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  • Yeah, I'll be honest with you guys, I really don't care to know what the MrBeast controversy is about.

    是啊,老實跟你們說,我真的不想知道 "野獸先生 "的爭議是怎麼回事。

  • I'm sure it's filled with sweet drama juices, and it is good to expose people who deserve it if they commit heinous acts upon humanity and the universe.


  • And Jimbo could be a Universe Buster Plus that can solo the One Piece first, I don't know.

    而神保可能是宇宙剋星加持者,可以先獨佔 One Piece,我也不知道。

  • There's just way too much for me to unpack at this point.


  • But something I do find intriguing is the amount of videos made on the MrBeast situation.

    不過,我覺得耐人尋味的是,有關 "野獸先生 "情況的視頻數量之多。

  • So, today I've decided to make a tier list for commentary channels, and I'll be ranking them based on how many videos they dedicated to the MrBeast drama, along with a point system.


  • But real quick, let's give a quick shout-out to Chico Mac.


  • For the Slop Olympics, our point system is concrete and measures content slop with the utmost accuracy.


  • One MrBeast video is worth 5 points.

    一個 MrBeast 視頻可得 5 分。

  • One little miscellaneous side quest, such as Chris Ava Tyson or Jake the Viking videos, are worth 3 points.

    一個雜項小任務,如克里斯-艾娃-泰森或維京人傑克的視頻,價值 3 分。

  • If any MrBeast video goes over 15 minutes, I'll add an extra 2 points.

    如果任何一段 MrBeast 視頻超過 15 分鐘,我將額外加 2 分。

  • Let us start with our first contender.


  • Oh, Optimus.


  • Bless your heart.


  • He is trying.


  • Just like many others, he started out on a side quest, which then put him on the main storyline.


  • One of his MrBeast videos does have over an hour of slop.

    他的一個 "野獸先生 "視頻確實有一個多小時的泔水。

  • His second video is still over 15 minutes long.

    他的第二段視頻仍然長達 15 分鐘以上。

  • Not much comes after that, though.


  • Because of the lack of quantity, Optimus scores a total of 17 points, landing him in the Slop Slurper tier.

    由於數量不足,擎天柱的總分只有 17 分,屬於 "泔水啜飲者 "級別。

  • Acheeto comes in with a more respectable slop game. 4 Chris Ava Tyson videos.

    阿切託的泔水比賽更值得尊敬。4 克里斯-阿瓦-泰森視頻

  • He is hustling through the side quests.


  • Very impressive.


  • Unfortunately, his MrBeast hustle is weak as shit in comparison.

    遺憾的是,與之相比,他的 "野獸先生"(MrBeast)就弱爆了。

  • Now, the main question we have on all of our minds right now.


  • Is Acheeto focusing more on Chris Ava Tyson instead of MrBeast in Act of Transphobia?


  • Doesn't matter, because he earned 24 points, and he will sit comfortably in sloppy seconds.

    這並不重要,因為他獲得了 24 分,在馬虎的秒速快三精準人工下注計劃中,他將坐得很舒服。

  • Had he made more MrBeast videos, he might have actually gotten to the Slop Slurper tier.

    如果他能製作更多的 "野獸先生 "視頻,說不定還真能躋身 "泔水啜飲者 "的行列。

  • Tom has uploaded 3 MrBeast videos, 2 Chris Tyson videos, and 1 JakeTheViking video, adding up to a total of 30 points.

    湯姆上傳了 3 個 MrBeast 視頻、2 個 Chris Tyson 視頻和 1 個 JakeTheViking 視頻,總計 30 個積分。

  • That is a respectable slop grind.


  • Unfortunately, Turkey Tom sucks eggs, so that's a minus 15 penalty for him.

    不幸的是,"火雞湯姆 "的蛋很爛,所以他的罰分是負 15 分。

  • So, that would put him in, ooh, Slop Slurper tier.

    這樣一來,他就成了 "泔水啜飲者"。

  • Yeah, that's, uh, that's pretty shitty.


