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  • Why is banana called banana in English?

    香蕉的英文為什麼叫 banana?

  • The word "banana" in English is derived from the West African Wolof word "banana".

    英語中的 "香蕉 "一詞源自西非沃洛夫語 "banana"。

  • Portuguese and Spanish traders likely brought this term to Europe in the 16th century during their exploration and trade expedition in Africa.

    16 世紀,葡萄牙和西班牙商人在非洲進行勘探和貿易探險時,很可能將這個詞帶到了歐洲。

  • As banana became more widely known in Europe, the name was adapted into English.


  • The adoption and adaptation of the word across languages is a common phenomenon in the history of linguistic development, reflecting the cultural exchange and influence among different regions and peoples.


  • This etymological journey highlights the interconnectedness of global trade and the spread of agricultural products.


  • Today, the word "banana" is universally recognized, reflecting its global popularity and widespread consumption.

    如今,"香蕉 "一詞已得到普遍認可,反映了它在全球的受歡迎程度和廣泛消費。

Why is banana called banana in English?

香蕉的英文為什麼叫 banana?

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