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  • Welcome back road trip enthusiasts, today we're taking you on an exciting journey through the Golden State.


  • Taking a road trip in California is something everyone should do in their lifetime.


  • A California Coast Road Trip along Highway 1 and the Pacific Coast Highway will take you through big cities and small towns, crowded beaches, and tiny inlets where few have ever explored.

    沿著 1 號公路和太平洋海岸公路的加州海岸公路之旅將帶您穿越大城市和小城鎮、擁擠的海灘以及鮮有人涉足的小海灣。

  • Get ready for the ultimate California road trip as we explore 12 must-see places that will leave you in awe, so fasten your seatbelts and let's hit the road!

    準備好參加終極加州公路之旅吧,我們將探索 12 個必去景點,讓您歎為觀止,繫好安全帶,我們上路吧!

  • Number 1.

    1 號

  • Big Sur Perhaps one of the most rugged stretches on this California Coast Road Trip itinerary is Big Sur, which is bordered by the Santa Lucia Mountains to the east and by the Pacific Ocean to the west.

    大蘇爾 在加州海岸公路之旅的行程中,大蘇爾也許是最崎嶇的路段之一,它東臨聖露西亞山脈,西瀕太平洋。

  • Known for its sparse population and stunning natural beauty, don't be surprised if this part of your road trip itinerary takes a while to navigate, not just because of the windy and mountainous road, but also because you'll pull over every few minutes to snap pictures and take in the views of the rugged Pacific Coast.


  • Number 2.

    2 號

  • Yosemite National Park.


  • Yosemite National Park is teeming with things to do.


  • It's a natural wonder worth seeing with its verdant forests, towering cliffs, beautiful waterfalls, and many hiking trails.


  • At 3,000 feet tall, El Capitan is a sight to behold and draws in rock climbers and nature lovers by the dozens with just its presence.

    El Capitan 高 3,000 英尺,它的出現吸引了數十名攀巖愛好者和自然愛好者。

  • Continuing the theme of unrivaled natural beauty, here is iconic Yosemite Falls.


  • Catch a glance at the Cascades from Yosemite Village for the best vista from afar.


  • Yosemite is a hiker's paradise with trails for all levels, so whether you're looking for the adrenaline rush of taking on the Half Dome or want something a little bit more low-key, spending some time exploring this park on two feet is a must.


  • Number 3.

    3 號

  • Joshua Tree National Park.


  • A favorite destination for climbers, hikers, and stargazers alike, Joshua Tree National Park is a vast and otherworldly landscape of twisted rock formations and the iconic Joshua Trees, which of course give this park its name.


  • At over 800,000 acres big, there is plenty to explore in this park, so much so that you could spend multiple days here without seeing everything.

    該公園佔地面積超過 80 萬英畝,有很多值得探索的地方,以至於您可能花上多天時間也無法看完所有景點。

  • Highlights include the One Mile Loop Trail in Hidden Valley, Keys View for epic sunset panoramas, and Barker Dam, a great spot for a nature hike and bighorn sheep spotting.

    這裡的亮點包括隱藏山谷的一英里環形路徑(One Mile Loop Trail)、欣賞日落全景的鑰匙景觀(Keys View)以及巴克水壩(Barker Dam),巴克水壩是自然徒步旅行和觀賞大角羊的絕佳地點。

  • Number 4.

    4 號

  • California's Pacific Coast Highway.


  • Highway 1, also called the Pacific Coast Highway, is well-known as one of the most scenic routes in the world.

    1 號公路又稱太平洋海岸公路,是世界上風景最優美的公路之一。

  • Officially starting from Leggett in Northern California and stretching down to Dana Point in Orange County, the Pacific Coast Highway takes 15 to 20 hours to complete without stops or much traffic, but believe me, this trip is worth it.

    太平洋海岸公路的正式起點是北加州的萊格特(Leggett),一直延伸到橙縣的達納岬(Dana Point),全程需要 15 到 20 個小時,沒有中途停留,也不太堵車,但相信我,這次旅行是值得的。

  • Along the way, you'll experience stunning coastal views, seaside towns, hushed redwood forests, and so much more.


  • Number 5.

    5 號

  • Humboldt Redwoods State Park.


  • One of the best things to do in California is to hike through a hushed coastal redwood forest.


  • My goodness, there's nothing else quite like it in the world.


  • California's redwoods, also known as Sequoia Sempervirens or Hyperion, are not only the tallest trees in the world, they're also pretty ancient, with some of them reaching 2,000 years old.

    加利福尼亞的紅杉,又名森柏紅杉或海珀裡翁紅杉,不僅是世界上最高的樹木,而且還相當古老,有些樹齡已達 2000 年。

  • A few popular spots to see California redwoods include Muir Woods National Monument, Avenue of the Giants, Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, and Redwood National and State Parks.


  • Number 6.

    6 號

  • San Francisco.


  • San Francisco makes up for its relatively small size with scenic beauty, a boatload of attractions, tempting food, and a diverse population.


  • The Golden Gate Bridge and its orange arches are world-renowned.


  • I recommend heading to the Golden Gate Bridge Vista Point to glance at San Francisco from a new angle.


  • You can also stroll Fisherman's Wharf.


  • This trendy neighborhood houses a ton of restaurants and shopping places in addition to attractions like the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and the cute sea lions in Pier 39 Marina.

    除了杜莎夫人蠟像館和 39 號碼頭可愛的海獅等景點外,這個時尚街區還彙集了大量餐廳和購物場所。

  • Number 7.

    7 號

  • Monterey and Carmel-by-the-Sea.


  • These neighboring towns both wear their histories on their whalebone cuff-linked sleeves.


  • Established as a prominent whaling port, Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf is a testament to the sea life that entices travelers to its waters.


