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  • I remember being a teenager going to the record store.


  • I'd browse through the racks of albums, analyzing the cover art and reading through the liner notes, trying to figure out which one to buy with my hard-earned cash.


  • Buying an album wasn't just a purchase.


  • It was a way to prove my fandom for a particular band, artist, or even a movement.


  • A tangible way to show my passion and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.


  • It was a personal and emotional experience that I will always treasure.


  • Pirate Bay, iTunes, Spotify, and now we have all the music in the world right here in our pocket.


  • But in that, we lost part of that connection we had via the album.


  • Today, I want to talk about how we can not only recreate, but potentially even enhance that connection with the tools that are about to be given to us by the metaverse.


  • But what do those tools look like today?


  • For the past 10 years, I've been working as a songwriter and producer in the world of K-pop.

    在過去的 10 年裡,我一直在 K-pop 界擔任詞曲作者和製作人。

  • If you're a K-pop fan, you've probably heard some of my I don't speak Korean.

    如果你是 K-pop 歌迷,你可能聽過我說的 "我不會說韓語"。

  • In 2013, I had my first K-pop release.

    2013 年,我第一次發行 K-pop 唱片。

  • This is before it became the global phenomenon that it is today.


  • But it didn't take long to realize that something special was happening in K-pop.

    但沒過多久,人們就意識到 K-pop 界正在發生一些特別的事情。

  • I stumbled upon a YouTube video of a sold-out stadium in Seoul with thousands of fans singing along, cheering along, dancing along in a very coordinated manner that I hadn't really seen before.

    我偶然在 YouTube 上看到一段視頻,視頻中首爾的一個體育場座無虛席,成千上萬的球迷一起唱歌、歡呼、跳舞,場面非常協調,這是我以前從未見過的。

  • And to make it even more peculiar, this went up the same day as the album came out.


  • Well, turns out K-pop fans will assemble in the morning, go to the record store, buy the album, group up into groups of concertgoers, and practice these chants, moves, and coordinate outfits to get the most out of the experience.

    原來,K-pop 歌迷會在早上集合,去唱片店購買專輯,分組參加演唱會,並練習這些口號、動作和協調服裝,以獲得最佳體驗。

  • K-pop was offering new ways for fans to connect with physical packaging that enhanced both the real world and digital experience.

    K-pop 為歌迷提供了與實物包裝聯繫的新方式,增強了現實世界和數字體驗。

  • Unlike in the West, K-pop albums came with merchandise like a passport to get stamped at concerts, unique limited edition trading cards, and even branded jewelry unique to your particular fandom.

    與西方不同的是,K-pop 唱片附帶的商品包括在演唱會上蓋章的護照、獨一無二的限量版交易卡,甚至是你的特定粉絲所獨有的品牌珠寶。

  • They didn't just buy albums either, but K-pop made buying albums even better.

    他們也不只是買專輯,但 K-pop 讓買專輯變得更有意義。

  • Then the genre matured and became more authentic when bands like BTS started singing about the stresses and troubles of everyday life, and BLACKPINK went against the grain and redefined femininity.

    後來,BTS 等樂隊開始歌唱日常生活中的壓力和煩惱,BLACKPINK 則反其道而行之,重新定義了女性氣質,使這一音樂類型變得更加成熟和真實。

  • Now, many of the bands I work with are selling out mega stadiums like the Tokyo Dome three, four nights in a row.


  • K-pop went global despite the immense drawback of a language barrier and continues to be the fastest growing music culture movement since pop music.

    儘管存在語言障礙的巨大缺陷,K-pop 仍然走向了世界,並繼續成為自流行音樂以來發展最快的音樂文化運動。

  • Well, at least until COVID hit.

    至少在 COVID 出臺之前是這樣。

  • When COVID came around, many of us in the industry were worried about the impact it would have on our livelihood.

    當 COVID 出現時,我們很多業內人士都擔心它會對我們的生計造成影響。

  • Concerts are a big deal, and they weren't happening anymore.


  • February, March, April, and then something incredible happened.


  • Online concerts became a thing, and K-pop fans were willing to pay for those tickets.

    在線演唱會成為一種時尚,K-pop 歌迷願意為這些門票買單。

  • This led to me working on a project to not only bring a K-pop concert to the screen, but to bring a live K-pop star into the metaverse.

