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由 AI 自動生成
  • 3.


  • Create a fair game You've spent months creating a basketball-playing robot, the Dunk-O-Matic, and you're excited to demonstrate it at the prestigious Sportecca conference.

    創造一個公平的遊戲 你花了幾個月時間創造了一個會打籃球的機器人 Dunk-O-Matic,你很想在著名的 Sportecca 會議上展示它。

  • Until you read an advertisement, see the Dunk-O-Matic face human players and automatically adjust its skill to create a fair game for every opponent.

    直到您看到廣告,看到 Dunk-O-Matic 面對人類玩家,自動調整技能,為每個對手創造公平的比賽。

  • That's not what you were told to create.


  • You designed a robot that shoots baskets, sometimes successfully and sometimes not, taking turns with a human opponent.


  • No one said anything about teaching it to adjust its performance.


  • Maybe the CEO skimmed an article about AI and overpromised, setting you up for public embarrassment.


  • Luckily, you installed a feature where, given any probability Q, you can adjust the robot to have that probability of success on each attempt.

    幸運的是,您安裝了一項功能,只要給定任意概率 Q,您就可以調整機器人,使其每次嘗試的成功概率都達到該概率。

  • You swiftly gather information and jackpot.


  • Your team has a dossier on all potential demo participants, including the probability each has of making baskets.


  • In each match, the human shoots first, then the robot, then the human again, and so on until someone makes the first successful basket and wins.


  • You can remotely adjust the Dunk-O-Matic's probability between opponents.

    您可以遠程調整 Dunk-O-Matic 在不同對手之間的概率。

  • What should that probability be for each opponent so that the human has a 50% chance of winning each match?

    為了讓人類在每場比賽中都有 50% 的勝算,每個對手的勝算概率應該是多少?

  • Pause here if you want to figure it out for yourself.


  • Answer in 3 Answer in 2 Answer in 1 You might guess that Q should be equal to P, but that ignores the advantage of going first.

    答案為 3 答案為 2 答案為 1 你可能會猜 Q 應該等於 P,但這忽略了先走的優勢。

  • Suppose P and Q are both 100%.

    假設 P 和 Q 都是 100%。

  • Even though the competitors are equally skilled, the first player always wins, so a deeper analysis is required.


  • One approach involves adding up every chance the human has to win using geometric series.


  • A geometric series is an infinite sum of numbers where each number is the previous number multiplied by a common ratio.


  • Two facts about geometric series are useful here.


  • First, if the common ratio R of a geometric series has absolute value less than 1, the series has a finite total.

    首先,如果一個幾何數列的公比 R 的絕對值小於 1,則該數列的總數是有限的。

  • And second, if the first number in the series is A, that total is A divided by 1 minus R.

    其次,如果數列中的第一個數字是 A,那麼總數就是 A 除以 1 再減去 R。

  • How does this help us calibrate our robot?


  • Remember that the human has probability P of making a basket.

    請記住,人類上籃的概率為 P。

  • Since they go first, they have probability P of winning on the first try.

    由於他們先走,他們第一次嘗試獲勝的概率為 P。

  • What's the probability that they win on the second try?


  • That attempt only happens if both players miss.


  • The probability of a miss is 1 minus the probability of a success, so the miss probabilities are 1 minus P and 1 minus Q.

    失誤概率是 1 減去成功概率,是以失誤概率是 1 減去 P 和 1 減去 Q。

  • The chance of both happening is the product of those values, so the probability of two failures and then a human success is P times 1 minus P times 1 minus Q.

    這兩種情況發生的概率是這些值的乘積,是以,兩次失敗和一次成功的概率是 P 乘以 1 減去 P 乘以 1 再減去 Q。

  • Winning on the third try requires another round of misses, so that chance is P multiplied by the double-miss probability twice.

    要在第三次嘗試中獲勝,需要再進行一輪失誤,是以這個概率是 P 乘以兩次雙失誤概率。

  • If we add all the possible probabilities of a human win, the total is the sum of a geometric series.


  • Since the first number in the series is P, and the ratio is this product that's less than 1, the sum will be P divided by 1 minus the ratio.

    由於數列中的第一個數是 P,而比值是小於 1 的乘積,所以總和將是 P 除以 1 再減去比值。

  • We want this sum to be one-half.


  • Using some algebra to solve for Q, we find that Q should equal P divided by 1 minus P.

    用代數方法求 Q,我們發現 Q 應該等於 P 除以 1 再減去 P。

  • If P is greater than 50%, Q would need to be bigger than 1, which can't happen.

    如果 P 大於 50%,Q 就必須大於 1,而這是不可能的。

  • In that case, a fair game is impossible, because the human has a better-than-50% chance of winning immediately.

    在這種情況下,公平遊戲是不可能的,因為人類有超過 50% 的機會立即獲勝。

  • The robot's total probability is also the total of a geometric series.


  • How does this series compare to the human's?


  • To win, the robot needs some number of double misses, then a human failure, followed by a robot success.


  • If Q equals P over 1 minus P, 1 minus P times Q is P.

    如果 Q 等於 P 超過 1 減 P,那麼 1 減 P 乘以 Q 就是 P。

  • For our choice of Q, not only do these series have the same sum, but they're the same series.

    對於我們選擇的 Q,這些數列不僅具有相同的和,而且是相同的數列。

  • We could bypass geometric series by starting with this reasoning.


  • The robot's chances of winning in the first round is 1 minus P times Q.

    機器人在第一輪獲勝的概率是 1 減 P 乘以 Q。

  • And so if we want that chance to match the human's first-round chance, we want it to equal P, making Q P over 1 minus P.

    是以,如果我們想讓這一概率與人類的首輪概率相匹配,我們就想讓它等於 P,從而使 Q P 大於 1 減 P。

  • More rounds may occur, but before each round, the competitors are tied, so everything effectively restarts.


  • If they have the same odds of winning in the first round, they also will in the second round, and so on.


  • The demonstration goes perfectly, but while you didn't want to embarrass yourself, you also didn't want to deceive the public.


  • Taking the stage, you explain your company's false promises and your hastily ad-libbed solution.


  • Thankfully, the ensuing bad press is directed at your employers, and it turns out the presentation volunteers own a more employee-friendly robotics company.


  • After some tedious intellectual property litigation, you find yourself at a healthier workplace, with a regular spot on a pickup basketball team.


  • Intuitively Visualized Courses, and that's just one among thousands of STEM lessons.

    直觀可視化課程》,而這只是數以千計的 STEM 課程中的一門。

  • Visit slash TED-Ed for 30 days free and 20% off an annual subscription.

    訪問 slash TED-Ed,享受 30 天免費服務和 20% 的年度訂閱折扣。



由 AI 自動生成

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