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  • In this video, I'm going to explain step by step what I would do if I had to start day trading all over again this year. And we're gonna do it in 30 days.

    在這段視頻中,我將一步一步地解釋,如果今年重新開始日間交易,我會怎麼做。我們將在 30 天內完成。

  • Because it's the beginning of the month, the birds are chirping, and you want to become a baller day trader, and speed off to retirement in your lamborghini.


  • Just kidding, I can't promise you lamborghinis, but maybe some corollas.


  • Intro


  • Even if you have zero knowledge in trading, I'll be sharing with you what I did when I first started, and how you can get set up, and by the time you're done watching this video, you'll know a direction of what to do with your day trading journey, and hopefully turn this into a full time career.


  • If that sounds good to you, make sure to smash the like button for more beginner friendly videos

    如果您覺得不錯,請點擊 "喜歡 "按鈕,觀看更多適合初學者的視頻

  • If you're new to this channel, welcome. My name is Shae, the humble trader. I've been a full time day trader for over 8 years now. People know me for my no BS trading lessons, strategies, and my bad jokes, involving my ex husband, Mike Bagholder.

    如果您是本頻道的新用戶,歡迎您。我叫 Shae,謙遜的交易員。我做全職日間交易員已經超過 8 年了。人們認識我,是因為我毫無廢話的交易課程、策略和我的壞笑話,其中涉及我的前夫 Mike Bagholder。

  • A common misconception about trading is that it's all about buying nice lamborghinis and penthouse suites. But no, it's so much more than that. So let's get into it.


  • Here is how to become a day trader in 30 days.

    下面介紹如何在 30 天內成為日間交易者。

  • Week number one, and your first step is to keep your day job.


  • Alright, this is a very important step for you to get started as a day trader the right way.


  • When I first started trading, I was working full time in VFX film industry.


  • Even though I absolutely hated my 9-5 job, hold up, it was more like a 9-7 job, let's be real.

    雖然我非常討厭我朝九晚五的工作,但說實話,那更像是一份朝九晚 七的工作。

  • But the full time job was very necessary for me.


  • Thankfully I get to use my employment income at the time to replenish my day trading account during that very painful process. And because I kept my job,


  • I never have to worry about making enough profit from day trading to live.


  • Which was very important for my mental and emotional health, and allowed me to take the time to learn and experiment with learning new strategies in trading. I'm not quite sure how long it usually takes for new traders to become profitable.


  • If you have a figure in your mind, please do let me know down below.


  • But for me, it took me over 2 years to become consistently profitable.


  • Remember, most beginner traders lose money. It's almost inevitable.


  • So it's very important that you have another stream of revenue so you can survive, while you are climbing that very steep learning curve in trading.


  • Step 2. Learn for free.

    第 2 步:免費學習。免費學習。

  • The next step I would recommend you to take during that 30 day process to become a day trader, is to consume as much free day trading content as possible.

    在成為日內交易者的 30 天過程中,我建議你採取的下一步是儘可能多地閱讀免費的日內交易內容。

  • There's tons of free resources available online.


  • With the internet, you can get started with whatever information you want at your fingertips.


  • YouTube and Reddit were really the two sources of free information and content when I first started. I used to spend hours there looking at people's recaps or trading strategies.

    YouTube 和 Reddit 確實是我剛開始時免費資訊和內容的兩大來源。我經常花幾個小時在那裡看別人的回顧或交易策略。

  • Besides those, here are some of my favorite resources.


  • Video playlists for beginner day traders on YouTube, free market research websites such as finviz, and of course the finviz screener.

    YouTube 上的日間交易初學者視頻播放列表、finviz 等免費市場研究網站,當然還有 finviz 篩選器。

  • I would use that to research for stocks to potentially play the next day.


  • For stock market news articles, I would look at Yahoo Finance, Seeking Alpha,

    有關股市新聞的文章,我會查看雅虎財經和 Seeking Alpha、

  • Bloomberg, and of course finviz once again.

    彭博社,當然還有 finviz。

  • For free charting tools, I would use tradingview and thinkorswim.

    對於免費圖表工具,我會使用 tradingview 和 thinkorswim。

  • And now many years later, I have also created an extensive playlist for beginner day traders in recommended orders for you. And all of that is available for you to watch for free.


  • Besides that, I also have a free weekly watchlist that I send out every Sunday.


  • The emails will go through some of the current market news of the week, and provide you with analysis of the top 4 stocks that are worth watching in the coming week.


  • I'll leave links to sign up down below.


