


  • Thank you, Volkswagen, for giving quick references to climate control.


  • Any manufacturer that puts that and buries it into the internal system can get in the sea because that is an utterly pointless, annoying thing.

    任何製造商如果把它埋在內部系統中,都會 "下海",因為這完全是一件毫無意義、令人討厭的事情。

  • And the other really good thing that they've done is they've put an assist button here as well.


  • It's not working for me at the moment because the ignition's off, but that allows me to very quickly turn off things like the speed alert warning systems that all manufacturers have to do now in Europe.


  • When you get over the speed limit, it bings and bongs and tells you you're speeding, and it's really, really bloody annoying.

    當你超速時,它就會 "叮叮噹噹 "地告訴你超速了,非常非常煩人。

  • But luckily, Volkswagen have made it nice and quick and easy to turn that off.


  • And the last thing I need to refer to, which is a change from the previous model, is down here, and that is the gear selection, which of course indicates that this is a DSG car.

    最後我需要提到的是這裡的檔位選擇,當然這也表明這是一款 DSG 汽車。

  • Manual gearboxes in the UK, and I believe most of Europe, are no longer an option for the 8.5.

    在英國,手動變速箱不再是 8.5 型車的選項,我相信歐洲大部分地區也是如此。

  • From this point onwards, it is all DSG gearboxes, and I think it's only the United States of

    從現在開始,所有變速箱都是 DSG 變速箱,我認為只有美國才會使用 DSG 變速箱。

  • America that, for some reason, get the manual gearbox in the latest iteration in the 8.5.

    由於某些原因,美國人在最新的 8.5 型車中使用了手動變速箱。

  • I'm not going to complain about it, though, because genuinely, I think the DSG in here is fantastic, and I will tell you more about that now as we go for a drive.

    不過我不會抱怨它,因為我真的覺得 DSG 非常棒,我們現在去兜風,我會告訴你更多關於它的資訊。

  • This is a proper, proper driver's car, and I genuinely mean that.


  • This is a hot hatchback, as they have done.


  • Volkswagen, with the first-ever edition of the GTI, the Mk1, way back in the 1970s, 1976, they kind of shocked the entire world with their creation.

    早在 20 世紀 70 年代(1976 年),大眾汽車公司就推出了首款 GTI 車型 Mk1,震驚了整個世界。

  • They'd invented a small, conventional hatchback, but thrown in some special spicy sauce to make it fun and engaging and a bit daft, and that mantra has basically continued throughout the Volkswagen Golf GTI's life, all the way up to where we are here in the 8.5, and that is just brilliant.

    他們發明了一款傳統的小型掀背車,但在其中加入了一些特殊的辣醬,使其充滿樂趣、引人入勝,還有點蠢蠢欲動,而這一理念基本上貫穿了大眾高爾夫 GTI 的整個生命週期,一直延續到現在的 8.5 版,這實在是太出色了。

  • That Mk1 was a car that was fast, genuinely fast for 1976, but also comfortable, usable, practical.

    Mk1 是一款速度很快的汽車,在 1976 年是真正意義上的快,但同時也很舒適、可用、實用。

  • You put your mates in the back, you fill the boot full of luggage, and drive that car every single day if you wanted to, in exactly the same way as you can with this, the 8.5 from 2024.


  • There are, admittedly, other models of hot hatchbacks available on the market that will reward a slightly more engaging drive.


  • The Honda Civic Type R is a perfect example of that.

    本田思域 Type R 就是一個很好的例子。

  • The Honda Civic Type R is a little bit lighter, it does turn into corners a little better, and it does also reward a slightly more exciting and engaging driving experience.

    本田思域 Type R 車身更輕一些,轉彎性能更好一些,駕駛體驗也更刺激、更吸引人。

  • However, that does come with a compromise, and the compromise is road noise and ride comfort.


  • It's just not quite as refined as this.


  • I loved driving around in that Honda Civic Type R, I absolutely did, but when I just wanted to complete a journey and just drive as I am now on a fairly bumpy B-road, it is quite noisy, it's quite crashy, whereas the Golf, well, it just feels like a Golf.

    我很喜歡駕駛本田思域 Type R,我絕對喜歡,但當我只想完成一段旅程,只想像現在這樣在顛簸的 B 級公路上駕駛時,它的噪音相當大,相當顛簸,而高爾夫,嗯,它給人的感覺就是高爾夫。

  • And that's exactly what you want from a hot hatch, really.


  • You don't want to have to compromise comfort for the sake of the occasional times that you want to hooligan around on a B-road or a track day.

    如果偶爾想在 B 級公路或賽道上肆意馳騁,您可不想犧牲舒適性。

  • This is a car that does it all.


  • And back to the delight of driving this car as a daily driver.


  • In fact, for this segment, I'm even going to take it out of sports mode and put it into comfort.


  • There we are.


  • And for this, I've got a slightly quieter ride, slightly, and what I mean by that is, of course, slightly toned down exhaust.


  • It's still enough to sound engaging, but I've got a nice, comfortable map on the gearbox, like it would be if I were driving, oh, I don't know, a two-litre diesel version of the Golf.


  • And then I can enjoy other factors like a very good audio system.


  • This has not got the optional upgrade sound system, however, that doesn't really matter because the sound system in here, as they always have been in Golfs, is superb.


  • These seats are also superb, and I love that we've still got that historic GTI tartan pattern on the back.