  • If I was Tom, I'd be crying right now and seething.


  • Very embarrassing.


  • My goodness, what a performance.


  • Much better than that last guy.


  • Such fascinating work.


  • I am counting 6 MrBeast videos, with most of these videos being over 15 minutes long, and several Chris Tyson videos on top of that.

    我統計了 6 個 MrBeast 視頻,其中大部分視頻都超過 15 分鐘,此外還有幾個克里斯-泰森的視頻。

  • If my math is correct, we have a total of 46 points.

    如果我沒算錯的話,我們一共有 46 分。

  • Very respectable effort, Sensitive Society.


  • The highest number we have so far.


  • Some ordinary gamers.


  • Okay, so Mudahar, like a smart individual, focused most of his slop stocks on JakeTheViking.


  • Instead of Chris Ava Tyson.


  • Something Acheato should have done if he wanted more points.


  • But here's a clear difference.


  • Because Acheato aimed for quantity, Mudahar is also tied with him with a similar score of 24 points.

    由於 Acheato 追求數量,是以 Mudahar 也以 24 分的相似成績與他並列第一。

  • Had Mudahar just stayed on that slop grind, continuing to focus on Jimmy videos, he might have surpassed even Sensitive Society.

    如果穆達哈爾能繼續保持這種頹勢,繼續專注于吉米的視頻,他甚至有可能超越 "敏感社會"。

  • Unfortunately, potential is wasted here.


  • It's a good score, but could be a lot higher.


  • Oh dear, oh dear.


  • For the moist man himself.


  • We only have one video here, and it's not even about Jimbo.


  • It's simply a miscellaneous quest.


  • A single Chris Ava Tyson video.


  • This display here is an insult to the slop grind.


  • Charlie unfortunately will be the first and only contender in the very bottom tier.


  • Your slopping didn't even kill one of my brain cells.


  • August has a decent amount of slop quantity, along with 2 MrBeast videos reaching over 15 minutes. 2 regular MrBeast videos, and 1 side quest.

    八月的泔水數量可觀,還有 2 個超過 15 分鐘的 "野獸先生 "視頻。2 個普通的 "野獸先生 "視頻和 1 個支線任務。

  • Ending with a total of 27 points.

    最終總分 27 分。

  • Not quite top tier, but still a respectable performance.


  • I'm sure if new news comes out about Jimbo, August will jump on that and add 2 more videos.


  • Which would definitely push him into the top tiers.


  • My alt account TooLazyToTry has disappointed me.

    我的輔助賬戶 TooLazyToTry 讓我很失望。

  • The slop hustle is weak here.


  • We have 4 videos about the MrBeast situation, but after talking with the judges, we discovered that one of the videos is focused more on Chris Ava Tyson.

    我們有 4 個關於 MrBeast 情況的視頻,但在與評審溝通後,我們發現其中一個視頻更側重於克里斯-艾娃-泰森。

  • Deducting 2 points from his score, from what would have been a 5.

    從他的分數中扣去 2 分,本來是 5 分。

  • Ending in a total of, unfortunately, just 17 points.

    遺憾的是,最終只得到 17 分。

  • However, just one Chris Ava Tyson video, or one Jake the Viking video, could push him into the next tier.


  • Saving his reputation.


  • WestChet went the Achito route, and focused more on Chris Ava Tyson.

    WestChet 走的是 Achito 路線,更關注克里斯-阿瓦-泰森。

  • Despite MrBeast videos giving you more points.

    儘管 MrBeast 視頻給了你更多的分數。

  • There were 3 videos on the situation, but I will be adding bonus points due to the thumbnails.

    在這種情況下,有 3 個視頻,但由於縮略圖的原因,我將加分。

  • The first thumbnail says she was 14, and the next thumbnail drops the age down to 13.

    第一張縮略圖顯示她 14 歲,而下一張縮略圖則把年齡降到了 13 歲。

  • That is some beautiful slop.