  • Again, the playlist and the weekly emails are free to sign up.


  • Now at this stage, you're probably thinking,


  • OK Shea, I'm keeping my job, I have money saved up, and I signed up to your free emails and watching your videos. Let's start trading.


  • Not so fast. That was the easy part.


  • Now comes the hard part. Remembering to smash the like button.

    現在最難的部分來了。記得點擊 "喜歡 "按鈕。

  • Ok, just kidding. But if you are serious about day trading as a career, please leave any questions you may have down below, and I'll do my best to answer them.


  • Now moving on to the next part of your 30 day journey to become a day trader.

    現在,進入你成為日間交易員的 30 天旅程的下一部分。

  • Step 3. Paper trading and opening a brokerage account.

    步驟 3.紙面交易和開設經紀賬戶。

  • Paper trading means you are trading with fake simulated money.


  • And why should you trade with fake money first? Well the reality is, if you are brand new to trading, you are probably going to lose money first.


  • Like I mentioned earlier in the video, I lost a lot of money when I first started trading.


  • That's the reason during your first week right now,


  • I would recommend you or any new traders to open a simulated trading account, also known as paper trading.


  • And I know your follow up question must be,


  • OK humble trader, which broker do you recommend to start with paper trading?


  • Well, there are many choices to choose from. To get you started, here are some of my recommendations.


  • First of all, tradingview. This has now become my favorite charting platform, surpassing thinkorswim. I really like its versatility across platforms.

    首先是 tradingview。它現在已經成為我最喜歡的圖表平臺,超過了 thinkorswim。我非常喜歡它在各個平臺上的通用性。

  • It's available on your phones, PC, Macbook, and since it's a web based platform, it's available to anyone around the world.

    它可以在手機、個人電腦、Macbook 上使用,由於它是一個基於網絡的平臺,是以全世界任何人都可以使用。

  • Best of all, you can get started with it with a free version online.


  • I use it to point out my technical analysis on specific stocks in the evenings.


  • And if you do require market data, it's at an additional cost of around $15 a month.

    如果您需要市場數據,則每月需支付約 15 美元的額外費用。

  • Tradingview has gone through a ton of transformations over the years.

    這些年來,Tradingview 經歷了無數次變革。

  • You can now connect it with a whole list of brokers once you're ready to go live.


  • I really do like the interface a lot as you've seen me use it in so many of my YouTube videos.

    我真的很喜歡這個界面,你在我的許多 YouTube 視頻中都能看到我使用它。

  • The second recommended broker for paper trading is Webull, which is a free commission broker platform.

    第二個推薦的紙張交易經紀商是 Webull,這是一個免佣金的經紀商平臺。

  • While I do not recommend free commission broker apps for live day trading, for paper trading, it's totally fine. Especially if you're brand new and want to just get started with paper trading and learning charting and technical analysis.


  • The user interface on Webull is very beginner friendly. I personally use their mobile app to track the stocks I'm watching on the go. They offer free live market data, so that's definitely a bonus. They are also available on desktop platforms on both PC and Mac.

    Webull 的用戶界面對初學者非常友好。我個人使用他們的移動應用程序來追蹤我在旅途中關注的股票。他們提供免費的實時市場數據,這絕對是一個額外的好處。他們還提供 PC 和 Mac 的桌面平臺。

  • Another good option for paper trading is Interactive Brokers, available in US,

    在美國,Interactive Brokers 是紙質交易的另一個不錯選擇、

  • Canada, and many countries in Asia and Europe.


  • Interactive Brokers is probably the stock trading broker with the most extensive global footprint.

    Interactive Brokers 可能是全球業務範圍最廣的股票交易經紀商。

  • With Interactive Brokers, you do need to purchase their live market data subscriptions in order to receive live quotes. I believe the packages are about $20 to $25 a month, which is not bad at all.

    在 Interactive Brokers,您確實需要購買他們的實時市場數據訂閱服務才能收到實時報價。我相信這些套餐每月大約 20 到 25 美元,還不錯。

  • If you do consider opening an account with Interactive Brokers, these will be the data packages to purchase, for both paper trading and live trading.

    如果您確實考慮在 Interactive Brokers 開立賬戶,這些將是您需要購買的數據套餐,既適用於紙面交易,也適用於實時交易。

  • So those are my recommendations for paper trading. But when you're ready to open a live trading account, I would recommend these ones. Interactive Brokers, Trade Zero, and Centerpoint Securities.