    這些座椅也是一流的,我很喜歡後排還保留著歷史悠久的 GTI 格子圖案。

  • The driving position, superb.


  • That's not going to be surprising because, of course, they've always been good.


  • And then, of course, one of the best features of this car, genuinely one of my favourite features, is the cruise control options, of which in here we've actually got three different modes to choose from.


  • So we have something called travel assist, which I'm going to put on now.


  • I'm going to hit the set button.


  • And what this system does, it's so clever, it will constantly monitor what the road network is doing.


  • It looks at the cars ahead of me, it looks at road traffic signs, and therefore it always knows what the speed limit is.


  • And so it will set automatically the cruise control to match the speed limit.


  • It will then take note of the vehicles ahead of me and keep me a safe distance from them if, for example, they were going slower than the speed limit permits.


  • So that means I can just cruise along in comfort with the car keeping itself in the right lane at all times, monitoring the speed limits, monitoring what other cars are doing.


  • And if we then get stuck in a traffic jam, this thing has something called traffic jam assist, which is amazing.


  • It means that in the start-stop crawling traffic, with the cruise control turned on, it just manages the stopping and starting for you.


  • So no fatigue.


  • The boredom of a traffic jam simply goes away.


  • Now, there is one last reason that this particular iteration, the 8.5 Golf GTI, might be one of the most significant models ever to roll out of Wolfsburg.

    現在,還有最後一個原因可以說明,8.5 代高爾夫 GTI 可能是沃爾夫斯堡有史以來最重要的車型之一。

  • And it's not because of this exact car per se.


  • It's more to do with what's coming next.


  • And yes, as you might have already guessed, it's very likely that what does come next after this is no longer going to be powered by a combustion engine.


  • So to summarize, let's pull up to a stop, offer some closing thoughts, and have a little think about how we feel about the future of both Golf and the GTI badge.

    總之,讓我們停下腳步,提出一些結束語,並思考一下我們對高爾夫和 GTI 徽標未來的看法。

  • You see, back in May earlier this year, the big boss of Volkswagen, a nice car called Thomas Schaefer, he gave a press conference and gave a number of reassurances following lots of questions from the motoring press.

    早在今年五月初,大眾汽車的大老闆,一位名叫托馬斯-舍費爾(Thomas Schaefer)的好車主,在接受了汽車媒體的大量提問後,召開了一次新聞發佈會,並做出了一系列保證。

  • The two exciting reassurances that I want to talk about are firstly, the fact that the Golf model isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


  • And the second one is that the GTI brand, well, that's not going anywhere either.

    其次,GTI 品牌也不會消失。

  • So that is exciting.


  • But what he didn't do in that press conference was confirm definitively if the model that follows this in terms of a Golf GTI was going to be powered by petrol or not.

    但在新聞發佈會上,他並沒有明確確認高爾夫 GTI 之後的車型是否將採用汽油動力。

  • Now, although he didn't confirm it in that speech, we've come to learn that it's almost certain that the model that follows this, the Mark 9, is going to be an EV.

    現在,雖然他沒有在演講中證實這一點,但我們已經瞭解到,幾乎可以肯定的是,馬克 9 之後的車型將是一款電動車。

  • But the party's not over just yet because there is one more Golf GTI to come.

    不過,狂歡還沒有結束,因為還有一款高爾夫 GTI 在等著我們。

  • The Club Sport. That is what's going to be following this, but it still falls under the 8.5 mark.

    俱樂部運動》。這就是接下來的內容,但仍低於 8.5 分。

  • So I want to know what you think.


  • Is this a worthy send off for the iconic Volkswagen Golf GTI or were you hoping for something a little bit better?

    這是否是對大眾標誌性車型高爾夫 GTI 的最好送別?

  • Do you think that maybe the system's going to be reversed?


  • Perhaps after all, the final, final Golf GTI in a petrol form isn't going to be this one.

    也許,最終的、最後的汽油版高爾夫 GTI 不會是這一款。

  • Let me know in the comments below and I will do my damndest to reply to every single comment.


  • For now, I'll leave that thought with you and say thank you ever so much once again for watching.


  • If this is your first time watching us and finding our videos, then why not give us a little subscribe?


  • Hit that little bell so you get notified of when the next videos come out.


  • We do loads of videos like this and we're kind of flirting with the idea of doing some more vloggy content, which you'll be able to see a disastrous version of.


  • I mentioned at the beginning of this video very, very soon.


  • And one other thing. Do me a massive favour.


  • If you're on Instagram, give us a follow at

    如果您在 Instagram 上,請在 關注我們。

  • It's the same as our website handle where you'll be able to see written articles, photographs, the entire back catalogue of videos. And did I mention we do a podcast?


  • We have the Driven podcast. You can see that on the website as well.

    我們有 "驅動播客"。你也可以在網站上看到。

  • All the episodes are there or just search for it in your favourite podcast platforms.


  • That, my friend, is the end of our video today.


  • Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for being with us.


  • A massive thank you to Volkswagen for essentially allowing me to be the first ever person, or certainly one of the first ever people, to review this car.


  • I mentioned that website and the written reviews.


  • If you were looking for a bit more of an in-depth, nerdy, technical, wordy, wordy review, you'll see that in written form at the website right now.


  • So head on over to forward slash words. You'll see my article.

    是以,請訪問 forward slash words。你會看到我的文章。

  • Thank you so much for watching. Goodbye.


Right now I am driving a car that most people in the world haven't even seen yet in real life.


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