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  • When Apple holds an event, it makes history.


  • But when you look back on all Apple has done, I am fascinated by one singular Apple event that happened 10 years ago.

    但是,當你回顧蘋果公司所做的一切時,我對 10 年前發生的一件蘋果公司的奇特事件非常著迷。

  • A lot went wrong, and nothing like it will ever happen again.


  • I'm talking about September 9th, 2014, the day Apple shoved a U2 album on everyone's iPhone.

    我說的是 2014 年 9 月 9 日,那天蘋果公司把 U2 的專輯塞進了每個人的 iPhone。

  • But U2 was not the only debacle to come from that beautiful day.

    但 U2 並不是那個美好日子裡唯一的失敗。

  • This was the iPhone 6 event, which gave us BendGate and a botched iOS release.

    這就是 iPhone 6 事件,它給我們帶來了 "彎曲門 "和失敗的 iOS 發佈。

  • It was the debut of the Apple Watch, pitched as a luxury item, costing as much as 17 grand for the fanciest of fancy pants customers.

    這是 Apple Watch 的首次亮相,它被定位為奢侈品,價格高達 1.7 萬美元,適合最挑剔的顧客。

  • This also was when Tim Cook introduced Apple Pay with the bold promise of replacing your wallet.

    也是在這個時候,蒂姆-庫克推出了 Apple Pay,並大膽承諾將取代你的錢包。

  • Newsflash, we still need wallets.


  • But most folks just remember it as the day when Apple installed a U2 album on every device.

    但在大多數人的記憶中,蘋果公司在每臺設備上都安裝了 U2 的專輯。

  • Whether you wanted it or not, and it ticked off so many people.


  • I'll get more into that, but so many things went wrong around this iPhone launch that we have to talk about it.

    我將進一步討論這個問題,但這次 iPhone 發佈會出了很多問題,我們必須談談這個問題。

  • So as we get ready for the iPhone 16 and the Watch 10 event in just a few weeks, here's one more thing.

    是以,在我們為幾周後的 iPhone 16 和 Watch 10 發佈會做好準備之際,還有一件事值得一提。

  • Let's look back on the awkward moments from the iPhone 6 event, and how much has changed in the decades since.

    讓我們回顧一下 iPhone 6 發佈會上的尷尬時刻,以及幾十年來發生的變化。

  • I'm Bridget Carey, and this is one more thing.


  • The iPhone 6 was the first time Apple had the iPhone in two sizes.

    iPhone 6 是蘋果首次推出兩種尺寸的 iPhone。

  • There was an iPhone 6 Plus.

    有一部 iPhone 6 Plus。

  • It measured in at 5.5 inches.

    它的尺寸為 5.5 英寸。

  • Now that's totally not a plus size by today's standards.


  • The plus size screen is now 6.7 inches in diameter.

    現在,超大螢幕的直徑為 6.7 英寸。

  • The iPhone 6 also was one of the thinnest iPhones, which turns out might've caused some problems.

    iPhone 6 也是最薄的 iPhone 之一,這可能會帶來一些問題。

  • Shortly after its release, some folks reported that the phone casing would bend under pressure, like if it's in a tight pants pocket, and that gave us the term bendgate.


  • At the time, Apple said bent iPhones were extremely rare, but surely no phone was thinner ever since the 6.

    當時,蘋果公司稱彎曲的 iPhone 極其罕見,但可以肯定的是,自 6 以來,沒有一款手機比它更薄。

  • Perhaps Apple didn't want another bendgate, but we could be going back to super thin designs.


  • Rumor has it that Apple is working on a slim iPhone 17.

    有傳言稱,蘋果公司正在開發超薄 iPhone 17。

  • Now Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says it would have a mixed titanium aluminum frame for strength and just have one camera on the back.

    現在,蘋果公司分析師郭明池(Ming-Chi Kuo)表示,這款手機將採用混合鈦鋁框架,以增強強度,背面只有一個攝像頭。

  • And we might say goodbye to the plus size altogether.


  • That's next year.


  • Now some are saying this new model could be five millimeters thin.

    現在有人說,這款新機型可能會薄 5 毫米。

  • That would make it the thinnest iPhone ever.

    這將使它成為有史以來最薄的 iPhone。

  • So 10 years after the iPhone 6 Plus, we could be going back to something that looks like the iPhone 6 Plus.

    是以,在 iPhone 6 Plus 推出 10 年後,我們可能又會看到與 iPhone 6 Plus 類似的產品。

  • Bendgate was a rough time because it came right as Apple was recovering from a bad iOS 8 update.

    Bendgate 是一段艱難的時期,因為它的出現正值蘋果從糟糕的 iOS 8 更新中恢復過來。

  • A week after iOS 8 released, Apple pushed out a version 8.0.1 to fix some bugs, but it came with bigger bugs and it borked some iPhones.

    iOS 8 發佈一週後,蘋果推送了 8.0.1 版本來修復一些錯誤,但它帶來了更大的錯誤,導致一些 iPhone 出錯。

  • Users reported that it was breaking cellular reception with the iPhone showing no service on the display and others noticed problems with Touch ID.