    以上就是我對紙面交易的建議。但當你準備開設真實交易賬戶時,我會推薦以下幾家。Interactive Brokers、Trade Zero 和 Centerpoint Securities。

  • I personally have accounts with all of the brokers and platforms I mentioned today.


  • You can check out all the links down below.


  • I'll say right now that there's no perfect broker out there. There are pros and cons for each one.


  • Some are only available in the US, and some are only suitable for bigger accounts.


  • But we'll have to discuss that in another video.


  • If you have questions about any of these brokers, feel free to ask me in the comment section below.


  • Now that you have your paper trading account and live trading account open with a broker, it's time to move on to the next step.


  • In week number two, you're going to take step number four, learning technical analysis.


  • Now that you know the basics of trading, and have a broker platform to work with, you have conquered one mountain. Now it's time to climb another one.


  • And that will be learning technical analysis.


  • And you can not complete learning technical analysis without understanding support and resistance levels when charting.


  • So that's where we're going to start with our trading view platform over here, looking at the stock NVIDIA.


  • Remember, support levels are historical price levels where buyers step in to buy the stock.


  • Therefore, you'll see the stock bounce off the same price multiple times in the past, because there are buyers around those areas to support the stock when it sold off to those levels.


  • So for a stock like NVIDIA, on the chart you can see a clear support around $2.10 over here.

    是以,對於英偉達這樣的股票來說,在圖表上你可以看到 2.10 美元附近有明顯的支撐。

  • That area, it's bounced off once, twice, multiple times before.


  • And also another clear level over here, when the stock has sold off to around $1.70 over here, and bounced off over here once, twice, three times in the past.

    這裡也是另一個明顯的價位,股價在這裡賣到了 1.70 美元左右,過去曾在這裡反彈過一次、兩次、三次。

  • Another time here and here over the course of the last 12 months.

    在過去的 12 個月裡,我們又在這裡和這裡做過一次。

  • On the other hand, resistance levels are historical price areas when sellers step in to sell the stock.


  • So whenever you can see the stock run into those similar areas again, buyers decreased, and sellers decided to take profits or just get out of their position.


  • So a good example here is once again on NVIDIA, you can see that over here, the stock peaked out around the $2.29 area.

    英偉達就是一個很好的例子,你可以看到,股價在 2.29 美元附近達到頂峰。

  • If you line that up back to historical price levels, you can see some similar selling pressure and resistance back here almost a year ago over here again as well.


  • In same area, you can see the stock had bounced before, off of our $1.70 support before, but then when it reached around this area $1.94, that's when it sold off around the $1.95, $1.94 area, and reached that same resistance once again a couple of months later, and the stock sold off.

    在同一區域,你可以看到該股之前曾從 1.70 美元的支撐位反彈,但當它到達 1.94 美元附近時,也就是在 1.95 美元、1.94 美元附近拋售,幾個月後再次到達同一阻力位,股價也隨之拋售。

  • Here are three quick tips for you when drawing support and resistance and basic technical analysis.


  • Find the extreme highs and lows, V shapes and W shapes on the chart.

    在圖表上找到極值高點和極值低點、V 形和 W 形。

  • So you want to find the most obvious points you're looking at, so in this case, the previous resistance that we drew, this is an obvious point of resistance over here when it peaked out and sold off.


  • So over here, so this is another V shape on the support area here, you can see the stock form a V shape on the sell off and bounce.

    是以,在這裡,這是另一個支撐區域的 V 形,你可以看到股價在拋售和反彈時形成了一個 V 形。

  • So this area is also another significant support.


  • Over here, once again, you have another V shape recovery here, so another area of support down here around $1.15.

    在這裡,再次出現了另一個 V 形回升,是以在 1.15 美元附近又有一個支撐區域。

  • And over here, when it forms an upside down V shape, when it peaked and sold off, that's another resistance.

    在這裡,當它形成一個倒 V 形時,當它達到頂峰並被拋售時,就是另一個阻力位。

  • Tip number two, you want to look for areas where the stock has contact points of at least two or three more times in the past before, the more the merrier.


  • So that's the reason you can see on our chart, all the levels that we've drawn, it's touched the stock at least three times.


  • Once over here on this level $1.94, once, twice, three, four times.

    1. 94美元,一次,兩次,三次,四次。

  • Same as resistance, once, twice, three times.


  • Support over here $1.40, once again over here.

    支撐位 1.40 美元,同樣在這裡。

  • Tip number three is to zoom out to the daily chart or the weekly chart.


  • There's just too many traders who are just focusing on the short term time frame during intraday trading.