    這促使我參與了一個項目,不僅要把 K-pop 演唱會搬上銀幕,還要把現場的 K-pop 明星帶入元宇宙。

  • We brought on Alexa, an artist I've worked with since 2019 when we did her first single, Bomb, and we set out to do what we do best.

    我們請來了 Alexa,她是我從 2019 年就開始合作的藝人,當時我們製作了她的首支單曲《炸彈》,我們開始做我們最擅長的事情。

  • We were going to put on a show.


  • Let's bring a live concert into the metaverse.


  • The result didn't quite live up to our expectations.


  • Turns out, a lot of the things that we love and appreciate from a real-world live concert doesn't translate to the virtual one, so we had to look elsewhere for those interactions.


  • Where did we turn?


  • We turned to video games.


  • We added things like story and narrative.


  • We assigned people missions.


  • We gave them real-world physics, but we gave them the ability to sort of mess with those.


  • People loved that.


  • We also gave them emotes, specific dance moves.


  • They could dance along to the concert.


  • Maybe most important of all, we gave the players the ability to contact and talk to Alexa directly during the show.

    也許最重要的是,我們讓玩家能夠在節目中直接與 Alexa 聯繫和對話。

  • The result was an entirely new connection between the artist and the audience, but now all of a sudden, the individuals in the audience.


  • Their unique participation played an entirely different role in the flow and outcome of the show.


  • The result was a connection and online experience unlike any I've ever experienced before, and what we did there was just the tip of the iceberg.


  • Technology greatly shapes the way we interact with entertainment, and now just like music, games are going through some similar shifts.


  • Gamers, like music fans, root a lot of their friendships, hobbies, and identity in their particular game fandom.


  • Also, like the music industry, games have gone through a shift from physical to digital and now streaming, and who's to say we don't lose something there too?


  • Thankfully, the metaverse has the opportunity to spare us from that loss by offering all of you the opportunity to buy in in whichever way you want with your assets without having to disregard the amazing access.


  • It's an add-on, but just owning an asset doesn't necessarily warrant an experience.


  • It's a springboard.


  • The interactions that follow are where the magic happens, but what are these interactions that we oh so crave?


  • Well, I break them down into three separate categories.


  • Personal, group, and interpersonal, or simply burger, fries, milkshake.


  • Think of it as if you're reading a book.


  • You get the story, the burger, and hopefully it's exhilarating and it takes you to this otherworldly place of adventure.


  • Now, I want you to imagine that you're going to book club.


  • You put the book down a long time ago, but you're feeling excited.


  • You're looking forward to meeting your fellow readers and talking about the adventure you went through when you were reading the book, and you're also looking forward to hearing about how they experienced flipping through those pages too.


  • That's the milkshake, but the same feeling can be sparked from the group experience.


  • The OMG, did that just happen?


  • And you turned to your friend and they freaking saw it too.


  • It could have been a moment that lasted for as little as a microsecond, but you may speak of this moment a thousand more times throughout your life.


  • Shared moments are the most powerful tool we have when it comes to building relationships, and I believe the metaverse will do so even better than K-pop.

    共享時刻是我們建立關係的最有力工具,我相信元宇宙在這方面會比 K-pop 做得更好。

  • What K-pop did was incredible.

    K-pop 的所作所為令人難以置信。

  • By bridging the gap between album and merchandise, the album maintained its relevance despite the dawn of streaming.


  • The true creators of the metaverse will create assets that have intrinsic value to the world in which they inhabit.


  • Instead of an album, you may get a key that opens up a door to an experience built just for you.


  • Or maybe there's other key holders, and maybe you can't even buy this key.


  • It has to be earned through your involvement and unique participation in your community of fandom.


  • The metaverse won't just change the way we interact with games and music.


  • The metaverse will be the democratization of pop culture, an experience currently outpriced for most of the world.


  • Imagine a world where everyone can go backstage, everyone can talk to their favorite stars, together with your closest and most distant friends.


  • The winners of the metaverse won't be who has the most money or the best tech.


  • It'll be whoever can give me that feeling I had as a teenager with my first album to the teenagers of today, logging on to the metaverse for the very first time.


  • Thank you.


I remember being a teenager going to the record store.


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