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  • In 2022, frozen food sales in the U.S. reached over $72 billion.

    2022 年,美國冷凍食品銷售額超過 720 億美元。

  • Demand has been rapidly growing.


  • Throughout COVID, we had among the highest sales in all of the food space.

    在整個 COVID 期間,我們的銷售額在所有食品領域中名列前茅。

  • Behind this seemingly simple idea, there's a sophisticated supply chain keeping perishables frozen.


  • Each step is very critical.


  • The products have to maintain proper temperature throughout a complex network of refrigerated trucks and cold storage facilities.


  • Should the temperature vary, it can become unsafe.


  • But it's not just about keeping ice cream from melting.


  • The percentages are remarkable in terms of what's tossed frozen items because of inadequate cold storage temperature.


  • And the refrigeration tech is often outdated.


  • We're still relying on centuries old technology.


  • The weak link in cold chain logistics, planes, trains, automobiles, is how to deliver any perishable good at the appropriate temperature.


  • Major players in the global frozen food market include privately held Cargill, ConAgra, Nestle, General Mills and Unilever.

    全球冷凍食品市場的主要參與者包括私營企業嘉吉(Cargill)、康尼格拉(ConAgra)、雀巢(Nestle)、通用磨坊(General Mills)和聯合利華(Unilever)。

  • So the consumers are buying more frozen product.


  • It's going to require more storage capability and a more efficient supply chain.


  • The perishables are poised to profit.


  • And so are those investing in really cold properties.


  • Supply chain issues and labor challenges haven't really gone away in the food industry.


  • Where's the stuff?


  • Without resilient supply chain infrastructure, the growth and safety of the massive $265 billion global frozen food market is at risk.

    如果沒有彈性供應鏈基礎設施,價值 2,650 億美元的全球龐大冷凍食品市場的增長和安全就會面臨風險。

  • Can cold storage supply chains keep up with frozen food demand?


  • Virtually all American households purchase frozen food at least once a year.


  • Since 2019, sales have grown by 23 percent, according to the American Frozen Food Institute.

    據美國冷凍食品協會稱,自 2019 年以來,銷售額增長了 23%。

  • When COVID happened, when supply chain everything got shut down, you saw a huge spike in frozen food, sometimes 30, 40, 50 percent year over year basis.

    當 COVID 事件發生時,當所有供應鏈都被關閉時,你會看到冷凍食品大幅飆升,有時同比增長 30%、40%、50%。

  • Frozen food's demand was supercharged during the pandemic in the U.S., bringing in over $65 billion in 2020.

    在美國大流行期間,冷凍食品的需求量激增,2020 年的需求量超過 650 億美元。

  • The pandemic taught consumers to invest in bulk buying.


  • Frozen foods were some of the best selling items during the pandemic since they can be really stored for long periods of time.


  • We're seeing that growth continue.


  • We saw about a 20 percent growth during COVID, which was really very rapid and fast.

    在 COVID 期間,我們實現了約 20% 的增長,速度非常快。

  • Most frozen food products reported double digit increases.


  • We did a recent survey and found that over 80 percent of consumers look to frozen to reduce in-home food waste and also save money.

    我們最近做了一項調查,發現超過 80% 的消費者希望通過冷凍來減少家中的食物浪費,同時還能省錢。

  • The main driver is cost.


  • What can consumers afford?


  • One great study by Cornell that looked into how much waste the average consumer has between both fresh and frozen and what they found was with frozen food, you're five times more likely not to encounter food waste.


  • Every year, roughly $1,300 is spent by the average American on food that ends up as waste.

    每年,美國人平均花費約 1,300 美元購買食物,而這些食物最終被浪費掉。

  • You know, Cargill produces enough protein to feed 170 million people around the world.

    要知道,嘉吉公司生產的蛋白質足以養活全球 1.7 億人。

  • So that's enough to feed the entire country of Bangladesh every single day.


  • The frozen category, really seeing things like variety meats more likely to be purchased frozen.


  • At the end of the day, it's about that 4 p.m. dinner tonight decision, right?

    歸根結底,還是要看今晚 4 點的晚餐決定,不是嗎?

  • A great variety of dinners is promised.


  • The dinner is packed and ready for Sub-Zero storage.

    晚餐已打包完畢,準備放入 Sub-Zero 冰箱。

  • Industry has come a long way since the 1930s when Clarence Birdseye pioneered a flash freezing technique that better preserved foods.

    自 20 世紀 30 年代克拉倫斯-伯德塞伊(Clarence Birdseye)開創了能更好地保存食品的速凍技術以來,食品工業已經取得了長足的進步。

  • Before then, the market was known for tasteless and textureless products.


  • Quick freezing is one of the newer ways of keeping foods, meat, fruit, vegetables.


  • He won consumers over.


  • I'm sorry, but I already have a frozen food man.


  • And the 1950s and 60s became the golden age of food freezing.


  • Birdseye, Hawaiian-style international vegetable.


  • That flash freezing technique is still how a lot of frozen products are made today, particularly with mechanical freezing.