  • You want to be looking at the bigger picture.


  • That's the reason we're looking at the daily chart.


  • And if you're swing trading, you want to be switching over here to the weekly chart.


  • That's what you should look at if you're swing trading.


  • If you actually made it this far into the video, let me know down in the comment section below, and remember to drop a like on the video if you find it very useful.


  • Drawing support and resistance is by no means the only technical analysis topic to study.


  • There's also price action, trend lines, and so much more.


  • If you want to learn more about it later on,


  • I have many more videos going in depth about this topic, so make sure to check out the videos listed down below.


  • Now in your third week, which is days 14 to 21 of your 30 day journey to becoming a day trader, you should focus on repeating the exact same process as mentioned in the previous steps.

    現在,在你成為日間交易者的 30 天旅程的第三週,也就是第 14 天到第 21 天,你應該集中精力重複前面步驟中提到的完全相同的過程。

  • Keep learning about trading and various strategies online using free resources, practicing technical analysis and familiarizing with your new trading platforms, then moving on to your fourth week.


  • Now its time to bring in the big dogs.


  • Step number 5, calculating your own risk management profile.


  • You know people always say, you should save the best for last.


  • This is certainly true for risk management in day trading.


  • I saved the best and the most crucial part for our step number 5.


  • Without risk management, you'll never become profitable, period. Even if you've done all the steps earlier.


  • The reality is, no one can predict whether a stock is going to go up or down with 100% certainty at any given time. Therefore, as traders, we can never truly control how much profit we make. But we can definitely control how much we lose.


  • And how do you actually implement risk management in your own trading?


  • Well I'll show you that right now.


  • Ok, so we're going to start with calculating your own personal risk profile according to your account size.


  • So you can see on this calculator here, if you are trading with a $5,000 account, and your max risk per trade should be anywhere from 1% to 3%.

    是以,你可以在這個計算器上看到,如果你用 5,000 美元的賬戶進行交易,每次交易的最大風險應該是 1%到 3%。

  • 1%, which is the example over here, will be someone who is very conservative.


  • If you are trading $5,000 using 1%, you should be only risking $50 per trade.

    如果您用 1%的資金交易 5,000 美元,那麼每次交易的風險應該只有 50 美元。

  • Or if you are a little more conservative, $50 per day.

    或者,如果你保守一點,每天 50 美元。

  • If you take 2 trades per day, that means you are risking $25 per trade.

    如果您每天進行 2 次交易,這意味著您每次交易的風險為 25 美元。

  • However, if you are more aggressive, then you can try using 2% or 3% risk per trade.

    不過,如果你比較激進,那麼你可以嘗試每次交易使用 2% 或 3% 的風險。

  • So in this case, if you are using the same $5,000, your risk per trade is $150.

    是以,在這種情況下,如果您使用的是同樣的 5,000 美元,您每次交易的風險就是 150 美元。

  • And just change this figure to however your account size is.


  • Let's say if I'm trading a bigger account, $20,000, then I will probably risk around 1% to 2% for my own taste if I was starting out.

    比方說,如果我交易的是一個較大的賬戶,20,000 美元,那麼如果我剛開始交易,為了自己的口味,我可能會冒 1% 到 2% 左右的風險。

  • This will be the figure for your max risk per trade.


  • So that means for those trading a small account under $5,000, no more YOLOing and trying to risk $500 or $1,000 per trade.

    是以,這意味著對於那些交易額低於 5,000 美元的小賬戶來說,再也不用 "YOLO "了,也不用嘗試每次交易冒 500 美元或 1,000 美元的風險了。

  • You should be looking at these more conservative numbers here.


  • So now that you calculated how much you should be risking according to your account size,


  • I'm going to show you the relationship between risk to reward ratio and profitability.


  • So we are using the same $5,000 account as we had earlier, and we are risking 2% per trade.

    是以,我們使用與之前相同的 5,000 美元賬戶,每次交易的風險為 2%。

  • Now in this first simulation over here, we are risking 1 to 1.

    在第一次模擬中,我們的風險是 1 比 1。

  • Meaning that when you are trying to make $100, you are risking that same $100.

    也就是說,當你試圖賺取 100 美元時,你冒的風險也是這 100 美元。

  • So in this scenario, if your win rate is only about 50%, which is the case for most new traders, you can see that 5 out of 10 trades you lose $100, and 5 out of 10 trades you make $100.