    用戶報告說,它破壞了 iPhone 的蜂窩接收,顯示屏上顯示無服務,還有人注意到 Touch ID 出現了問題。

  • Apple had to pull back the update.


  • This event made reporters like me warn people to never download an Apple update on the first day it comes out.


  • I still get weird about downloading iOS updates right away.

    我仍然對立即下載 iOS 更新感到奇怪。

  • The following year, in 2015, Apple opened up the iOS beta program to the public for the first time.

    次年,即 2015 年,蘋果公司首次向公眾開放了 iOS 測試計劃。

  • Perhaps it's one way Apple makes sure it doesn't have another problematic update like that again.


  • When Tim Cook introduced the Apple Watch, it wouldn't reach consumer wrists for another seven months.

    當蒂姆-庫克(Tim Cook)推出 Apple Watch 時,消費者的手腕還得再等七個月。

  • There was a lot of time to wait and speculate.


  • Folks were wondering, why do you even need a smartwatch?


  • And Apple was marketing this in many different ways.


  • You see, Apple wanted it to be for both runners and the high-end fashion crowd.


  • Remember, at this point, every tech company was making smartwatches.


  • So Apple went all out on the luxury angle to stand apart.


  • There were three versions, the entry-level aluminum and glass watch sport model.


  • It started at about $350.

    起價約為 350 美元。

  • There was a stainless steel version started at roughly $550, but the big daddy was the Apple Watch Edition, a luxury model made of 18 karat gold.

    不鏽鋼版的起價約為 550 美元,但最重要的是 Apple Watch Edition,這是一款用 18K 金打造的奢華表款。

  • Starting price was $10,000, and it went up to 17 grand.

    起價為 10 000 美元,後來漲到 17 000 美元。

  • Vogue gave it a 12-page cover spread.

    時尚》雜誌用 12 頁的篇幅對其進行了封面報道。

  • But here's the thing, unlike a real luxury watch, computer screens are not an heirloom.


  • You can't pass this down to your kids.


  • So it was a doomed idea, and it flopped.


  • It did, in fact, become obsolete.


  • Apple will no longer fix it, and the software has not been updated beyond Watch OS 4.3.2.

    蘋果公司不再對其進行修復,軟件更新也未超過 Watch OS 4.3.2。

  • That's back in 2018.

    這要追溯到 2018 年。

  • A decade later, we still have three versions, and the luxury aspect is really about which wrist strap you buy.


  • Hermes sells a band for $590, more than the cost of buying two Apple Watches.

    愛馬仕的錶帶售價為 590 美元,比購買兩塊蘋果手錶的價格還高。

  • But all those fashion bands might as well head to the landfill.


  • The 10th edition of the Apple Watch is rumored to have a whole new design with a new system for connecting the bands.

    據傳,第 10 版 Apple Watch 將採用全新的設計和新的錶帶連接系統。

  • So these current bands that just kinda slide in and out of the slot here, they're likely incompatible.


  • Will people be quick to upgrade if they're losing all of their investment on the bands?


  • I mean, at least when I buy a new pair of pants, the belt I bought is still compatible.


  • Apple Pay was introduced as a way to replace the wallet, but not every retailer was playing along at first.

    Apple Pay 是作為取代錢包的一種方式而推出的,但一開始並不是每個零售商都在玩。

  • Stores like Home Depot and Walmart did not take Apple Pay.

    家得寶和沃爾瑪等商店不接受 Apple Pay。

  • And 10 years later, you still can't use it at Home Depot or Walmart.

    10 年後,你仍然無法在家得寶或沃爾瑪使用它。

  • But many other retailers did eventually get on board, and it seems to be almost everywhere.


  • I could pay for the New York City subway by just tapping my iPhone now.

    我現在只需輕點一下 iPhone,就能支付紐約地鐵的費用。

  • But it still struggles to be a wallet replacement because of driver's licenses.


  • Only some states are compatible with putting their licenses in the Apple wallet.


  • So wallets are not dead.


  • If you're like me and you love those wild lounge fly wallets, you can still keep buying them with Apple Pay, ironically.

    如果你和我一樣喜歡那些狂野的休閒蒼蠅錢包,那麼具有諷刺意味的是,你仍然可以用 Apple Pay 繼續購買它們。

  • That September event was jam-packed, and it was a live event, which sadly I think is something Apple won't do again.

    9 月份的發佈會現場座無虛席,而且是現場直播,但遺憾的是,我認為蘋果公司不會再這樣做了。

  • But even with all of this news, Tim Cook wanted one more thing to close out the gathering.