  • Think frozen plates and conveyor belts for contact freezing or the air blast method, which is one of the oldest and commonly used.


  • That's when cold air fills a room of food to freeze it.


  • Freezing technology really hasn't gained leaps and bounds.


  • Blast freezing.


  • And what that means is let's say strawberries are coming out of a field in California.


  • We'll take those warm strawberries out of the field as soon as they're cleaned, and then we'll blast them down to negative 20 degrees and then store them so then later they can be consumed.

    我們會把這些熱草莓從田裡摘下來,然後把它們吹到負 20 度,然後儲存起來,以後就可以食用了。

  • The air blasting technique also utilizes individual quick freezing, a.k.a.

    空氣噴射技術還利用了單個快速冷凍技術(又稱 "冷凍")。

  • IQF.


  • An IQF, what it does is it frees individual pieces of food and that does two things.

    IQF 的作用是釋放單個食物,這有兩個方面。

  • One, the speed of the freezing helps reduce the size of the ice crystal.


  • So it helps preserve the integrity of the food when it's thawed or frozen.


  • It helps freeze at that peak of freshness, and that's really an aspect that whether you look at meat or vegetables, a lot of industries have really focused on communicating that message as well.


  • The other way food can be frozen is cryogenic freezing.


  • It uses liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide to get to extremely low temperatures quickly.


  • But it can be more expensive for companies to invest and switch to the cryogenic techniques, plus the cost of nitrogen added to that.


  • However, cryogenic freezing is much faster since that liquid nitrogen is so cold.


  • One estimate puts mechanical freezing at nearly an hour to freeze fruits and veggies, while cryogenic freezing could take 11 minutes.

    據估計,機械冷凍需要近一個小時才能冷凍水果和蔬菜,而低溫冷凍只需 11 分鐘。

  • It's all about speed.


  • The faster food can freeze, the smaller ice crystals that form, which ultimately creates a higher quality product.


  • Our data scientists heard that we were not blasting strawberries fast enough in California.


  • The algorithm, based on computational fluid dynamics, that we're able to reduce the freeze cycle from three days down to one to two days.


  • So not only are you reducing the lead time of freezing the berries, but we're using less energy to do that.


  • How to freeze food is just the first half of the equation.


  • Frozen foods need a robust and sustainable cold storage supply chain to reach consumers.


  • Even Birdseye recognized this in the late 1920s when convincing Americans to try frosted foods.

    20 世紀 20 年代末,在說服美國人嘗試糖霜食品時,就連鳥眼也意識到了這一點。

  • He created his own refrigerated boxcars for trains and leased freezers out to retailers.


  • The U.S. still transports a lot of food by truck.


  • In the U.S. we're very fortunate, but in other developing countries we're seeing an investment in the cold chain to try and keep the agricultural products preserved for year-round consumption.


  • It's really a way of preventing food waste globally.


  • Approximately 13 percent of all food produced globally is lost due to poor cold storage every year.

    每年全球生產的糧食中約有 13% 因冷藏不善而損失。

  • That wasted food could have fed an estimated 950 million people. 10th annual disruptor 50 list are fastest growing private companies challenging public incumbents.

    這些浪費掉的糧食本可以養活約 9.5 億人。第 10 屆 "顛覆者 50 強 "年度榜單由增長最快的私營公司組成,這些公司正在挑戰現有的上市公司。

  • Number three, Lineage Logistics, improving the food supply chain to prevent waste with a proprietary freezing process.

    第三,Lineage 物流公司,通過專有的冷凍工藝改善食品供應鏈,防止浪費。

  • Lineage serves big name customers, including Walmart and McDonald's.

    Lineage 為沃爾瑪和麥當勞等大客戶提供服務。

  • Lineage Logistics focuses on the frozen food market, and part of its mission is decreasing global food waste.

    Lineage Logistics 專注於冷凍食品市場,其使命之一是減少全球食品浪費。

  • And so we provide frozen and chilled warehousing, 450 warehouses across 20 countries.

    是以,我們提供冷凍和冷藏倉儲服務,450 個倉庫遍佈 20 個國家。

  • Let's use salmon as an example.


  • Salmon will be harvested up in the Pacific Northwest.


  • Salmon will immediately be packaged, put into one of our freezers.


  • That packaged salmon across the country may go to a retail store and then finally to the consumers at home.


  • It may end up moving to a restaurant where the final consumer then purchases.


  • But we're helping to move that food through the entire cold chain and ensuring that it keeps a safe temperature the entire way.


  • The supply chain weaknesses garnered international attention when the coronavirus pandemic struck.


  • COVID really showed how fragile the supply chain system is.

    COVID 真正顯示了供應鏈系統有多麼脆弱。

  • That really exposed huge gaps in being able to transport in frozen food and even refrigerated food in the U.S.


  • At the same time, it's expensive to generate power to keep the entire supply chain frozen.


  • Being able to minimize costs in different ways, whether you're using different software, AI, robotics, freezing technology, driverless technology to transport the product from point A to point B, like that is the biggest pain point.

