字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This is a record of all telephone calls made from your base in the past 24 hours. 這是過去 24 小時內從您的基地撥打的所有電話記錄。 After being subpoenaed to Washington, you made three calls. 被傳喚到華盛頓後 你打了三個電話 I've highlighted those calls in yellow. 我用黃色標出了這些電話。 Do you recognize those numbers, sir? 你認識這些數字嗎,先生? I called Colonel Fitzhughes in Quantico, Virginia. 我給弗吉尼亞州匡提科的菲茨丘格斯上校打了電話。 I wanted to let him know that I would be in town. 我想讓他知道我會在城裡。 The second call was to arrange a meeting with Congressman Richmond of the House Armed Services Committee. 第二個電話是安排與眾議院軍事委員會的里士滿議員會面。 And the third call was to my sister, Elizabeth. 第三個電話是打給我姐姐伊麗莎白的。 Why did you make that call, sir? 你為什麼要打那個電話,先生? I thought she might like to have dinner tonight. 我想她今晚可能想吃晚飯。 Your Honor, I'm gonna put a stop to this. 法官大人 我要制止這一切 Your Honor, these are telephone records from Gitmo for September 6th. 法官大人 這些是關塔那摩監獄 9月6日的電話記錄 And these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote in nine months, requesting, in fact, begging for a transfer. 這是聖地亞哥在九個月內寫的 14 封信,請求調職,實際上是乞求調職。 Upon hearing the news that he was finally getting his transfer, 當聽到他終於得到調職的消息時、 Santiago was so excited that do you know how many people he called? 聖地亞哥非常激動,你知道他給多少人打了電話嗎? Zero. Nobody. 零。沒有人 Not one call to his parents saying he was coming home. 沒有給父母打過一個電話,說他要回家。 Not one call to a friend saying, can you pick me up at the airport? 沒有給朋友打過一個電話,說 "你能來機場接我嗎? He was asleep in his bed at midnight. 午夜時分,他躺在床上睡著了。 And according to you, he was getting on a plane in six hours. 據你所說,他六小時後就要上飛機了。 Yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his footlocker. 然而,他所有的東西都整整齊齊地掛在衣櫃裡,整整齊齊地疊放在腳櫃裡。 You were leaving for one day. You packed a bag and made three phone calls. 你要離開一天。你收拾好行李,打了三個電話。 Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life. 聖地亞哥要離開了,他的餘生也要離開了。 And he hadn't called a soul. 而他一個人也沒叫。 And he hadn't packed a thing. 他什麼都沒帶。 Can you explain that? 你能解釋一下嗎? The fact is, there was no transfer order. Santiago wasn't going anywhere. 事實上,沒有調令。聖地亞哥哪兒也去不了 Isn't that right, Colonel? Objection, Your Honor. 對嗎 上校反對 法官閣下 It's obvious that Lieutenant Caffey's intention this afternoon is to smear a high-ranking Marine officer in the desperate hope that the mere appearance of impropriety will win him points with the court members. 很明顯,卡菲中尉今天下午的意圖是詆譭一名高級海軍陸戰隊軍官 絕望地希望僅僅是表面上的不當行為 就能為他在法庭成員面前贏得分數 Now, it's my recommendation, sir, that Lieutenant Caffey be reprimanded for his conduct and the witness be excused with the court's deepest apologies. 現在 我建議 先生 對卡菲中尉的行為進行訓斥 並讓證人離席 本庭深表歉意 Overruled. Your Honor. 反對無效法官大人 Your objection is noted. 注意到你的反對意見。 Pardon? 什麼? Is this funny, sir? 這很有趣嗎,先生? No, it's not. It's tragic. 不,不是這樣的。這是悲劇 Do you have an answer? Absolutely. 你有答案嗎?當然有。 My answer is, I don't have the first damn clue. 我的回答是,我一點頭緒都沒有。 Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. 也許他是個早起的人,喜歡在早上收拾行李。 And maybe he didn't have any friends. 也許他沒有任何朋友。 I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. 我是個受過教育的人,但我恐怕無法明智地談論威廉-聖地亞哥的旅行習慣。 What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. 我所知道的是,他原定於 6 時離開基地。 Now, are these really the questions that I was called here to answer? 這些問題真的是要我來回答的嗎? Phone calls and footlockers? 電話和腳鎖? Please tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant. 