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  • Like when we when we got a new couch after like well like 10 plus years They got one with like the corner seat or not the corner seat of the edge seat having one of those You know, you can put your legs up and stuff.


  • That's like permanent Papa needs to see you know Every time he watches TV like no one else can sit there except him and then there is one plushie that I have no authority over in the household, which is the Satellite plushie he is like he saw it and as soon as he saw it he like tested it He put it behind his head while he was sitting on the couch.


  • He was like, yes Cuz you know like a taco that's a plushie it's coming around, you know, it's kind of big So you can't really like lean your head against like the back of the couch But then the satellite plush is like a loaf of bread, right so it's like the most perfect size for it It's okay you guys you guys get my money says ha cuz every time She sometimes sends me like a random photo of like the Takodachi in the wild or in action It's like a keychain and then all of a sudden like she puts she sends me a picture of like the Takodachi Surrounded by the her crocheted chickens chicks And then sometimes you send she sent me a picture of her hugging the Takodachi while she was watching TV And then she was like, yeah, the face on this one is so cute Whenever like I hug it while watching TV I look down and the Takodachi plushie is kind of just like staring back at me smiling and I'm just like You

    他說:"是的,因為你知道玉米卷就像一個毛絨玩具,它就在你身邊,你知道,它有點大,所以你真的不能把你的頭靠在沙發背上,但衛星毛絨玩具就像一個麵包、她每次都會給我發一張高大地在野外或行動中的照片 就像一個鑰匙扣,然後突然她就給我發了一張照片 高大地被她鉤織的小雞包圍著 然後有時你會給她發一張她抱著高大地看電視的照片是啊,這個的臉好可愛 每當我抱著它看電視的時候 我低頭一看,高大地的毛絨玩具正回過頭來笑眯眯地盯著我看

Like when we when we got a new couch after like well like 10 plus years They got one with like the corner seat or not the corner seat of the edge seat having one of those You know, you can put your legs up and stuff.


由 AI 自動生成

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