    是以,在這種情況下,如果你的勝率只有 50% 左右(大多數新交易者都是這種情況),你可以看到 10 次交易中有 5 次虧損了 100 美元,而 10 次交易中有 5 次賺了 100 美元。

  • You end up a losing trader. You are breakeven about negative $10, but this is not accounting into any fees or commissions.

    你最終成為一個虧損的交易者。您的盈虧平衡為負 10 美元,但這還不包括任何費用或佣金。

  • And realistically for most new traders, the win rate is sometimes a lot lower, something closer to 40% or even 30%.

    實際上,對於大多數新交易者來說,勝率有時會低很多,接近 40% 甚至 30%。

  • Then you can see, if you are risking 1 to 1, you won't be profitable.

    那麼你就可以看到,如果你的風險是 1 比 1,你就不會盈利。

  • In this second simulation over here, you can see we are still using the same 2% risk, but now the risk reward is skewed to 1 to 2.

    在這裡的第二次模擬中,你可以看到我們仍然使用相同的 2% 風險,但現在風險回報偏向於 1 比 2。

  • So instead of risking $100 to make $100, now you are risking $100 to try to make $200.

    是以,你現在不是冒 100 美元的風險去賺 100 美元,而是冒 100 美元的風險去嘗試賺 200 美元。

  • Now with the same win rate, you can see that the numbers are drastically different than the first simulation.


  • So you can see that you are still losing $100 for the 5 trades, but when the times you win, you are making $200 or more.

    是以,你可以看到,5 次交易中,你仍然會損失 100 美元,但當你贏的時候,你會賺到 200 美元或更多。

  • And with a low win rate of 50%, you are profitable of around $500.

    以 50%的低勝率計算,您可獲利 500 美元左右。

  • Now even with let's say only 40% win rate, what does that look like?

    現在,即使我們假設只有 40% 的勝率,那又會是什麼樣子呢?

  • Even with 40% win rate, you'll still come out ahead at $180.

    即使只有 40% 的勝率,你也能獲得 180 美元的收益。

  • This is what happens when you really plan out your risk reward for all of the trades, making sure you can at the minimum make 1 to 2 risk reward, or even better yet, 1 to 3 or more.

    當你真正計劃好所有交易的風險回報,確保你至少能獲得 1 比 2 的風險回報,甚至更好的是 1 比 3 或更高的風險回報時,就會出現這種情況。

  • Let's say if you increase the win rate to let's say 60%, what would that look like?

    比方說,如果把勝率提高到 60%,結果會怎樣?

  • At this simulation over here, you can see that when you have a risk reward of 1 to 3, meaning that for each $100 you lose, you are potentially making $300 or more, you are indeed very profitable, with a win rate of 60% or even lower.

    在這裡的模擬中,你可以看到,當你的風險回報率為 1 比 3 時,也就是說,你每損失 100 美元,就有可能賺到 300 美元或更多,你確實非常有利可圖,勝率為 60%,甚至更低。

  • Let's see, if the win rate is even at 50%, you are still very profitable.

    讓我們來看看,如果勝率即使只有 50%,您仍然可以獲得豐厚的利潤。

  • So yes, you want to work on increasing your risk reward, and if you can get to a point of 50, 60, or even higher 70% win rate, that's when you'll see your P&L curve really propel, and you'll see some exponential growth in your trading account.

    所以,是的,你要努力提高風險回報率,如果你能達到 50%、60%,甚至更高的 70% 的勝率,這時你就會看到你的損益曲線真正向前推進,你就會看到你的交易賬戶呈指數增長。

  • So you can see from the demo we just did over here, risk management is the foundation in day trading. If you don't manage your risk, and always lose the same amount as your profit, or even worse, lose even more, then you will never become profitable, especially if you are trading a small account.


  • So start today, use the same calculation method I just showed you, to find the proper risk profile for your account size.


  • Guys and girls, I'll be honest here, it takes way more than just 30 days to master anything, but I hope you can get some insights into the order to start learning day trading.

    夥計們,姑娘們,老實說,要掌握任何東西,需要的時間遠不止 30 天,但我希望你們能從開始學習日內交易的順序中得到一些啟發。

  • I included links below to everything I mentioned in this video if you want to check them out.


  • Next up, I actually have a free technical analysis crash course for you to watch, so make sure to check out that video over here.


  • Thank you so much for watching, I'm the humble trader, and I'll see you guys next time.


In this video, I'm going to explain step by step what I would do if I had to start day trading all over again this year. And we're gonna do it in 30 days.

在這段視頻中,我將一步一步地解釋,如果今年重新開始日間交易,我會怎麼做。我們將在 30 天內完成。

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