中尉,請告訴我你還有其他發現 These two Marines are on trial for their lives. 這兩名海軍陸戰隊員正在接受生命審判。 Please tell me that their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill. 請告訴我,他們的律師沒有把希望寄託在電話賬單上。 Do you have any other questions for me, Counselor? 你還有其他問題要問我嗎,律師? Lieutenant Caffey? 卡菲中尉? Lieutenant, do you have anything further for this witness? 中尉,你對這位證人還有什麼要說的嗎? Thanks, Danny. I love Washington. 謝謝,丹尼。我愛華盛頓。 Excuse me. I need to dismiss you. 打擾一下我要解僱你 I beg your pardon? 您說什麼? I'm not through with my examination. 我的考試還沒結束。 Sit down. 請坐 Colonel. 上校 What's that? 那是什麼? I'd appreciate it if he would dress me as Colonel or Sir. 如果他能把我打扮成上校或長官,我會非常感激。 I believe I've earned it. 我相信這是我應得的。 Defense Counsel will address the witness as Colonel or Sir. 辯護律師將稱呼證人為上校或先生。 I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here. 我不知道你們這到底是什麼組織、部門。 And the witness will address this court as Judge or Your Honor. 證人將稱呼本庭為法官或法官大人。 I'm quite certain I've earned it. 我確信這是我應得的。 Take your seat, Colonel. 請坐 上校 What do you want to discuss now? 你現在想討論什麼? My favorite color? 我最喜歡的顏色? Colonel, the 6 a.m. flight was the first one off the base? 上校,早上6點的班機是第一個離開基地的嗎? Yes. 是的。 There wasn't a flight that left seven hours earlier and landed at Andrews Air Force Base at 2 a.m.? 難道就沒有一架班機在七小時前起飛,在凌晨兩點降落在安德魯斯空軍基地? Lieutenant, I think we've covered this, haven't we? 中尉,我想我們已經談過這個問題了,不是嗎? Your Honor, these are the Tower Chief's files. 法官大人 這些是塔長的檔案 I'm sure you've seen them. 我相信你一定見過。 I'm sure you've seen them. 我相信你一定見過。 Your Honor, these are the Tower Chief's logs for both Guantanamo Bay and Andrews Air Force Base. 法官大人 這些是關塔那摩灣和安德魯斯空軍基地的塔臺主管日誌 Guantanamo log lists no flight that left at 11 p.m. 關塔那摩的航行日誌沒有記錄晚上 11 點起飛的班機。 and the Andrews log lists no flight that landed at 2 a.m. 而安德魯斯的航行日誌中沒有凌晨 2 點著陸的班機。 I'd like to admit them as defense exhibits, Alfin Bravo. 我想把它們作為辯方證物 阿爾芬-布拉沃 I don't understand. 我不明白。 You're admitting evidence of a flight that never existed. 你承認了從未存在過的飛行證據。 We believe it did, Sir. 我們相信是這樣的,先生。 Defense will be calling Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez. 辯方將傳喚飛行員塞西爾-奧馬利和安東尼-羅德里格斯。 They were working the ground crew at Andrews at 2 a.m. on the 7th. 7 日凌晨 2 點,他們在安德魯斯為地勤人員工作。 Your Honor, these men weren't on the list. 法官大人 這些人不在名單上 Rebuttal witnesses, Your Honor, are called specifically to refute testimony offered under direct examination. 法官大人,傳喚反駁證人是專門為了反駁在直接詢問中提供的證詞。 I'll allow the witnesses. 我允許證人發言。 This is ridiculous. 這太荒謬了。 Colonel, a moment ago... 上校,剛才... Check the Tower logs, for Christ's sake. 看在上帝的份上,檢查一下塔臺日誌吧。 We'll get to the Airmen in just a minute, Sir. 我們馬上就去找飛行員 長官 A moment ago, you said that you ordered Lieutenant Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched. 剛才你說,你命令肯德瑞克中尉 告訴他的人不許碰聖地亞哥 That's right. 這就對了。 And Lieutenant Kendrick was clear on what you wanted? 肯德瑞克中尉很清楚你想要什麼? Crystal. 水晶 Any chance Lieutenant Kendrick ignored the order? 肯德瑞克中尉會不會無視命令? Ignored the order? 無視命令? Any chance he forgot about it? 他會不會忘了? No. 不 Any chance Lieutenant Kendrick left your office and said, the old man is wrong? 肯德瑞克中尉離開你的辦公室時 有沒有說過 老頭子錯了? No. 不 Well, Lieutenant Kendrick spoke to the platoon and ordered them not to touch Santiago. 肯德里克中尉對全排說,命令他們不許碰聖地亞哥。 Any chance they ignored him? 他們有沒有可能忽略他? You ever served in an infantry unit, son? 你在步兵部隊服過役嗎,孩子? No, Sir. 不,先生。 