    無論是使用不同的軟件、人工智能、機器人技術、冷凍技術、無人駕駛技術將產品從 A 點運送到 B 點,能夠以不同的方式最大限度地降低成本是最大的痛點。

  • Our data scientists have looked at the space that's used in our freezers because they consume a lot of energy.


  • And we want to make sure that we're using every square inch of that facility with frozen food.


  • They've created algorithms to be able to see where are we not using some of that cubic space and how can we optimize that usage.


  • The G have been able to create over 300,000 additional pallet positions of frozen food that is equivalent to a three million square foot freezer.

    G 能夠為冷凍食品增加 30 多萬個托盤位置,相當於一個 300 萬平方英尺的冷凍庫。

  • Food waste also contributes to unnecessary emissions.


  • And that's a ticking time bomb that Phononic aims to defuse.

    而這正是 Phononic 想要拆除的定時炸彈。

  • Number 17 on the list is Phononics, a semiconductor company that is reinventing the refrigerator.

    排名第 17 位的是 Phononics,這是一家正在重塑冰箱的半導體公司。

  • Through the power of semiconductor innovation, we are sustainably transforming global cooling.


  • So core to our platform is a semiconductor chip that when powered generates coldness.


  • Phononic embraces solid state cooling with semiconductor devices that cool and freeze products in the cold chain fulfillment process.

    Phononic 採用固態冷卻技術,其半導體設備可在冷鏈履行過程中冷卻和冷凍產品。

  • So Phononic really developed the ecosystem and now are delivering solutions poised to disrupt an almost $50 billion global market.

    是以,Phononic 真正開發了生態系統,現在正在提供解決方案,準備顛覆近 500 億美元的全球市場。

  • Cold is super hot if you're in the cold storage warehouse business.

    如果你從事的是冷藏倉庫業務,那麼 "冷 "就是超級熱門。

  • Why?


  • It's because of your Amazon Press, your Peapod by Giant, the new food delivery services driving it literally from the warehouse to your home.

    這是因為您的亞馬遜新聞、Peapod by Giant、新的食品配送服務將食品從倉庫送到了您的家中。

  • Online grocery sales soared over the pandemic, fueling frozen food sales with a 75 percent increase in 2020.

    大流行過後,網上食品雜貨銷售額猛增,推動冷凍食品銷售額在 2020 年增長了 75%。

  • It's expensive right now to ship by e-commerce frozen products because it needs to stay cold.


  • How do we get product either from retail to the consumer using e-commerce and or from other distribution points straight to the consumer?


  • While that may be convenient for a consumer, it makes warehouse management a nightmare.


  • So much so that now in almost every case, retailers lose almost $13 in an online grocery delivery.

    以至於現在幾乎每一次在線雜貨配送,零售商都會損失近 13 美元。

  • Phononic developed an end-to-end cold chain solution, not just hardware, that includes actively refrigerated and frozen totes, but also the IOT connectivity that allows the consumer to know exactly where their order is from the minute it was placed to the time that they pick it up.

    Phononic 開發了端到端的冷鏈解決方案,不僅包括主動冷藏和冷凍週轉箱等硬件,還包括物聯網連接,使消費者從下單到取貨的整個過程中,都能準確地知道自己的訂單在哪裡。

  • Phononic is leasing these reusable totes to grocery stores and retailers.

    Phononic 正在向雜貨店和零售商出租這些可重複使用的手提箱。

  • And that gives the grocer, the warehouse and the last mile delivery solutions provider tremendous flexibility, saving labor, saving on energy costs, but more importantly, increasing order throughput to meet those online demands.


  • We're seeing the e-commerce side of the cold chain growing and we've acquired two companies to really be able to give us some some infrastructure there because it does require a different layout of the facility and different technology.


  • And while the number of households buying online leveled out in 2022, what continued to grow was the frequency of orders and the money spent per order.

    2022 年,網上購物的家庭數量趨於平穩,但訂單的頻率和每筆訂單的花費卻持續增長。

  • The pandemic surge in frozen food consumption has shown staying power from purchases in stores to online orders.


  • Don't see that changing at all to be able to not only feed yourself, but feed your family something that it doesn't take two hours to cook, to cook.


  • That is a huge factor as well that's driving frozen frozen food sales.


  • I like to call it the convenience continuum.

    我喜歡把它稱為 "便利連續體"。

  • So when you think from a consumer standpoint, it's the let me do it, do it with me or do it for me.


  • And frozen foods can really play in all three of those pieces.


  • Between the demand growth, retailer engagement and industry innovations, the frozen food market is looking strong, according to the American Frozen Food Institute.


  • They want cold and frozen items in particular, almost instantaneously.


  • So we view ourselves as not just a facilitator of coldness, but a facilitator of e-commerce itself.


  • Once consumers get used to the convenience, it's really tough to go back.


In 2022, frozen food sales in the U.S. reached over $72 billion.

2022 年,美國冷凍食品銷售額超過 720 億美元。

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