  • In a celebratory moment for the iTunes Store, which at this point was around for a decade, the band U2 performs this new song for the crowd.

    在為 iTunes Store 慶祝的時刻,U2 樂隊為觀眾演唱了這首新歌。

  • And then Bono gets on stage with Cook to tease up that Apple should pay him to give this whole album to every iTunes customer.

    然後波諾與庫克一起上臺,調侃說蘋果公司應該付錢給他,讓他把整張專輯送給每一位 iTunes 用戶。

  • If we gave it away for free, but first you would have to pay for it, because we're not going in for the free music round here.


  • And with that magic instant, everyone got Songs of Innocence on their machines.


  • And then everyone was left confused on how to remove Songs of Innocence from their machines.

    然後,每個人都不知道如何從自己的機器上刪除 "純真之歌"。

  • If you don't follow Apple news, I guess you just woke up and you were like, oh, what is Bono doing on my iPhone?

    如果你不關注蘋果公司的新聞,我猜你一覺醒來就會想:哦,波諾在我的 iPhone 上做什麼?

  • Now I'm old enough to remember when devices came with free media all the time.


  • Windows 95 came with a free movie file of the Weezer Buddy Holly music video, and one of the earliest Samsung Galaxy phones.

    Windows 95 附帶一個免費的 Weezer Buddy Holly 音樂視頻文件,以及最早的三星 Galaxy 手機之一。

  • It was called the Samsung Vibrant on T-Mobile.

    它在 T-Mobile 上的名字叫 Samsung Vibrant。

  • In 2010, it came with an entire copy of the Avatar movie loaded on it.

    2010 年,它還裝上了整部《阿凡達》電影的拷貝。

  • And I swear to you, that's how I watched Avatar for the first time on a four inch screen, just like how James Cameron wanted.


  • But back to Bono, although it was a free thing and Americans love free things, they do not love having this music appear on their machines because it was so woven in with their iTunes music library.

    但回到波諾身上,雖然這是一件免費的事情,美國人也喜歡免費的東西,但他們並不喜歡這些音樂出現在他們的機器上,因為這些音樂與他們的 iTunes 音樂庫交織在一起。

  • It was in the iCloud and you couldn't just delete it out of the iCloud, at least not at first.

    它在 iCloud 中,你不能將其從 iCloud 中刪除,至少一開始不能。

  • Like if you just shuffled, you had U2 suddenly playing.

    就像你剛洗完手,U2 就突然響了起來。

  • It was so bad that Bono apologized for the stunt and Apple had to provide a whole fix just to help people remove it.


  • It went so poorly that I don't think we're gonna get a free piece of media again, unless you count free trials of subscriptions because now so much has shifted to streaming services.


  • And think about how much is different from a decade ago in music ownership.


  • We had MP3 libraries and iPods and then they took away our CD drives.

    我們有 MP3 圖書館和 iPod,然後他們拿走了我們的 CD 驅動器。

  • And I guess you could buy an external CD drive, but not anymore on Apple because the super drive is no longer available as of just a few weeks ago.


  • We had this method of buying and storing music, but the environment changed around this method.


  • So I don't blame consumers.


  • Ownership just became obsolete when the infrastructure of ownership changed.


  • Now doing this story made me realize that my digital music library over the years is just rotting on some drive somewhere because I stream everything.


  • I realized it's been years since I purchased any song and that kind of freaked me out because you don't really own anything if the digital rights to a song you love leaves a streaming service.


  • It's a bit of a mission now to get MP3s and figure out where it all lives and how to move files around.

    現在的任務是獲取 MP3,找出所有文件的存放位置以及如何移動文件。

  • But there is still a desire with customers for some sort of physical device that you could take music with you and also let you disconnect.


  • Just look at Urban Outfitters.

    看看 Urban Outfitters 就知道了。

  • It is selling old iPods.

    它在銷售舊的 iPod。

  • The company Retrospect refurbishes old iPods and it inspired me to get back to our past.

    Retrospect 公司翻新舊的 iPod,這激發了我重溫過去的想法。

  • So I bought one.


  • This is a first generation iPod mini from 2004.

    這是 2004 年第一代 iPod mini。

  • I'm gonna play around with this a bit and I'm gonna report later on what it's like going back to just a simple MP3 player, even when iTunes software really isn't a thing anymore.

    我打算玩一玩這個,稍後再向大家彙報,即使 iTunes 軟件真的不再是個東西了,回到一個簡單的 MP3 播放器會是什麼感覺。

  • Let me know what you're looking for in the next iPhone event or let me know if you have any experience going back to iPods.

    讓我知道你對下一代 iPhone 有何期待,或者讓我知道你是否有重拾 iPod 的經歷。

  • But even if you don't comment, I'll still do a show about it with or without you.


  • Thanks for watching.


  • I'll catch you next Friday for one more thing.


When Apple holds an event, it makes history.


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