Ever served in a forward area? 在前沿地區服過役嗎? No, Sir. 不,先生。 Ever put your life in another man's hands? 你曾將自己的生命交到他人手中嗎? Asked him to put his life in yours? 要求他把自己的生命交給你? No, Sir. 不,先生。 We follow orders, son. 我們服從命令,孩子 We follow orders or people die. 不服從命令就會死人。 It's that simple. 就是這麼簡單。 Are we clear? 清楚了嗎? Yes, Sir. 是的,先生。 Are we clear? 清楚了嗎? Crystal. 水晶 Colonel, I have just one more question before I call Airman O'Malley and Airman Rodriguez. 上校,我只有一個問題 之前,我打電話給飛行員奧馬利 和飛行員羅德里格斯。 If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would Santiago be in danger? 如果你下令不許動聖地亞哥,而你的命令又總是得到遵守,那麼聖地亞哥為什麼會有危險呢? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base? 為什麼要把他調離基地? Santiago was a substandard Marine. 聖地亞哥是一名不合格的海軍陸戰隊員。 He was being transferred... 他被轉移... That's not what you said. 你不是這麼說的。 You said he was being transferred because he was in grave danger. 你說他被轉移是因為他處境非常危險。 That's correct. 沒錯。 You said he was in danger. I said grave danger. 你說他有危險我說的是嚴重危險 I recall what I said. 我記得我說過什麼。 I can have the court reporter read back to you. 我可以讓法庭記錄員讀給你聽。 I know what I said. 我知道我說了什麼。 I don't have to have it read back to me like I'm... 我不必把它讀給我聽,就像我... Why the two orders? 為什麼有兩個命令? Colonel? 上校? Sometimes men take matters into their own hands. 有時,男人會自作主張。 No, Sir. You made it clear just a moment ago that men never take matters into their own hands. 不 先生你剛才已經說得很清楚了 男人從來不會自作主張 Your men follow orders or people die. 你的人要麼服從命令,要麼死人。 So Santiago shouldn't have been in any danger at all, should he have, Colonel? 所以聖地亞哥根本不應該有任何危險,是嗎,上校? You snotty little bastard. 你這個流鼻涕的小混蛋 Your Honor, I'd like to ask for a recess. 法官大人,我請求休庭。 I'd like an answer to the question, Judge. 我想知道問題的答案,法官。 The court will wait for an answer. 法庭將等待答覆。 If Lieutenant Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? 如果肯德瑞克中尉下令不許動聖地亞哥 那為什麼還要把他調走? Colonel, Lieutenant Kendrick ordered the code read, didn't he? 上校,肯德瑞克中尉下令讀密碼,是嗎? Because that's what you told Lieutenant Kendrick to do. 因為這是你讓肯德瑞克中尉做的 And when it went bad, you cut these guys loose. 一旦情況不妙,你就把這些傢伙放了。 Your Honor, you had mortgages inside a phony transporter. 法官大人 你在一個假的傳送器裡拿了抵押品 Your Honor, you doctored the logbook. 法官大人 你篡改了航海日誌 You coerced the doctor. 你脅迫醫生 Colonel Jessup, did you order the code read? 傑瑟普上校,你下令讀取代碼了嗎? You don't have to answer that question. 你不必回答這個問題。 I'll answer the question. 我來回答這個問題。 You want answers? I think I'm entitled to them. 你想要答案?我想我有權得到答案 You want answers! I want the truth! 你想要答案!我要真相 You can't handle the truth! 你無法接受事實 Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. 孩子,我們生活在一個有圍牆的世界裡,而這些圍牆必須由持槍的人來守衛。 Who's gonna do it? You? 誰來做?你嗎? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? 你,溫伯格中尉? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. 我的責任比你想象的更重大。 You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. 你為聖地亞哥哭泣,你詛咒海軍陸戰隊。 You have that luxury. 你有這種奢望。 You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives, and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! 我知道聖地亞哥的死雖然悲慘,但可能拯救了生命,而我的存在雖然怪誕,讓你無法理解,但卻拯救了生命! You don't want the truth to be keeped down in places you don't talk about at parties. 你不會希望真相被壓抑在你在派對上不會談論的地方。 You want me on that wall. 你想讓我上那面牆 You need me on that wall. 你需要我在那面牆。 We use words like honor, code, loyalty. 我們使用榮譽、準則、忠誠等詞語。 We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. 我們用這些詞語作為一生捍衛某些東西的支柱。