  • For a mini road trip within your cross-California road trip, the 17-mile drive is a Monterey driving staple.

    如果想在橫跨加利福尼亞州的公路旅行中來一次迷你公路旅行,17 英里的車程是蒙特雷的主要駕車路線。

  • It includes seven golf courses, loads of gorgeous beaches that some seals call home, and enormous forests.


  • It's said to be so picturesque that it inspired Robert Louis Stevenson to write Treasure Island.


  • By comparison, the tiny town of Carmel-by-the-Sea is a romantic seaside escape, and it even had Clint Eastwood as its mayor.

    相比之下,小城卡梅爾(Carmel-by-the-Sea)是一個浪漫的海濱度假勝地,甚至克林特-伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)還曾在這裡擔任市長。

  • Once a colony for artists, it remains a quiet town filled with restaurants to sit and places of respite where you can walk along the beach and think about your life and what a fine story it would make.


  • Number 8.

    第 8 號

  • Santa Cruz.


  • Located just over an hour south of San Francisco, Santa Cruz is a must-see stop on your California road trip itinerary.


  • Maybe it's because Santa Cruz is home to the University of California Santa Cruz, or because the downtown streets are lined with vintage shops, vegetarian restaurants, colorful graffiti, and skateboarders cruising down the street, but this coastal city has a youthful surf city vibe.


  • If you want a quick stop to stretch your legs, leave your car in one of the public parking spaces for a dollar and take a walk on the Santa Cruz Wharf, a long pier stretching out into Monterey Bay.


  • Just north of the city lies the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park where you can find a completely different kind of beauty while meandering amid the giant redwoods.


  • The park is also home to some stunning natural pools such as the Garden of Eden.


  • These freshwater oases are perfect for a refreshing dip surrounded by undisturbed natural beauty.


  • Number 9.

    9 號

  • Route 66 to Santa Monica.

    通往聖莫尼卡的 66 號公路

  • Road tripping Route 66 is one of the most incredible driving adventures in the entire world.

    66 號公路是世界上最不可思議的駕駛探險之一。

  • This route runs through eight different states in the United States from east to west, with California being one of them.


  • Now, we won't describe the entire route through the US, but instead, we'll focus on the California section of it, which will have you driving through the alluring Mojave Desert, over mountains and lush valleys, and into beautiful Santa Monica beaches.


  • People flock to Santa Monica in droves for a chance to show off their swimsuit bods and take in its sandy beach and the historic Santa Monica Pier.


  • After shopping at 3rd Street Promenade and riding bikes along the beach, go and head to the Santa Monica Pier to explore Pacific Park, full of carnival games and rides.

    在第三街海濱廣場(3rd Street Promenade)購物並沿著海灘騎車後,前往聖莫尼卡碼頭(Santa Monica Pier)遊覽太平洋公園(Pacific Park),那裡有各種嘉年華遊戲和遊樂設施。

  • This is the perfect spot from which to watch the sun go down over one of the most iconic spots in California.


  • Number 10.

    10 號

  • Santa Barbara and Montecito.


  • There are a lot of beautiful spots along the central California coast, but one of the prettiest is Santa Barbara.


  • Located between Big Sur and Santa Monica, Santa Barbara is all about Spanish colonial architecture, fresh seafood, and multi-hued sunsets.


  • It has fantastic beaches with resident seals, stellar shopping along State Street, and impressive If you're looking for fun things to do in California, Santa Barbara is an ideal getaway with its scenic nature, perfect weather, and a plethora of romantic activities.


  • Number 11.

    第 11 號

  • South Coast, LA to San Diego.


  • As one of the most quintessential road trips in California, this drive right here will you all the way from Los Angeles to San Diego through the coast, which pretty much guarantees striking vistas and beautiful beaches mile after mile, as well as tons of stops worth making along the way.


  • The drive begins in Huntington Beach, a laid-back California surf town where you can relax before moving on to swanky Newport Beach.

    在前往奢華的紐波特海灘(Newport Beach)之前,您可以在亨廷頓海灘(Huntington Beach)這個悠閒的加州衝浪小鎮放鬆一下。

  • Next on the itinerary is Crystal Cove State Park, where you'll find untouched beaches galore, as well as dramatic cliff views and tons of hiking trails.

    下一個行程是水晶灣州立公園(Crystal Cove State Park),在這裡您會看到許多人跡罕至的海灘、壯觀的懸崖美景和大量的徒步旅行路線。

  • To end the road trip in Southern California, spend a few days exploring Laguna Beach, which provides a perfect mix of hippie vibes, amazing architecture, lavish resorts, and a killer food scene and nightlife.

    要結束南加州的公路之旅,可以花幾天時間遊覽拉古納海灘(Laguna Beach),這裡完美地融合了嬉皮風情、令人驚歎的建築、奢華的度假村以及極具吸引力的美食和夜生活。

  • And Number 12.

    還有 12 號

  • San Diego.


  • San Diego, an outstanding feature on any Southern California road trip, blends cultural diversity, pristine beaches, trendy street art, cool hikes, and a rich history to attract all kinds of people.


  • Why not check out the video that we've posted in the description down below to discover the top 13 things to do in San Diego?

    何不看看我們在下面的描述中發佈的視頻,瞭解聖地亞哥最值得做的 13 件事?

  • And there you have it, folks!


  • Our whirlwind tour of the 12 must-see places on a California road trip.

    加州公路旅行必去的 12 個景點旋風之旅。

  • From the bustling streets of San Francisco to the tranquil beauty of Redwood National and State Parks, this journey offers something for everyone.


  • So go on, pack your bags, hit the road, and embark on an unforgettable adventure through the stunning landscapes of the Golden State.


  • Until next time, happy travels!


Welcome back road trip enthusiasts, today we're taking you on an exciting journey through the Golden State.


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