  • Adding the MrBeast videos and 2 bonus points, we get a total score of 26.

    加上 "野獸先生 "的視頻和 2 分獎勵,我們得到的總分是 26 分。

  • Very commendable.


  • So, Dolan Dark covered the situation twice, and both videos are way too fucking long.


  • However, he still receives a measly score of 10.

    然而,他的得分仍然只有 10 分。

  • We have a hardworking slop maker here. 4 MrBeast videos and 2 sidequests.

    我們這裡有一位勤勞的泔水製造者。4 個 MrBeast 視頻和 2 個支線任務。

  • Solid performance.


  • And we have to remember, over 15 minutes does add 2 bonus points.

    我們必須記住,超過 15 分鐘會增加 2 個獎勵積分。

  • Helping Parlow earn a score of 28.

    幫助帕洛獲得 28 分。

  • Ladies and gentlemen, here we have the cream of the slop.


  • The ultimate slopping that will be remembered by the history books.


  • Pegasus only uploaded 2 Chris Ava Tyson videos.

    Pegasus 只上傳了 2 個克里斯-艾娃-泰森的視頻。

  • Those are rookie numbers compared to Achito.


  • Big whoop, right?


  • But what transpires after is an absolute masterpiece.


  • Pegasus has not only uploaded a total of 7 MrBeast videos, but they're all past the 15 minute mark.

    Pegasus 不僅一共上傳了 7 個 MrBeast 視頻,而且都超過了 15 分鐘。

  • And they're all within sequence of each other.


  • Let us take a closer look.


  • My god.


  • The titles.


  • The thumbnails.


  • It's all just beautiful.


  • I could feed off of this slop for a whole year.


  • All of these videos total up to a very, very respectable score of 55 points.

    所有這些視頻的總分是 55 分,非常非常可觀。

  • But I will be adding an extra 5 for all 7 of the MrBeast videos being uploaded in a sequence.

    不過,我會為所有 7 個按順序上傳的 MrBeast 視頻額外增加 5 個。

  • There is not one single break within these 7 videos about MrBeast.

    在這 7 段視頻中,沒有任何一段是關於 MrBeast 的。

  • You are an American hero, Pegasus.


  • Alright, even though we're not going back to the last contender's level of slop, Kavos still performs respectably. 4 MrBeast videos along with 2 Chris Ava Tyson videos.

    好吧,儘管我們沒有回到上一個競爭者的邋遢水準,但 Kavos 的表現仍然可圈可點。4 個 MrBeast 視頻和 2 個 Chris Ava Tyson 視頻。

  • And due to the length of some of the videos, Kavos lands with a grand total of 31 points.

    由於部分視頻較長,卡沃斯的總得分為 31 分。

  • Putting him amongst the top tiers.


  • OompaVille has a decent slop sprint. 3 MrBeast videos and 1 Chris Ava Tyson video.

    OompaVille 有一個不錯的斜坡衝刺。3 個 MrBeast 視頻和 1 個 Chris Ava Tyson 視頻。

  • And due to the length of these videos, he earns 24 points.

    由於這些視頻的長度,他獲得了 24 分。

  • Not too shabby.


  • I'm sorry to say everyone, but we are ending on a whimper here.


  • This pathetic slop attempt includes only 2 MrBeast videos along with 0 sidequests.

    這個可悲的泔水嘗試只包括 2 個 MrBeast 視頻和 0 個支線任務。

  • Disgusting and deplorable.


  • An absolute disgrace to your country.


  • Enjoy the bottom of the tier list with your 12 measly points.

    用你那區區的 12 分,好好享受排名榜墊底的滋味吧。

  • But the good news is we have our top 3 slopsters earning their well deserved bronze, silver, and gold medals.


  • Thank you for the participation and the entertainment.


Yeah, I'll be honest with you guys, I really don't care to know what the MrBeast controversy is about.

是啊,老實跟你們說,我真的不想知道 "野獸先生 "的爭議是怎麼回事。

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